Unit 10
I. Read the text:
Construction engineers
Construction engineers build structures that are used by people everyday so they have to be safe and be able to withstand the elements. To complete the job properly construction engineers have to have the knowledge of many different aspects. Those aspects include engineering, technology, design, math, construction, English, customer service, management, transportation, public safety, and computers. They use the engineering, technology, and math aspects to make sure they build the structure to the set standards. They use English, customer service, and management knowledge to deal with the people that could possibly buy the structure. They also use this knowledge to inform the management on how the project is coming along and if any changes are needed.
Most construction engineers have a love for math and science. In addition to these abilities there are many other skills needed to be a construction engineer. Critical thinking, listening, learning, problem solving, monitoring, and decision making are all very important in construction engineering. Construction engineers have to be able to think about all aspects of a problem and listen to other’s ideas so that they can learn everything about a project before it begins. After they have begun a project they must solve the problems that they encounter using math and science. They also have to monitor the workers on the job site for safety and to make sure that the project is on time and done correctly. Whenever a problem occurs it is up to the construction engineer to make the decision on how to fix it.
II. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:
выдерживать элементы конструкции - ____________________________
инженерное искусство - _____________________
обслуживание клиентов - __________________________
безопасность населения - _________________________
установленные нормы - ___________________________
навыки управления - _______________________________
идти, продвигаться - ______________________
критическое мышление - ___________________________
решение проблем - ________________________________
принятие решений - _____________________________
проблемы, с которыми они сталкиваются - ____________________________
следить за рабочими - ___________________________
рабочее место - ___________________________
зависит от инженера-строителя - __________________________________
III. Give Russian equivalents of the following:
to be safe - ___________________________
to complete the job - _______________________
different aspects - _____________________________
to inform management - __________________________
to buy the structure - _____________________________
a love for math and science - ___________________________________
many other skills - _________________________________
all aspects of a problem - ______________________________
to learn everything about the problem - ________________________________
whenever a problem occurs - ______________________________
how to fix it - _________________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. Structures that are used by people everyday have to be safe.
2. To complete the job properly construction engineers have to have the knowledge of engineering and management only.
3. They use customer service and management knowledge to make sure they build the structure to the set standards.
4. To be a construction engineer you must have a love for literature.
5. Construction engineers don’t have to know anything about a project before it begins.
6. They have to use math and science after a project have been started.
7. The workers have to monitor the construction process on the job site.
8. The construction engineers have to make the decision on how to fix any problem.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. Construction engineers build structures that are used by people …
а) Инженеры-строители возводят сооружения, чтобы люди могли использовать их …
б) Инженеры-строители строят сооружения, которые люди используют …
в) Инженеры-конструкторы строят конструкции, это используемые людьми …
2. To complete the job properly construction engineers have to have the knowledge of many different aspects.
а) Для полного и правильного выполнения работы инженеры-строители должны иметь знания многих различных аспектов.
б) Чтобы выполнить работу правильно, инженеры-строители должны иметь знания множества различных аспектов.
в) Для правильного выполнения работы инженеры-строители должны ознакомиться с различными аспектами.
3. They use the engineering, …, to make sure they build the structure to the set standards.
а) Они пользуются инженерным искусством, …, и уверяют, что они строят в соответствии с установленными стандартами.
б) Они используют инженерное искусство, …, чтобы убедить, что они строят в соответствии с установленными стандартами.
в) Они используют навыки инженерного искусства, …, чтобы убедиться, что они строят сооружение в соответствии с установленными нормами.
4. … there are many other skills needed to be a construction engineer.
а) … есть много других навыков необходимых для инженеров строителей.
б) … есть множество других навыков, которые необходимы для того, чтобы инженерами-строителями.
в) … есть еще много различных навыков, в которых нуждаются инженеры-строители.
5. … listen to other’s ideas so that they can learn everything …
а) … слушать другие идеи так, чтобы они могли научить всему …
б) … слушать мысли других потому, что они могут научить всему …
в) … слушать идеи других, для того чтобы узнать все …
6. Whenever a problem occurs it is up to the construction engineer …
а) Когда проблема случается, инженер-строитель …
б) Когда бы ни случалась проблема, она зависит от инженера- строителя ...
в) Когда бы ни случилась проблема, только инженер-строитель …
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. Construction engineers use math aspects …
a) to withstand the elements.
b) to complete the job properly.
c) to build the structure to the set standards.
2. Critical thinking, listening, learning, problem solving are needed …
a) to use a computer properly.
b) to be a construction engineer.
c) to monitor the workers on the job site.
3. Construction engineers can learn everything about a project before it begins ...
a) using English and management knowledge.
b) thinking about all aspects of a problem and listening to other’s ideas.
c) solving the problems that they encounter.
4. Construction engineers have to have the knowledge of many different aspects …
a) to inform the management on how the project is coming along.
b) to deal with the people that could possibly buy the structure.
c) to complete the job properly.
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
save |
- |
- |
- |
informed |
make |
- |
- |
- |
- |
used |
- |
manage |
- |
building |
- |
- |
- |
- |
monitored |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. Construction engineers use math aspects to make sure they … the structure to the set standards.
2. Structures that are used by people everyday have to be … and be able to withstand the elements.
3. They use management knowledge … the management on how the project is coming along.
4. Construction engineers have to have the knowledge of engineering, technology, design, …, public safety and things like that to complete the job properly.
5. Construction engineers have to … sure that the project is on time and done correctly.
6. They also have to … the workers on the job site for safety.
7. To complete the job properly construction engineers … the knowledge of many different aspects.
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. Why do structures that construction engineers build have to be safe?
2. What do construction engineers have to have the knowledge of many different aspects for?
3. What knowledge do construction engineers have to have to make sure they build the structure to the set standards?
4. What knowledge do they use to deal with the people that could possibly buy the structure?
5. Who informs the management on how the project is coming along?
6. How do construction engineers can learn everything about a project before it begins?
7. What must construction engineers solve after they have begun a project?
8. Why do construction engineers have to monitor the workers on the job site?
9. Does the management or a construction engineer make the decision on how to fix any problem whenever it occurs?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. Heat travels easily through some materials. (general)
2. When he went to the scientific conference, he met many scientists and engineers. (Whom)
3. We can add these fractions. (Why)
4. The first man to invent the radio was A.Popov. (Who)
5. We shall make the experiment under the direction of a skilled instructor. (How)
3. Open the brackets.
1. They (to practice) differential equations before they proceeded to the new material.
2. We (to study) ratio problems this week.
3. When the experiment (to finish), the engineers left the laboratory.
4. In the future scientists (to solve) new important problems in mathematics.
5. In the 19th century scientists (to be able) to establish experimentally the atomic theory of the structure of mater.