Unit 14
I. Read the text:
Authority having jurisdiction
For a building that is contemplated, drawings are reviewed and must be accepted by both the building department and the fire department's plan reviewers, following the application of a building permit.
The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) during the construction of a building is the municipal building inspector, who is enforcing the local building code. Once construction is complete and a final inspection has been passed, an occupancy permit may be issued.
An operating building must comply with the fire code. The fire code is enforced by the fire prevention officer, who works for the local fire department.
Any changes made to a building including its use, expansion, its structural integrity, fire protection items require acceptance by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). A fire prevention officer may accept small changes, but anything affecting basic safety functions, no matter how small they may appear to the novice, may require the owner to apply for a building permit, to ensure proper review of the contemplated changes against the building code.
II. Find English equivalents in the text:
официальные контролирующие органы - _______________________________
рассматривать, продумывать - ___________________________
строительное управление - _________________________________
эксперт - _______________
управление пожарной охраны - _________________________________
разрешение на строительство - ________________________________
городской инспектор по строительству - ______________________________
местные строительные нормы и правила - _____________________________
разрешение на ввод дома в эксплуатацию - _____________________________
действующее здание - ________________________________
нормы пожарной безопасности - ____________________________________
офицер по пожарной безопасности - _________________________________
местное управление пожарной охраны - ________________________________
целостность конструкции - ____________________________________
противопожарные средства - ________________________________
функции ОБЖ - ___________________________________\
III. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
to review - ______________________________
to accept - ______________________
an application - _____________________________
to enforce - ____________________________
once - _____________________
to be complete - ____________________________
a final inspection - _________________________________
to pass - _____________________________
to issue - _____________________________
to comply - _____________________________
an expansion - ____________________________
to require - ________________________
to affect - _______________________
to appear - _____________________________
a novice - _____________________________
to apply - ____________________________
to ensure - _____________________________
proper - _________________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. Drawings must be accepted by both the building department and the fire department’s plan reviewers before the application of a building permit.
2. The municipal building inspector is the authority having jurisdiction during the construction of a building.
3. An occupancy permit may be issued after the application of a building permit has been accepted.
4. It’s not obligatory for an operating building to comply with the fire code.
5. The fire prevention officer is the person who is enforcing the local building code.
6. The authority having jurisdiction must accept any changes made to a building.
7. A fire prevention officer may accept any changes affecting basic safety functions.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. Drawings must be accepted by both …, following the application of a building permit.
а) Чертежи должны быть приняты как …, следуя заявлению о разрешении на строительство.
б) Чертежи должны быть приняты как …, после заявления о разрешении на строительство.
в) Чертежи должны быть приняты как …, следствием чего должно быть заявление о разрешении на строительство.
2. Once construction is complete and a final inspection has been passed, …
а) Однажды строительство будет закончено и окончательный осмотр проведен, …
б) Сразу же строительство прекращается и проводится заключительный осмотр, …
в) Когда строительство завершено и окончательный осмотр проведен, ...
3. Any changes made to a building including its use, …
а) Любые изменения делают здание включенным в эксплуатацию, …
б) Какие-либо изменения, сделанные в сооружении, включают его использование, …
в) Любые изменения, сделанные в здании, включая его эксплуатацию, …
4. … may require the owner to apply for a building permit, to ensure proper review …
а) … может заставить владельца обратиться за разрешением на строительство, обеспечить правильный пересмотр …
б) … может потребовать у владельца подачи заявления о разрешении на строительство и обеспечить соответствующий пересмотр …
в) … может потребовать, чтобы владелец подал заявление о разрешении на строительство, чтобы обеспечить соответствующий пересмотр …
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. Drawings are reviewed and must be accepted by both the building department and the fire department’s plan reviewers …
a) after the application of a building permit.
b) before the application of a building permit.
c) after the application of an occupancy permit.
2. The municipal building inspector is enforcing the local building code …
a) when construction is complete.
b) during the construction of a building.
c) when a final inspection has been passed.
3. The fire prevention officer works …
a) for the building department.
b) for the municipal building department.
c) for the local fire department.
4. Any changes made to a building require acceptance …
a) by the fire prevention officer.
b) by the authority having jurisdiction.
c) by the municipal building inspector.
5. A fire prevention officer may accept …
a) any changes made to a building.
b) changes affecting basic safety functions.
c) any small changes.
6. Anything affecting basic safety functions may require the owner to apply …
a) for an occupancy permit.
b) for a final inspection.
c) for a building permit.
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
prevent |
- |
- |
- |
accepted |
- |
save |
- |
- |
- |
applied |
- |
occupy |
- |
- |
- |
integrate |
- |
expand |
- |
- |
- |
enforceable |
- |
- |
permitted |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. Drawings must be … by both the building department and the fire department’s plan reviewers.
2. The municipal building inspector is the person who is … the local building code.
3. Anything affecting basic safety functions may require the owner to apply for a building ….
4. The fire … officer works for the local fire department.
5. For a building that is contemplated the … of a building permit should be accepted first.
6. An … permit may be issued after construction has been complete.
7. A fire prevention officer cannot accept changes affecting basic … functions.
8. Structural … of a building, its use, …, and fire protection items require acceptance by the authority having jurisdiction.
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. When must drawings be accepted?
2. Who represents the authority having jurisdiction during the construction of a building?
3. What does municipal building inspector do?
4. When may an occupancy permit be issued?
5. What must an operating building comply with?
6. Where does the fire prevention officer work?
7. What changes made to a building require acceptance by the authority having jurisdiction?
8. What changes may a fire prevention officer accept?
9. What may changes affecting basic safety functions require the owner?
10. Why may changes affecting basic safety functions require the owner to apply for a building permit?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. The cost of power for an atomic power station is higher than for a coal-fed station. (general)
2. We use poor conductors to shut heat in or to shut it out. (What for)
3. A student of physics must have good knowledge of mathematics. (Why)
4. The workers placed this machine in their workshop. (Where)
5. Mathematics will have a wider application than it has now. (When)
3. Open the brackets.
1. Next month our laboratory (to provide) with all the necessary instruments.
2. Tsiolkovsky (to develop) the theory of rocket flying.
3. The speed of a rocket (to depend) on the velocity of the escaping gases.
4. The device which they (to test) now (to be) very important for the development of our industry.
5. He said that his article (to appear) in the journal next month.