Unit 8
^ Вверх

Unit 8


I. Read the text:


Construction engineering

Construction engineering concerns the planning and management of the construction of structures such as highways, bridges, airports, railroads, buildings, dams, and reservoirs. Construction of such projects requires knowledge of engineering and management principles and business procedures, economics, and human behavior. Construction engineers engage in the design of structures temporary, cost estimating, planning and scheduling, materials procurement, selection of equipment, and cost control.

Construction Engineering is differentiated from Construction Management from the standpoint of the use of math, science, and engineering to analyze problems and design a construction process. Construction engineers build many of the things that people use everyday. Construction engineering involves many aspects of construction including: commercial, residential, bridges, airports, tunnels, and dams. It is an extremely large industry that provides jobs to many and continues to grow. Currently there are nearly 6 million people working on construction in the United States

Construction engineers are in high demand so it is easy for a CE to get a job in any part of the country.


II. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

касается планирования - ___________________________

знание инженерных принципов - _______________________________

методы деловой деятельности - _______________________________

калькуляция стоимости - _____________________________

закупка материалов - ________________________________

контроль за расходами - _____________________________

планировать процесс строительства - ____________________________

коммерческие объекты - _________________________

жилые объекты - _________________________

обеспечивать работой - ________________________

пользоваться большим спросом - ______________________________

получить работу - ___________________________

планирование и составление калькуляции графиков по проекту - ____________________________________________________________


III. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

construction of dams and reservoirs - _____________________________

to require knowledge - _____________________________

management principles - _________________________________

human behavior - ___________________________

standpoint - ________________________

use of math - ____________________________

to analyze problems - ______________________________

to involve many aspects - _________________________________

an extremely large industry - _________________________________

selection of equipment - ______________________________


IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Construction of highways, bridges, airports, railroads, buildings, dams and reservoir requires knowledge of parts of a building.

2. Construction engineering concerns the planning and management of the construction of structures.

3. The design of structures is only a part of the activities construction engineers engage in.

4. Construction Engineering is almost the same as Construction Management from the standpoint of the use of math.

5. Construction engineering involves only residential building.

6. There area lot of unemployed people in construction industry in the USA.

7. They don’t need any construction engineers in the USA.


V. Choose the right variant:

1. Construction engineering concerns the planning and management of the construction of structures …

а) Строительная промышленность контролирует планирование и руководство строительства конструкций …

б) Строительная промышленность планирует руководство строительства сооружений …

в) Строительная промышленность занимается планированием и руководством строительства сооружений …

2. Construction engineers engage in the design of structures …

а) Инженеры-строители вовлечены в дизайн конструкций …

б) Инженеры-строители увлечены планированием и сооружениями …

в) Инженеры-строители занимаются проектированием сооружений …

3. It is an extremely large industry that provides jobs …

а) Это очень большая индустрия по найму на работу …

б) Это чрезвычайно, что большая промышленность проводит работу …

в) Это чрезвычайно большая промышленность, которая обеспечивает работой …

4. Construction engineers are in high demand so it is easy …

а) Инженеры-строители очень требовательны, так как легко …

б) Инженеры-строители предъявляют высокие требования, поэтому легко …

в) Инженеры-строители пользуются большим спросом, поэтому это легко …


VI. Continue the sentence:

1. The planning and management of the construction of structures is the main task of …

a) construction process.

b) Construction Engineering.

c) Construction Management.

2. Construction engineers engage in …

a) making laws.

b) selling and buying goods.

c) cost estimating, materials procurement, selection of equipment, etc.

3. Construction engineers build many of the things …

a) that are out of use today.

b) that people don’t need.

c) that people use everyday.

4. Construction engineers …

a) aren’t in great demand in the USA.

b) are wanted all over the USA.

c) are out of demand in the USA.


VII. a) Complete the table: 

























b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:

1. Construction of bridges, airports, railroads, buildings and things like that … knowledge of engineering and management principles.

2. Construction engineering concerns the planning and … of the construction of structures.

3. Construction engineering involves many aspects of …

4. Construction engineering is an extremely large industry and continues …

5. Construction engineers … a lot of things that people use everyday.

6. Construction engineers engage in the design of structures, planning and scheduling, … of equipment, cost control and so on.

7. Construction engineers engage in the … of structures.


VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:

1. Construction of what structures concerns the planning and management in construction engineering?

2. What knowledge does construction of highways, bridges, airports, buildings and things like that require?

3. What do construction engineers deal with?

4. Does Construction Engineering differ from Construction Management?

5. Why are construction engineers very popular among people?

6. What aspects of construction does construction engineering involve?

7. Is construction engineering a large industry?

8. Do many people work on construction in the USA?

9. Are there many unemployed among construction engineers in the USA?


Grammar revision:


1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.


2. Put questions to the following sentences.

1. Construction engineers build many of the things that people use everyday.     (What)

2. Six million people are working on construction in the USA. (How many)

3. They tested the device again yesterday. (When)

4. The students will prepare some reports for the conference. (What)

5. The word “electricity” was known in ancient Greece. (Where)


3. Open the brackets.

1. This month he (to read) many articles on the development of engineering.

2. There (to be) a large physics laboratory at our university.

3. The students (to know) the results of the examination by 3 o’clock tomorrow.

4. During the experiment the scientist observed that a small electric current (to flow).

5. This method (to work out) by a young scientist last year.