Unit 5
I. Read the text:
Construction engineering
Construction engineering involves planning and execution of the designs from transportation, site development, hydraulic, environmental, structural and geotechnical engineers. As construction firms tend to have higher business risk than other types of civil engineering firms, many construction engineers tend to take on a role that is more business-like in nature: drafting and reviewing contracts, evaluating logistical operations, and closely-monitoring prices of necessary supplies.
Materials science
Civil engineering also includes elements of materials science. Construction materials with broad applications in civil engineering include ceramics such as Portland cement concrete (PCC) and hot mix asphalt concrete, metals such as aluminum and steel, and polymers such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and carbon fibers. Current research in these areas focus around increased strength, durability, workability, and reduced cost.
Elements of a building or structure must be correctly sized and positioned in relation to each other and to site boundaries and adjacent structures. Civil engineers are trained in the methods of surveying and may seek Professional Land Surveyor status.
II. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:
реализация проектов - ___________________________
место застройки - _____________________
инженер водного хозяйства - ____________________________
инженер-геолог - _________________________
иметь более высокие коммерческие риски - ____________________________
более практичный - _______________________
составление и проведение экспертизы контрактов - ____________________
оценивание логистических операций - ____________________________
тщательное контролирование цен - _____________________________
широкое применение - ______________________
горячий асфальтобетон - _____________________________
углеродные волокна - ______________________
прочность, долговечность - _____________________
применимость, годность - _______________________
смежные конструкции - _________________________________
материаловедение - ________________________
профессиональный землеустроитель - __________________________
III. Give Russian equivalents of the following:
transportation - _____________________
environmental engineers - ________________________________
to take on a role - ____________________________
necessary supplies - __________________________
ceramics - ____________________________
Portland cement concrete - ______________________________
polymethylaccrylate - ______________________________
current research - ____________________________
increased strength - __________________________
to be sized - __________________________
site boundaries - __________________________
methods of surveying - ________________________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. Construction firms tend to have higher business risk.
2. Very few construction engineers tend to take on a role that is more business-like in nature.
3. Construction engineering involves planning and execution of many designs.
4. Construction engineers have to do a lot of activities that are more business-like in nature.
5. Materials science is included in civil engineering.
6. Ceramics are construction materials with broad application.
7. Elements of a building must be correctly sized and positioned.
8. Civil engineers can be given Professional Land Surveyor status.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. As construction firms tend to have higher business risk …
а) Как строительные компании склонны принимать более высокий коммерческий риск, так и …
б) Так как строительные компании склонны принимать более высокий коммерческий риск …
в) Также как и строительные компании склонны иметь более высокий риск так и …
2. … many construction engineers tend to take on a role that is more business-like in nature …
а) … многие инженеры-строители склонны принимать на себя роль, которая является более коммерческой по характеру …
б) … многие инженеры-строители имеют тенденцию брать на себя эту роль, что более характерно для бизнеса …
в) … это более практично, что многие инженеры-строители принимают на себя эту роль …
3. Construction materials with broad applications in civil engineering include ceramics …
а) Строительные материалы широко применяются в гражданском строительстве, включая изделия из керамики …
б) Строительные материалы, широко применяемые в гражданском строительстве, включают керамические изделия …
в) Строительные материалы с широким применением в гражданском строительстве включены в керамические изделия …
4. Current research in these areas focus around …
а) Текущее изучение этих районов фокусирует около …
б) Современное исследование в этих областях сосредоточено вокруг …
в) Текущее исследование этих районов фокусируется вокруг …
5. … must be correctly sized and positioned in relation to each other …
а) … должно быть были правильно размерены и расположены в связи с другими …
б) … должны быть правильными по размеру и расположению к другим …
в) … должны быть правильно размерены и расположены по отношению друг к другу …
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. Construction firms tend to have higher business risk than other types of …
a) environmental engineering firms.
b) civil engineering firms.
c) sanitary engineering firms.
2. Construction engineers have to …
a) closely monitor prices and goods on the world market.
b) draft contracts on selling goods abroad.
c) draft and review contracts, evaluate logistical operations and monitor prices of necessary supplies.
3. Construction materials with broad applications in civil engineering include …
a) ceramics, i.e. all types of concrete only.
b) ceramics, metals and polymers.
c) only hot mix asphalt concrete and carbon fibers.
4. Construction engineering concerns …
a) wastewater treatment.
b) the remediation of contaminated sites.
c) planning and execution of construction designs.
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
- |
executed |
transportation |
- |
- |
- |
draft |
- |
- |
- |
applied |
focus |
- |
- |
- |
reduce |
- |
- |
- |
trained |
size |
- |
- |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. A lot of construction engineers have to … and review contracts and do activities that are more business-like in nature.
2. Construction engineering involves … of construction designs.
3. Construction engineers deal with the designs from …, site development, environmental and many other engineers.
4. Ceramics are materials with broad … in civil engineering.
5. Current research in construction materials … around increased strength, durability, workability and things like that.
6. … cost of construction materials is the item that is paid much attention to.
7. Construction engineers must … elements of a building correctly.
8. They … civil engineers in the methods of surveying.
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. Execution of what designs does construction engineering deal with?
2. What kind of risk do construction firms tend to have?
3. What role do many construction engineers tend to take on?
4. What do construction engineers often have to do?
5. What science does civil engineering also include?
6. What construction materials with broad applications in civil engineering do you know?
7. What do current research of construction materials focus around?
8. How must elements of a building be sized and positioned?
9. How are civil engineers in the USA trained?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. The speed of the rocket depends on the velocity of the escaping gases. (What)
2. We had to work hard to learn how to solve such equations. (Why)
3. There are many interesting articles about electronics at our library. (general)
4. Numbers can be multiplied in any order. (How)
5. We consulted a specialist before taking a decision. (Whom)
3. Open the brackets.
1. He (to work) at the mechanical shop now.
2. The energy that (to use) to put this engine in motion is not great.
3. A monumental work on mechanics (to complete) by Newton in 1687.
4. Tomorrow at this time they (to work) at the laboratory and (to make) interesting observations.
5. They (to finish) the experiment yesterday.