I. Find out the words in the dictionary. Write them down and learn.
Relating to, unique, spectrum (spectra), generation, concept, quantum (quanta), to reveal, to deal with, to exist, to absorb, to emit, state, frequency. |
II. Read the text. Use a dictionary, if necessary.
Text: “Atomic Structure and Quantum Theory”.
At the turn of the 20th century, physicists spent much effort in trying to derive all the observed phenomena relating to elements from a mathematical model of the atom. One key phenomenon was the spectral lines produced by atoms on being heated: each element has its own unique atomic spectrum. In trying to explain the generation and appearance of atomic spectra, physicists found that they had to introduce the concept of quantum.
Close scrutiny of a black-and-white newspaper photograph reveals that the apparent differences in light and dark tones are not the result of gradual shading but rather are created by subtly different sizes of dots, or “packets” of ink on the plain paper. Physicists have discovered that, in dealing with matter on the smallest scale, even energy must be treated as existing in “packets” or quanta, and not as being continuous. The quantum concept provides the key to understanding how atoms can absorb and emit energy, and how the various atomic spectra are produced.
In a simple quantum-based visualization of the atom, the electrons orbit the central nucleus like planets in a miniature solar system. The electrons can move only in certain orbits about the nucleus. By giving up that energy, they drop back into the original lower orbits (called the ground state). With each energy change, radiation of a particular frequency is absorbed or emitted.
From this analysis, the origin of atomic spectra can be explained. The individual spectral lines (of certain frequencies) represent electrons falling from high-energy excited states back to their low-energy ground states. As they do so, they emit quanta of radiation (photons).
III. Put the sentences in the right order.
- In an atom the electrons orbit the central nucleus like planets in a miniature solar system.
- In trying to explain the generation of atomic spectra, physicists introduced the concept of quantum.
- The individual spectral lines represent electrons falling from high-energy excited states back to their low energy ground states.
- At the beginning of the 20th century scientists tried to derive all the observed phenomena from a mathematical model of the atom.
- The quantum concept provides the key to understanding how atoms can absorb and emit energy.
IV. Translate the following noun groups into Russian.
- key phenomenon;
- energy change;
- the appearance of spectra;
- the concept of quanta;
- the study of a photograph;
- different sizes of dots;
- “packets” of ink;
- a visualization of the atom;
- a miniature solar system;
- radiation of a particular frequency
- the origin of atomic spectra;
- quanta of radiation.
V. Find Russian equivalents to the following expressions in the text.
- spent much effort;
- its own unique atomic spectrum;
- in dealing with matter on the smallest scale;
- the result of gradual shading;
- the concept of quantum;
- the quantum concept;
- the ground state
- emit quanta of radiation.
VI. Find English equivalents in the text.
- на рубеже столетий ___________________________________________
- наблюдаемые явления ________________________________________
- пытаясь объяснить ___________________________________________
- тщательное изучение _________________________________________
- ключ к пониманию ___________________________________________
- квантовое представление атома ________________________________
- вращаться вокруг ядра ________________________________________
- двигаться по определенным орбитам ____________________________
- вывести все явления из математической модели атома _____________
- производимые атомами при нагревании __________________________
VII. Practice with someone asking and answering.
- When did physicists spend much effort in trying to derive all the observed phenomena from a mathematical model of the atom?
- What was one of the key phenomena?
- What concept did physicists have to introduce?
- What does close scrutiny of a black-and-white newspaper photograph reveal?
- What is a simple quantum-based visualization of the atom?
- Can the electrons move randomly or in certain orbits?
- What happens to the electrons when they give up the energy?
- What do individual spectral lines represent?
VIII. Dictate the following sentences in English to your fellow–students. Check them together.
- The quantum concept provides the key to understanding how atoms can absorb and emit energy.
- The electrons orbit the central nucleus like planets in a miniature solar system.
- The electrons can move only in certain orbits about the nucleus.
- By giving up the energy, they drop back into the original lower orbits.
- With each energy charge, radiation of a particular frequency is absorbed or emitted.
- From this analysis, the origin of atomic spectra can be explained.
IX. Put special questions to the following sentences.
- At the turn of the 20th century physicists spent much effort trying to understand atomic structure. (When …?)
- Close scrutiny of a newspaper photograph reveals that the differences in light and dark tones are created by different sizes of dots on the paper. (What …?)
- The electrons orbit the central nucleus like planets in a miniature solar system. (How …?)
- In trying to explain the appearance of atomic spectra, physicists introduced the concept of quantum. (Why …?)
- The electrons can move only in certain orbits about the nucleus. (How …?)
X. Dictation-translation.
- Ученые физики потратили много усилий, пытаясь вывести все наблюдаемые явления из математической модели атома.
- Они вынуждены были ввести одно из основных понятий в современной физике – квант.
- Понятие «квант» дает ключ к пониманию, как атомы поглощают и излучают энергию.
- Электроны могут двигаться вокруг ядра только по определенным орбитам.
- Исходя из этого анализа, можно объяснить происхождение атомных спектров.