Unit 6
^ Вверх

Unit 6


I. Read the text:



In the United States, there is no one typical career path for Civil Engineers. Most engineering graduates start with jobs of low responsibility, and as they prove their competence, are given more and more responsible tasks, but within each subfield of civil engineering, and even within different segments of the market within each branch, the details of a career path can vary. In some fields and in some firms, entry-level engineers are put to work primarily monitoring construction in the field, serving as the "eyes and ears" of more senior design engineers; while in other areas, entry-level engineers end up performing the more routine tasks of analysis or design. More senior engineers can move into doing more complex analysis or design work, or management of more complex design projects, or management of other engineers, or into specialized consulting, including forensic engineering.

Salaries for Civil Engineers in the United States have typically been lower than those for other fields of engineering, but entry-level salaries are higher than those in most non-engineering fields outside IT.


II. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

продвижение по службе - ______________________________

выпускники инженеры - ___________________________

подтверждать профессиональное соответствие - _______________________

сегмент рынка - ____________________________

инженеры-стажеры - ________________________

более сложные конструкторские проекты - ___________________________

стандартные задачи - _______________________________

руководство другими инженерами - ________________________________

криминалистика - ___________________________________

заработная плата на начальном уровне - _____________________________

более ответственные задания - _____________________________


III. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

low responsibility - ____________________________

subfield of civil engineering - _____________________________

can vary - ________________________________

to monitor construction in the field - _____________________________

to serve as the “eyes and ears” - __________________________________

senior design engineers - ________________________________

complex analysis or design work - ________________________________


IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Civil Engineers in the United States have one typical career path.

2. Nowadays most engineering graduates don’t have to prove their competence to be given more responsible tasks.

3. Within each subfield of civil engineering the details of a career path are the same.

4. In all fields and in all firms entry-level engineers start their work with monitoring construction in the field.

5. Civil engineers in the United States have salaries as those in other fields of engineering.


V. Choose the right variant:

1. … as they prove their competence, are given more and more responsible tasks …

а) … так как они доказывают свою компетенцию, они дают больше и больше ответственных заданий …

б) … по мере того как они подтверждают свое профессиональное соответствие им дают более и более ответственные задания …

в) … так как им приходится подтверждать свою профессиональную пригодность им дают более и более ответственные задания …

2. … within each subfield of civil engineering, and even within different segments of the market …

а) … в соответствии с каждой подобластью гражданского строительства и даже в соответствии с различными секторами рынка …

б) … с каждой подобластью гражданского строительства и даже с разными сегментами рынка …

в) … в каждой подобласти гражданского строительства и даже в различных сегментах рынка …

3. … in some firms entry-level engineers are put to work primarily …

а) в некоторых фирмах прием на работу инженеров состоит в первую очередь …

б) … в некоторых компаниях инженеры-стажеры вынуждены работать в первую очередь …

в) … в некоторых компаниях инженеры-стажеры начинают свою работу с …

4. … entry-level engineers end up performing the more routine tasks …

а) … инженеры-стажеры заканчивают выполнять более стандартные задания …

б) … инженеры-стажеры приступают к выполнению более стандартных заданий …

в) … инженеры-стажеры, наконец, начинают выполнять более стандартные задания.

5. More senior engineers can move into doing more complex …

а) Больше старших инженеров могут приступить к выполнению к выполнению большего количества сложных …

б) Более старшие инженеры могут сдвинуть с места выполнение более трудных …

в) Старшие инженеры могут перейти к выполнению более сложных …


VI. Continue the sentence:

1. Most engineering graduates start with …

a) more responsible tasks.

b) more routine tasks of analysis or design.

c) jobs of low responsibility.

2. Salaries of civil engineers in the United States are …

a) higher than those in most non-engineering fields.

b) the same as in those of other fields of engineering.

c) lower than those of other fields of engineering.

3. In some firms entry-level engineers start their work with …

a) monitoring construction in the field.

b) doing complex analysis and design work.

c) management of complex design projects.


VII. a) Complete the table: 






















b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:

1. Nowadays most engineering graduates have to prove their competence to receive more … tasks.

2. In the United States the career path for civil engineers in different subfields of civil engineering can …

3. At the beginning of the career path entry-level engineers have to … construction in the field.

4. More senior engineers … more complex design projects.

5. In some fields entry-level engineers start their work monitoring construction in the field, while in other areas they … the more routine tasks of design.

6. While entry level engineers start their work monitoring construction in the field, more senior engineers can move into management of other engineers or into … consulting.


VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:

1. Is there only one typical career path for civil engineers in the United States?

2. How do most engineering graduates start their career path?

3. What do entry-level engineers have to do in some engineering firms?

4. What are more senior engineers meantime busy with?

5. How can salaries for Civil Engineers be compared with those for other fields of engineering?


Grammar revision:


1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.


2. Put questions to the following sentences.

1. He will be busy with his research work. (general)

2. The scientists obtained new laboratory equipment. (What)

3. You must switch on the apparatus in time. (When)

4. We were taught how to handle these instruments. (Who)

5. The students have to study a lot of material. (why)


3. Open the brackets.

1. The engine (not to function). It must (to repair).

2. We (to repeat) the experiment next month.

3. Our engineers (to put) the engine in motion yesterday.

4. They (to report) on the results of their observations by 10 o’clock tomorrow.

5. This area (to explore) by the scientists for several months last year.