Unit 3
I. Read the text:
The main subject of the field of geotechnical engineering is concerned with foundations, soil properties, soil mechanics, compression and swelling of soils, seepage, slopes, embankments, retaining walls, ground and rock anchors, use of synthetic tensile materials in soil structures, soil structure interaction, and soil dynamics.
Transportation engineering
Transportation engineering is concerned with moving people and goods efficiently, safely, and in a manner conducive to a vibrant community. This involves specifying, designing, constructing, and maintaining transportation infrastructure which includes streets, highways, rail systems, airports, ports, and mass transit. It includes areas such as transportation design, transportation planning, traffic engineering, urban engineering, queuing theory, pavement engineering, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), and infrastructure management.
II. Find English equivalents in the text:
механика грунта - _______________________
земляной вал - ___________________
сжатие и набухание грунта - __________________________
подпорная стена - ______________________
анкерные крепления - ________________________
растяжимый (эластичный) материал - ________________________
динамические воздействия на грунт - ________________________
свойства грунта - ________________________
фильтрационный расход - _______________________
откос - ______________
большой населенный пункт - ____________________________
общественный транспорт - ___________________________
транспортное конструирование - ________________________
проектирование движения - ___________________________
проектирование городского движения - ____________________________
теория массового обслуживания - ______________________________
проектирование тротуаров - _________________________________
интеллектуальная транспортная система - _________________________
управление объектами капитального строительства - ____________________
III. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
foundation - ________________
to be concerned with - ____________________________
use - _____________
synthetic - _______________
interaction - _________________
moving - ________________
goods - _________________
efficiently - _______________
safely - ______________
in a manner - _________________
specifying - _____________________
maintaining - ____________________
highways - _____________________
include - ____________________
transportation engineering - _________________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. Geotechnical engineering is concerned with soil structure interaction, soil dynamics and maintenance of fixed structures.
2. Soil properties is one of the main subjects which is concerned with the field of geotechnical engineering.
3. Moving people and goods efficiently is one of the main tasks of transportation engineering.
4. Transportation infrastructure includes water supply and irrigation.
5. The main subject of the field of transportation engineering is concerned with transportation design, transportation planning, traffic engineering and urban engineering.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. The main subject of the field of geotechnical engineering is concerned with foundations.
а) Основным предметом для изучения инженерной геологии являются фундаменты.
б) Главным объектом исследования в области инженерной геологии являются фундаменты.
в) Изучение области инженерной геологии связано главным образом с фундаментами.
2. Transportation engineering is concerned with moving people and goods efficiently.
а) Транспортное проектирование это передвижение людей и товаров эффективно.
б) Транспортное проектирование связано с эффективным перемещением людей и товаров.
в) Транспортное проектирование связано с перемещением людьми товаров эффективно.
3. This involves specifying, designing, constructing and maintaining transportation infrastructure.
а) Это включает спецификацию, дизайн, конструкцию и поддержку транспортной инфраструктуры.
б) Это включает в себя подробное описание, проектирование, строительство и обслуживание транспортной инфраструктуры.
в) В это входит подробное описание, дизайн, конструирование и поддержание транспортной инфраструктуры.
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. The main subject of geotechnical engineering is concerned with …
a) foundations, soil properties and railway systems.
b) compression and swelling of soils, soil structure interaction and soil dynamics.
c) foundations, retaining walls and girders.
2. Transportation engineering is concerned with moving …
a) goods efficiently.
b) people and goods in time.
c) People and goods efficiently and safely.
3. Moving people and goods involves …
a) constructing and maintaining transportation infrastructure.
b) planning, constructing and maintaining of fixed structures.
c) designing, constructing and maintaining transportation infrastructure.
4. Transportation infrastructure includes …
a) roads, railways, power plants and traffic.
b) streets, railways, bridges, water supply and airports.
c) streets, rail systems, airports, ports and mass transit.
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
- |
compressed |
- |
move |
- |
specification |
- |
- |
- |
- |
transported |
management |
- |
- |
- |
design |
- |
- |
- |
constructed |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. Geotechnical engineering deals with soil properties, … and swelling of soils and many other things.
2. The main task of transportation engineering is … people and goods efficiently.
3. Streets, highways, rail systems and ports are a part of … infrastructure.
4. To move people and goods efficiently one should …, design, … and maintain transportation infrastructure.
5. Transportation engineering includes transportation …, transportation planning, traffic engineering, infrastructure … and things like that.
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. Is geotechnical engineering concerned with maintaining transportation infrastructure?
2. What kinds of soil properties concern geotechnical engineering?
3. What is transportation engineering concerned with?
4. What does moving people and goods involve?
5. What does transportation infrastructure include?
6. Does transportation infrastructure deal with traffic, urban and pavement engineering?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. These questions must be answered immediately. (When)
2. The workers used the new device to fulfill the plan ahead of time. (What)
3. The engineers will finish the experiment in a week. (general)
4. We noticed that she was writing something. (Who)
5. They were glad to have been informed about it. (Why)
3. Open the brackets.
1. This design (to be completed) next month.
2. Iron (to be) the most useful metal.
3. They already (to install) the equipment.
4. We (to replace) the parts of the machine yesterday.
5. When he came, I already (to make) a report for the conference.