Unit 17
I. Read the text:
The most common form of concrete consists of Portland cement, construction aggregate (generally gravel and sand) and water.
Concrete does not solidify from drying after mixing and placement; the water reacts with the cement in a chemical process known as hydration. This water is absorbed by cement, which hardens, gluing the other components together and eventually creating a stone-like material. When used in the generic sense, this is the material referred to by the term concrete.
Concrete is used more than any other man-made material on the planet. It is used to make pavements, building structures, foundations, motorways/roads, overpasses, parking structures, brick/block walls and bases for gates, fences and poles.
As of 2005, about six billion cubic meters of concrete are made each year, amounting to the equivalent of one cubic meter for every person on Earth. Concrete powers a US$35 billion industry which employs over two million workers in the United States alone. Over 55,000 miles of freeways and highways in America are made of this material. China currently consumes 40% of world cement production.
II. Find English equivalents in the text:
строительный заполнитель - ____________________________________
пескогравий - _______________________
смешивание и укладка - ______________________________
известный как - ___________________________
склеивая другие компоненты - ____________________________________
материал похожий на камень - ________________________________
общий смысл - ______________________________
искусственный материал - _______________________________
паркинговые сооружения _____________________________________
кирпичные стены - ___________________________
основание для забора - __________________________
промышленность, приносящая прибыль в 35 млрд. долларов - _____________
только в Соединенных Штатах - ____________________________
мировое производство бетона - ______________________________
III. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
common form - ___________________________
Portland cement - _______________________
solidify - ________________________
chemical process - _______________________
hydration - ______________________
harden - ______________________
pavement - ______________________________
overpass - ________________________
pole - ____________________
amount to - ___________________________
employ - ___________________________
freeways and highways - _________________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. Concrete consists of Portland cement, gravel and sand.
2. Concrete hardens after mixing and placement.
3. Concrete isn’t used more than any other natural material on the planet.
4. We use concrete to make cars and heavy trucks.
5. Concrete wasn’t used till the year 2005.
6. Since 2005 the production of concrete has increased greatly.
7. Very few workers in the United States deal with concrete production.
8. They do not use concrete in making highways in the United States.
9. China consumes only a small part of world cement production.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. As of 2005, about six billion cubic meters of concrete are made each year …
а) Что касается 2005 года, около 6 млрд. м 3 бетона замешивается каждый год …
б) В 2005 году было произведено около 6 млрд. м 3 бетона …
в) Начиная с 2005 года, около 6 млрд. м 3 бетона производится каждый год
2. Concrete powers a USD 35 billion industry …
а) Бетон дает в долларах США 35 миллиардную прибыль промышленности
б) Бетон приводит в действие 35 миллиардную промышленность …
в) Бетон поддерживает промышленность, приносящую в долларах США 35 миллиардную прибыль …
3. … which employs over two million workers in the United States alone.
а) … что предоставляет работу двум миллионам рабочих в Соединенных Штатах.
б) … которая обеспечивает работой более двух миллионов рабочих только в Соединенных Штатах.
в) … которая дает работу только двум миллионам рабочих в Соединенных штатах.
4. This water is absorbed by cement, which hardens, gluing the other components together …
а) Эта вода поглощает цемент, который затвердевает, склеивая другие компоненты …
б) Эта вода абсорбируется цементом, который схватывается при помощи клея и других компонентов …
в) Вода поглощается цементом, который затвердевает, склеивая другие компоненты …
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. The most common form of concrete consists of …
a) … construction aggregate and Portland cement.
b) … gravel, sand and water.
c) … construction aggregate, Portland cement and water.
2. Concrete hardens …
a) … from drying after mixing and placement.
b) … after water reacts with cement.
c) … after mixing and drying.
3. Concrete is used more than any other …
a) … artificial material.
b) … natural material.
c) … fire-resisting material.
4. A great deal of concrete is made each year, amounting …
a) … to one cubic meter for every person on Earth.
b) … six billion cubic meters.
c) … to USD 35 billion industry.
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
place |
- |
reaction |
- |
- |
- |
- |
absorbed |
- |
park |
- |
consumer |
- |
- |
- |
- |
employed |
hardener |
- |
- |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. In the process of concrete production the water is … by cement, which hardens, creating a stone-like material.
2. Concrete is used to make foundations, brick walls, building and … structures, pavements and things like that.
3. Concrete production industry … over two million workers in the United States alone.
4. Concrete does not solidify from drying after mixing and … .
5. China currently … 40% of world cement production.
6. The water … with the cement in chemical process known as hydration.
7. After the water is absorbed by cement, the aggregate usually … .
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. What does the most common form of concrete consist of?
2. When does concrete harden?
3. How is this process called?
4. What is concrete used for?
5. Is concrete a popular material?
6. How much concrete is made each year?
7. How many people does concrete production employ in the United States?
8. How many miles of highways are made of concrete in America?
9. Who is the largest consumer of world cement production?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. Chemical materials and products will always be of great importance for all branches of the national economy in our country. (What)
2. The explorers saw no modern houses and no trace of civilization for many days. (How long)
3. Two powerful ventilators have been purifying the air in the room for half an hour. (Where)
4. The scientists of the Pulkovo observatory have made a valuable contribution to the study of the space. (Who)
5. The engineers of research laboratory developed some new methods of work. (general)
3. Open the brackets.
1. Next year the restoration of this old house (to pay) special attention to.
2. The building of analog computers (to begin) at the start of the 20th century.
3. We (to use) to having electricity and gas in our houses but a hundred years ago people (not to have) either.
4. Lundberg (to believe) that by the year 2021, there (to be) no longer oil for gasoline makers to use.
5. They (to maintain) constant temperature in the chamber since the beginning of the experiment.