Unit 2
^ Вверх

Unit 2


I. Read the text:


Civil engineering

In modern usage, civil engineering is a broad field of engineering that deals with the planning, construction, and maintenance of fixed structures, or public works, as they are related to earth, water, or civilization and their processes. Most civil engineering today deals with power plants, bridges, roads, railways, structures, water supply, irrigation, environment, sewer, flood control, transportation and traffic. In essence, civil engineering may be regarded as the profession that makes the world a more agreeable place in which to live.

Engineering has developed from observations of the ways natural and constructed systems react and from the development of empirical equations that provide bases for design. Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields, partly because it is the oldest of all engineering fields. In fact, engineering was once divided into only two fields - military and civil. Civil engineering is still an umbrella term, comprised of many related specialities.


II. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

гражданское строительство - _____________________________________

стационарные сооружения - _______________________________________

общественные сооружения - ________________________________

инженерное искусство, (зд.) строительство - ____________________

водоснабжение - ____________________

инфраструктура - ____________________

мелиорация - ________________________

канализация - ________________________

регулирование паводкового стока - _____________________________________

более приятное место - ___________________________________

по существу - ___________________________

эмпирические соотношения - ________________________________

обобщающий термин - ___________________________________


III. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

to deal (with) - ____________________________

a broad field - ____________________________

a modern usage - ___________________________

a construction - _______________________

a power plant - ____________________________

may be regarded - ___________________________

maintenance - _____________________________

bases for design - ________________________________

transportation and traffic - __________________________________

observations of the ways - ____________________________________

many related specialities - _________________________________________


IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Civil engineering deals with construction only.

2. Construction of fixed structures or public works is a part of a broad field of engineering.

3. Civil engineering makes the world a more attractive place to live in.

4. Civil engineering is a new field of engineering.

5. Civil engineering is only a small part of all engineering fields.

6. Engineering was once divided into only two fields.

7. Observations of the ways natural and constructed systems react gave development to the engineering.


V. Choose the right variant:

1. … deals with the planning, construction and maintenance of fixed structures or public works …

а) … связана с планированием строительства и поддержанием стационарных и общественных сооружений…

б) … связана с планированием, строительством, техническим обслуживанием и ремонтом стационарных и общественных сооружений…

в) … связана с планированием, строительством сооружений и техническим обслуживанием и ремонтом стационарных сооружений и общественных работ… 

2. … civil engineering may be regarded as the profession that makes the world …

а) … гражданское строительство может быть профессиональным, что делает мир …

б) … гражданское строительство может рассматриваться как профессия, которая заставляет мир …

в) … гражданское строительство может рассматриваться как профессия, которая делает окружающий нас мир … 

3. Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields, partly because it is the oldest of all engineering fields.

а) Гражданское строительство – самая широкая область из всех областей строительства, часть из которого является самой старой областью строительства.

б) Гражданское строительство – самая широкая область из всех областей строительства частично и потому,  что она является самой старой областью строительства.

в) Гражданское строительство – самая широкая область в строительстве именно потому, что она является самой старой областью строительства.


VI. Continue the sentence:

1. Civil engineering is a broad field of engineering that deals with …

a) the planning of fixed structures only.

b) the maintenance of military structures.

c) the construction and maintenance of fixed structures or public works.

2. Civil engineering makes the world …

a) more irritable.

b) a more agreeable place for being lonely.

c) more attractive for living.

3. Civil engineering is the broadest of  the engineering fields, …

a) partly because it is a very progressive field of engineering.

b) partly because it is a very ancient field of engineering.

c) partly because it is a very new field of engineering.


VII. a) Complete the table:






















b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:

1. Civil engineering makes the world a more … place in which to live.

2. Civil engineering is a broad field of engineering that deals with the … of fixed structures, or public works.

3. Engineering has developed from … of the ways natural and constructed systems react.

4. The … of empirical equations provide bases for design.

5. One of the tasks of civil engineering is to … public works.

6. Civil engineering deals with railways, water supply, sewer, … and traffic.


VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:

1. What does civil engineering deal with?

2. What are fixed structures and public works related to?

3. Are bridges, roads, railways a part of structures that engineering deals with?

4. How may civil engineering be regarded?

5. What has engineering developed from?

6. What provides bases for design?

7. Is civil engineering the oldest or the newest of all engineering fields?

8. In how many fields was engineering once divided?

9. What is civil engineering comprised of?


Grammar revision:


1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.


2. Put questions to the following sentences.

1. Physics explains many of the changes that go on around us. (general)

2. A new glass works will be built here next year. (When)

3. The scientists obtained very important data. (What)

4. This woman is a teacher of physics. (Who)

5. They made many experiments in the cybernetics laboratory. (Where)


3. Open the brackets.

1. These data (to test) by our engineers at the laboratory tomorrow.

2. When a substance (to heat), the speed with which the molecules move is increased.

3. Electronics (to become) very important in all branches of production now.

4. I (to read) the material about friction at this time yesterday.

5. The lecturer told us that Archimedes (to discover) many laws of mathematics.