Unit 13
I. Read the text:
Residential construction
More and more families are looking into building their own homes, or contracting to have them built. Construction practices, technologies, and resources conform to state and local building codes. In most Australian states, a home owners warranty must be obtained prior to residential construction of dwellings less than three stories high.
Heavy/Highway construction
Heavy/Highway construction is the process of adding infrastructure to our built environment. Owners of these projects are usually government agencies, either at the national or local level. As in building construction, heavy/highway construction has design, financial, and legal considerations, however these projects are not usually undertaken for-profit, but to service the public interest. However, heavy/highway construction projects are also undertaken by large private corporations, including, among others, the golf courses, harbors, power companies, railroads, and mines, who undertake the construction of access roads, dams, railroads, general site grading, and massive earthwork projects. As in building construction, the owner will assemble a team to create an overall plan to ensure that the goals of the project are met.
II. Find English equivalents in the text:
жилищное строительство - _________________________________
практика строительства - ________________________________
строительные нормы -________________________________
строительство жилых домов - ____________________________________
строительство крупных инженерных сооружений - ______________________
дорожное строительство - _____________________________
застроенная окружающая среда - _________________________________
поле (площадка) для гольфа - ________________________________
энергетическая компания - ___________________________
подъездная дорога - ________________________________
организация рельефа - _________________________________
крупный земляной объект - ______________________________
собирать команду - __________________________________
III. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
to conform - __________________________
home owners warranty - ______________________________
to obtain - ________________________
to add infrastructure - ____________________________
a harbor - ______________________
a government agency - _______________________________
a local level - ______________________________
profit - ____________________________
a public interest - ____________________________
a mine - _________________
to undertake the construction - ____________________________________
to create an overall plan - _______________________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. More and more families want to build their own homes.
2. A home owners warranty must be obtained to construct a dwelling less than three stories high.
3. Heavy construction is the process of adding a structure to real property.
4. Only private agencies usually own the projects concerning the process of adding infrastructure to our built environment.
5. Heavy/highway construction projects are undertaken for profit.
6. Heavy construction projects concerning golf courses, harbors, power companies, rail roads are undertaken by government agencies.
7. An overall plan is created to ensure that the goals of the projects are met.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. More and more families are looking into building their own homes …
а) Большие семьи наблюдают за строительством своих домов …
б) Больше и больше семей ищут построенные дома для жилья …
в) Все больше и больше семей хотят построить свои собственные дома
2. … a home owners warranty must be obtained …
а) … поручительство владельцев дома должно быть получено …
б) … владельцы домов гарантируют, что должно быть получено …
в) … гарантия для владельцев домов должна быть получена …
3. … the process of adding infrastructure to our built environment …
а) … процесс, добавленный к инфраструктуре нашей застроенной окружающей среды …
б) … процесс добавления инфраструктуры к нашей застроенной окружающей среде …
в) … процесс, который добавляется к инфраструктуре нашей застроенной окружающей среды …
4. … to ensure that the goals of the project are met.
а) … гарантировать, что цели проекта будут соответствовать друг другу.
б) … гарантировать соответствие целей проекта.
в) … гарантировать, что цели проекта будут достигнуты.
5. … are also undertaken by large private corporations, including, among others, the golf courses, …
а) … также предпринимаются большими частными корпорациями, включая, среди других, площадки для гольфа, …
б) … также принимаются большими частными компаниями, включая и другие, такие как площадки для гольфа, …
в) … также предпринятый большими частными корпорациями, в состав которых, среди других, входят площадки для гольфа …
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. A home owners warranty must be obtained …
a) … before residential construction of dwellings.
b) … due to residential construction of dwellings.
c) … after residential construction of dwellings starts.
2. A lot of families nowadays are looking into …
a) … building their own flats.
b) … contracting to have their own golf courses.
c) … contracting to have their own homes built.
3. Heavy construction is the process of adding …
a) … structures to real property.
b) … a room or renovation of a bathroom.
c) … golf courses, harbors, power companies and things like that to our built environment.
4. Heavy/highway construction projects are undertaken …
a) … for profit.
b) … to service the public interest.
c) … to service the government interest.
5. The owners … to ensure that the goals of the project are met.
a) … himself creates an overall plan …
b) … assembles a team to create an overall plan …
c) … undertakes all measures …
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
build |
- |
- |
- |
contractual |
- |
reside |
- |
finance |
- |
- |
- |
- |
interesting |
- |
environ |
- |
creation |
- |
- |
- |
- |
assembled |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. Heavy/highway construction deals with adding infrastructure to our built … .
2. Heavy/highway construction has design, …, and legal considerations.
3. Many families nowadays are … building their own homes.
4. A home owners warranty must be obtained prior to … construction of dwellings.
5. Heavy/highway construction projects are undertaken to service the public …
6. A team of advisors … an overall plan to ensure that the goals of the project are met.
7. Construction practices, technologies, and resources conform to state and local … codes.
8. The owner of the project will … a team to create an overall plan.
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. What are more and more families looking into?
2. When must a home owners warranty be obtained?
3. What does heavy/highway construction deal with?
4. Who is the owner of heavy/highway construction projects?
5. Are heavy/highway construction projects undertaken for profit?
6. What do heavy/highway construction projects include?
7. What does the owner of the project assemble a team of advisors for?
8. What do a team of advisors create an overall plan for?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. Newton spent a lot of time constructing models. (Why)
2. As long as the expanding gases provide thrust, the rocket will move forward. (How long)
3. To launch the satellite, we had to make use of the step principle. (What)
4. Every object on Earth exerts a force of attraction on every other object. (What force)
5. Careful experiments have shown good results. (What)
3. Open the brackets.
1. The early works by Tsiolkovsky (to follow) by a number of very important works in the field of astronautics.
2. He (to work) at the mechanical shop now.
3. Force (to act) on matter to produce motion in a given direction.
4. The scientists (to continue) their research work next year.
5. If she (to work) hard, she (to pass) her exams successfully.