Unit 19
I. Read the text:
Drilling enables a woodworker to connect sections of wood with screws, metal plates, and hinges. Drilling may also be required when constructing some joints. Braces and hand drills have bits to make holes of different sizes for various purposes. Portable electric drills and drill presses also use bits to drill holes. They have attachments for sanding and other purposes.
Fastening. Sections of wood are fastened together with metal fasteners, such as screws and nails, and with adhesives. Tools for fastening include screwdrivers and hammers. Screwdrivers insert screws that connect sections of wood and hold hinges and metal plates. Hammers are used to drive in nails and a variety of other types of metal fasteners.
Gluing is one of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood and a variety of adhesives are used in woodworking. Polyvinyl resin emulsion glue, or white glue, can be applied directly from the bottle. It should not be used if it will come in contact with water or high temperatures.
II. Find English equivalents in the text:
детали из дерева - __________________________________
давать возможность плотнику - ___________________________
ручной бурав - ____________________
коловорот - _________________
для различных целей - ________________________________
сверлильный станок - ________________________________
насадка для шлифовки - ________________________________
закрепление - __________________________
металлическое крепежное средство - ______________________________
склеивающее вещество - _____________________________
вкручивать шурупы - ______________________________
вбивать гвозди - _____________________________
поливиниловый эмульсионный клей - _________________________________
прямо из бутылки - _______________________________
его не следует использовать - _________________________________
делать отверстия - ___________________________
III. Give Russian equivalents to the following:
drilling - ____________________
to connect sections - _____________________________
a screw - ________________________
a metal plate - _________________________________
a hinge - ______________________
some joints - _________________________________
a portable electric drill - __________________________________
a hand drill bit - ________________________________
other purposes - _________________________________
a nail - ____________________________
tools for fastening - ____________________________________
a screwdriver - ________________________
a hammer - _____________________
gluing - __________________________
white glue - _________________________
high temperature - _______________________________
IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. A woodworker can connect sections of wood with the help of a hand drill only.
2. Woodworkers use nails to make holes of different sizes for various purposes.
3. There are bits of different size for portable electric drills and drill presses.
4. Braces and hand drills have attachments for sanding and other purposes.
5. Various adhesives are used for fastening sections of wood together.
6. Woodworkers use hammers to insert screws that connect sections of wood.
7. One of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood is drilling.
8. Screwdrivers are used for drilling.
9. White glue should be used after it will come in contact with water.
V. Choose the right variant:
1. Drilling may also be required when constructing some joints.
а) Сверление возможно также необходимо, как и соединение стыков.
б) Сверление может также понадобиться при соединении некоторых стыков.
в) Сверление может также требовать соединения стыков.
2. They have attachments for sanding and other purposes.
а) У них есть дополнительные присоединения для посыпания песком и других целей.
б) Они приспособлены для шлифовки и других целей.
в) У них есть насадки для шлифовки и других целей.
3. Sections of wood are fastened together with metal fasteners …
а) Детали из дерева крепятся металлическими крепежными средствами
б) Деревянные секции прикрепляют к металлическим крепежам …
в) Секции из дерева крепятся вместе с металлическими крепежами …
4. Gluing is one of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood and a variety of adhesives are used in woodworking.
а) Склеивание один из древнейших методов скрепления деталей из дерева и различных клеящих материалов, используемых в деревообработке.
б) Склеивание один из древнейших методов при креплении секций из дерева к различным клеящим материалам и используется в деревообработке.
в) Склеивание один из древнейших методов соединения деталей из дерева и различные клеящие материалы используются в деревообработке.
VI. Continue the sentence:
1. Woodworkers use screws, metal plates and hinges …
a) … to make holes of different sizes.
b) … to connect sections of wood.
c) … to drive them in sections of wood.
2. Portable electric drills have … for sanding and other purposes.
a) … bits…
b) …braces…
c) …attachments…
3. Woodworkers use … to drive in different types of metal fasteners.
a) …screwdrivers…
b) …hammers…
c) …braces…
4. Woodworkers use screwdrivers …
a) … to drive in nails and a variety of other types of metal hinges.
b) … to make holes of different sizes for various purposes.
c) … to insert screws that connect sections of wood.
VII. a) Complete the table:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
- |
vary |
- |
- |
- |
constructed |
connection |
- |
- |
- |
apply |
- |
- |
- |
required |
fastening |
- |
- |
- |
attach |
- |
- |
- |
contacted |
b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:
1. Woodworkers use screwdrivers to … sections of wood.
2. Screws, nails and adhesives are used for … sections of wood together.
3. Woodworkers use braces and hand drills to make holes for … purposes.
4. They usually … white glue directly from the bottle.
5. Drilling is also used to … some joints.
6. Connection of sections of wood may also … drilling.
7. Portable electric drills have … for sanding and other purposes.
8. They usually do not use white glue after it comes in … with water.
VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:
1. What do woodworkers use drilling for?
2. How do they usually connect sections of wood?
3. What do woodworkers use for making holes of different sizes?
4. What do portable electric drills have for sanding?
5. What are metal fasteners used for?
6. What tools for fastening do woodworkers usually use?
7. How do woodworkers use hammers?
8. What is used for glueing sections of wood?
9. How can white glue be applied?
10. When shouldn’t white glue be used?
Grammar revision:
1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.
2. Put questions to the following sentences.
1. Carbon improves the physical qualities of the metal. (general)
2. He will work in the field of Chemistry. (Where)
3. Our scientist took part in the atomic energy conference. (Who)
4. The students were listening to the professor with great attention. (How)
5. Some physicists made some interesting reports at the last International symposium. (What)
3. Open the brackets.
1. Electricity (to move) in the world forever.
2. The electricity (to flow) through the wire in the lightbulb and back to the battery.
3. In 1638, Galileo (to state) some of the fundamental concepts of mechanics, and in 1687, Isaac Newton (to publish) his Principia.
4. The scientists of the Pulkovo observatory (to make) a valuable contribution to the study of the cosmos.
5. you (to need) any additional information on this problem?