Unit 18
I. Read the text:
Woodworking is the forming and shaping of wood to make useful and decorative objects. It is one of the oldest crafts and ranks as a popular hobby and an important industry. A skilled woodworker with a well-equipped home workshop can build items as simple as a birdhouse or as complicated as decorative furniture. Tools for a workshop can be purchased at hardware and department stores. Lumber retail stores and hobby shops sell a wide variety of wood.
The construction industry employs carpenters who construct the wooden framework of buildings. Other kinds of woodworkers include finish carpenters and cabinetmakers. Finish carpenters do the inside trim work around windows, cabinets, and other features that must fit exactly. Cabinetmakers design, shape, and assemble furniture, built-in cabinets, and stairways.
The history of woodworking goes back to about 8,000 B.C., when people first used an ax as a woodworking tool. In the Middle Ages, woodworkers and other craft workers formed organizations called guilds. The guilds were similar in some ways to today's labor unions.
II. Find English equivalents in the text:
деревообработка - ______________________________
декоративные предметы - ____________________________
важная отрасль - ____________________________
строительный магазин - ___________________________
магазин для розничной продажи пиломатериалов - ______________________
магазин товаров для хобби - ___________________________
деревянный каркас - _____________________________
плотник-отделочник - ______________________________
краснодеревщик - ____________________________
внутренняя отделочная работа - ____________________________
встроенный шкаф - __________________________
ремесленник - ________________________
сегодняшние профсоюзы - ___________________________________
хорошо оборудованная домашняя мастерская - _______________________
III. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
skilled woodworker - ________________________________
decorative furniture - _________________________________
department store - ________________________________
wide variety of wood - ________________________________
must fit exactly - ________________________________________
assemble furniture - _______________________________
stairway - _____________________________
woodworking tool - ___________________________
called guilds - _______________________________
be similar in some ways - ____________________________________
other kinds - ___________________________
shaping of wood - ________________________________
ranks as a popular hobby - ____________________________________
framework of a building - ___________________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. Woodworking is a comparatively new industry.
2. Any woodworker can build simple and complicated items as well.
3. Wood for a workshop can be purchased at a department store.
4. You can find a wide variety of wood at lumber retail stores.
5. Carpenters are often employed in the construction industry.
6. Cabinetmakers do not deal with woodworking.
7. Finish carpenters usually do the work on the roof of the building.
8. An ax as a woodworking tool was first used long before Christ.
9. Today carpenters form organizations called guilds.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. Woodworking is the forming and shaping of wood …
а) Деревообработка это формирование и моделирование дерева …
б) Деревообработка это придание формы лесоматериалам …
в) Деревообработка это придание формы и конфигурации дереву …
2. Woodworking is one of the oldest crafts and ranks as a popular hobby …
а) Деревообработка это одно из древнейших ремесел и считается популярным хобби …
б) Деревообработка это одно из древнейших ремесел, которое считается таким же популярным, как и хобби …
в) Деревообработка это одна из старейших профессий, которая стоит в одном ряду с популярным хобби …
3. Other kinds of woodworkers include finish carpenters and cabinetmakers.
а) Другие типы деревообработчиков включают окончательных плотников и краснодеревщиков.
б) Другие типы деревообработчиков включают плотников-отделочников и оформителей кабинетов.
в) Другие типы деревообработчиков включают столяров-отделочников и краснодеревщиков.
4. The history of woodworking goes back to about 8000 B.C. …
а) История деревообработки берет свое начало примерно с 8000 года до нашей эры …
б) История деревообработки началась 8000 лет назад …
в) История деревообработки возвращает нас к 8000 году до рождества Христова …
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. A skilled woodworker with a well-equipped home workshop can …
a) … design and construct the whole project.
b) … make pavements and overpasses.
c) … make useful and decorative objects.
2. Wood for woodworking can be purchased at …
a) … hardware stores.
b) … department stores.
c) … lumber retail stores.
3. Carpenters are employed by the construction industry to …
a) … mix concrete.
b) … design the modern roofs of buildings.
c) … construct the wooden framework of buildings.
4. Built-in cabinets and stairways are designed …
a) … by a design team.
b) … by cabinetmakers.
c) … by any woodworker.
5. Finish carpenters deal with …
a) … construction of a birdhouse.
b) … construction of the wooden framework of buildings.
c) … the inside trim work.
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
decorate |
- |
- |
- |
ranked |
equipment |
- |
- |
- |
purchase |
- |
- |
- |
varied |
employment |
- |
- |
- |
include |
- |
- |
- |
trimmed |
assembly |
- |
- |
- |
organize |
- |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. The wooden framework of buildings is constructed by carpenters who are … by the construction industry.
2. There are other kinds of woodworkers which … finish carpenters and cabinetmakers.
3. Nowadays woodworking … as a popular hobby and an important industry.
4. Cabinet makers design, shape and … furniture, built-in cabinets and stairways.
5. Woodworkers form and shape wood to make useful and … objects.
6. The inside … work is usually done by finish carpenters.
7. You can … tools for a workshop at a hardware store.
8. In ancient times woodworkers formed … called guilds.
9. A wide … of wood is sold in lumber retail stores.
10. Having good … at a home workshop a woodworker can build simple and complicated items as well.
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. What is woodworking?
2. When does the history of woodworking begin?
3. Where can a skilled woodworker build simple and complicated items?
4. Where can you buy tools for a workshop?
5. What do lumber retail stores sell?
6. Who constructs the wooden framework of buildings?
7. What other professions do woodworkers include?
8. What do cabinetmakers deal with?
9. Who does the inside trim work around wooden features that must fit exactly?
10. When did people use an ax as a woodworking tool?
11. When did woodworkers start forming guilds?
12. Were the guilds similar to any today’s organizations?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. The students were listening to the professor with great attention. (Who)
2. The discovery of radio waves by A. Pavlov in 1895 had a great value for mankind. (general)
3. Students of railway transport Institutes study various aspects of railway science. (What)
4. Einstein explained the photoelectric effect by means of Planck's quantum theory. (How)
5. The study of light was Newton’s favourite study. (What)
3. Open the brackets.
1. Electricity (to do) a lot of work for us.
2. Lomonosov’s works (to lay) the foundations of physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology and geography in Russia.
3. The prominent scientist Academician Joffe (to make) a great contribution to the study of semiconductor physics.
4. Some power stations already (to use) atomic energy to generate electricity for peaceful aims.
5. We (to know) that gravity (to attract) all matter toward the centre of the Earth.