Unit 7
I. Read the text:
Education and Licensure
Prior to becoming a practicing engineer, civil engineers generally complete tertiary (college or higher) educational requirements, followed by several years of practical experience. Each country, state, or province individually regulates civil engineering practice.
In the U.S., one must become a licensed Professional Engineer to do any civil engineering work affecting the public or to legally represent oneself as a civil engineer. Licensure requirements vary slightly by state, but in all cases entail passing two licensure exams, the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and the Principles and Practice exam, and completing a state-mandated number of years of work under the supervision of a licensed Professional Engineer. In addition, an educational requirement must often be met. All states accept a four year Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degree in Civil Engineering. The acceptability of degrees in other fields varies by state; some states allow a person to substitute additional years of supervised work experience for the degree requirement. Although the American Society of Civil Engineers encourages states to raise the educational requirement to a graduate degree, advanced degrees are currently optional for civil engineers in the United States. Graduate study may lead either to a Master of Engineering, which is a Professional Master's degree, or to a Master of Science degree followed by a PhD in civil engineering or a sub-discipline.
II. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:
практикующий инженер – _______________________________
за которыми следуют - __________________________________
практический опыт - ____________________________________
работа, связанная с гражданским строительством - ______________________
затрагивать интересы общества -______________________________________
представлять себя -__________________________
слегка отличаться -_______________________
лицензированный профессиональный инженер - ________________________
бакалавр технических наук - ___________________________________
ученая степень -___________________________
требование наличия ученой степени - ____________________________
аспирантура - ________________________
магистр технических наук - ________________________________
доктор философии в гражданском строительстве - _____________________
III. Give Russian equivalents of the following:
prior to becoming - __________________________
tertiary educational requirements - ______________________________________
licensure requirements - ________________________________
a state-mandated number of years - ________________________________
under the supervision - ________________________________
varies by state - _________________________________
work experience - _________________________________
to be optional - ________________________________
currently - ____________________
a requirement must be met - ______________________________________
the acceptability of degrees - ___________________________________
civil engineering practice - _____________________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. Prior to becoming a practicing engineer, civil engineers have several years of practical experience.
2. A licensed Professional Engineer in the USA can do any civil engineering work affecting the public.
3. Licensure requirements vary greatly by state and entail passing two or three licensure exams.
4. In the US, to become a licensed Professional Engineer one should complete a state-mandated number of years of work under the supervision of a licensed Professional Engineer.
5. In Civil Engineering all states accept a Bachelor of Engineering degree only.
6. In the USA one cannot substitute additional years of supervised work experience for the degree requirement.
7. Nowadays advanced degrees are optional for civil engineers in the United States.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. … civil engineers generally complete tertiary educational requirements, followed by several years of practical experience.
a) … инженеры-строители обычно получают вузовское образование после нескольких лет практического опыта работы.
б) … инженеры-строители, как правило, получают вузовское образование, после чего следуют несколько лет практического опыта работы.
в) … инженеры-строители обычно получают высшее образование, которое соответствует нескольким годам практического опыта работы.
2. … one must become a licensed Professional Engineer to do any civil engineering work affecting the public …
а) … кто-то должен стать лицензированным профессиональным инженером, чтобы выполнять любую работу по гражданскому строительству, связанную с обществом …
б) … один должен стать лицензированным профессиональным инженером, чтобы выполнять какую-нибудь работу по гражданскому строительству, влияющую на общество …
в) … нужно стать лицензированным профессиональным инженером, чтобы выполнять любую работу по гражданскому строительству, затрагивающую интересы общества …
3. … an educational requirement must often be met.
а) … образовательное требование должно зачастую соответствовать.
б) … с образовательным требованием часто приходится встречаться.
в) … образовательное требование зачастую должно быть удовлетворено.
4. … some states allow a person to substitute additional years of supervised work experience for the degree requirement.
а) … некоторые штаты позволяют человеку заменить дополнительные годы практического опыта работы ученой степенью.
б) … в некоторых штатах разрешается замещать требование ученой степени дополнительными годами практического опыта работы.
в) … в некоторых штатах разрешается замещение дополнительных лет практического опыта работы требованием ученой степени.
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. To become a practicing engineer, civil engineers generally complete …
a) secondary educational requirements.
b) higher educational requirements.
c) basic educational requirements.
2. To do any civil engineering work one must …
a) become a licensed Professional Engineer.
b) get a Bachelor of Engineering degree.
c) complete a tertiary educational requirements.
3. Licensure requirements entail …
a) passing the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and the Principles and Practice exam.
b) completing a state-mandated number of years of work.
c) passing the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and the Principles and Practice exam and completing a state-mandated number of years of work.
4. Some states allow a person to substitute …
a) secondary educational requirements for the degree requirement.
b) the degree requirement for additional years of supervised work experience.
c) additional years of supervised work experience for the degree requirement.
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
- |
practicing |
- |
regulate |
- |
- |
- |
licensed |
education |
- |
- |
- |
- |
supervised |
- |
- |
required |
- |
add |
- |
acceptance |
- |
- |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. Licensure … entail passing two licensure exams.
2. A licensed Professional Engineer … the work of a practicing engineer during several years of his practical experience.
3. To become a … engineer, civil engineers generally complete higher educational requirements.
4. An … requirement must often be met.
5. Some states allow a person to substitute … years of supervised work experience for the degree requirement.
6. To do any civil engineering work in the US you must become a … Professional Engineer.
7. Each country, state, or province individually … civil engineering practice.
8. All states … a four year Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering Degree.
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. What do civil engineers complete to become a practicing engineer?
2. Who regulates civil engineering practice?
3. Who can do any civil engineering work in the USA?
4. What do licensure requirements entail?
5. Who supervises the work of a practicing engineer during several years of his practical experience?
6. What degrees in Civil Engineering are accepted in the United States?
7. Is the situation with the acceptability of degrees in other fields the same in all states?
8. Are advanced degrees obligatory for civil engineers in the United States nowadays?
9. What degree follows after a Master of Engineering degree in the USA?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. There are some radioactive elements in our laboratory. (general)
2. Our engineer wants to take part in this research work. (What)
3. She has got many books on your speciality. (How many)
4. A satellite in orbit remained in space. (Where)
5. Atoms of different kinds can join together in different ways. (How)
3. Open the brackets.
1. Scientists (to find) a way how to control the splitting of atoms.
2. Many complicated problems (to solve) with the help of computers now.
3. We (to be able) to examine this apparatus tomorrow.
4. The computational part of the experiment (to complete) before we began our work.
5. While I (to solve) these problems, I paid much attention to the correct computations.