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1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


The First Historical Writing


Of course, the ruins of buildings, weapons, jewelry and other objects can tell us much about how people used to live in ancient times. But we learn most about the past from what people wrote. People learned to write a very long time ago.

In Armenia, for instance, one could find stone tablets with inscriptions that were carved on them more than two thousand five hundred years ago. Carved by the orders of the kings, who ruled them, these inscriptions described various military campaigns and conquests, the capture of prisoners and other booty as well as the building of canals and cities.

During excavations in Central Asia, wooden tablets and bits of leather with writing on them were discovered. Scholars are still unable to read many of them. In Novgorod archaeologists found birch-bark scrolls. These scrolls proved to be letters, receipts, student notes, and the like.

Most of the ancient books that had come down to us were written on parchment.  Such a manuscript was discovered in the library of an old monastery. This splendid poem was written about eight hundred years ago and was called The Lay of the Warfare Waged by Igor. In it, the ancient poet described a campaign that Russian people fought against the warlike nomads.

Scholars took great pains to collect and study ancient objects and manuscripts as well as folklore and legends.


jewelry – драгоценности

tablet – табличка

carved – высеченный

capture – захват

booty – трофей

leather – кожа (выделанная)

birch-bark – береста

scroll – свиток


II. Найдите в тексте слова:

а) однокоренные: conquer, prison, excavate, a table, discovery, monastic;

b) близкие по значению: arms, things, old times, different, towns, writing, a roll, wonderful, depict;

c) противоположные по значению: able, to die, to hide, release, liberation.


III. Составьте предложение из двух подходящих по смыслу частей. 

1. In Armenia one could find stone tablets with inscriptions that

2. But we learn most about the past

3. Carved by the orders of the kings these

4. Scholars took great pains to collect and study

5. These scrolls proved to be

6. The ancient poem described


a) letters, receipts, student noted, and the like.

b) ancient objects and manuscripts as well as folklore and legends.

c) a campaign that Russian people fought against the warlike nomads.

d) from what people wrote.

e) were carved on them more than two thousand five hundred years ago.

inscriptions described various military campaigns and conquests, the capture of prisoners and other booty.


IV. Письменно ответьте на вопросы. 

1. What did the first inscriptions describe?

2. What could one find in Armenia?

3. What forms of the first alphabet do you know?

4. Was it difficult to read the first alphabets?

5. What material did people use for ancient books?


V. Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.

Образец: dish – dishes.

Baby, problem, shelf, hero, foot, erratum, valley, bacterium, safe, ox.


VI. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в нужной степени сравнения. Предложения переведите.

1. The (young) you are, the (easy) it is to learn.

2. There were a lot of people in the bus. It was (crowded) than usual.

3. We’ve got (little) time than I thought.

4. Which is (long) day of the year?

5. The (soon) we leave, the (soon) we will arrive.


VII. Выберите из скобок правильный вариант местоимения.

Предложения переведите.

Образец: Nick ate dinner with ….. (we, us).

Nick ate dinner with us .

Ник пообедал с нами.

1. Ted invited Adam and ….. (I, me) to go to the game with Tina and ….. (he, him).

2. Alex bought a ticket to the soccer game. He put ….. (it, them) in his pocket and forgot about ….. (it, them).

3. Excuse me. Is this ….. (my, mine) dictionary or ….. (your, yours)? – This one is ….. (my, mine). ….. (Your, Yours) is on ….. (your, yours) desk.

4. I talked to Jennifer and Mike. I told (they, them) about the surprise birthday party for Lizzy. (They, Them) won’t tell (she, her) about (it, them). (She, Her) is really going to be surprised!

5. ….. (Which, What, Who) do you want to do tonight?

6. ….. (Who, Whose, Which) will meet you at the airport/


VIII. Употребите местоимения some или any и их производные. 

1. Have you seen ….. good films recently?

2. She went out without ….. money.

3. Sally was upset about ….. and refused to talk to ….. .

4. There is ….. coming and I don’t want ….. to see us.

5. Can I have ….. milk in my coffee, please?


IX. Выпишите из текста предложения с местоимением one и переведите их на родной язык.


X. Употребите глагол в скобках в одном из времен группы Continuous. Предложения переведите.

1. Where you (go) for your next holiday?

2. She (set) the table at six yesterday.

3. I’m tired. I (go) to bed now.

4. I (walk) home when I met Dave.

5. I (do) my homework when you return.

6. They (discuss) this matter at this time tomorrow.


XI. Употребите глагол в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous. Предложения переведите. 

1. I (not to hear) what he (say). I (type) at the moment.

2. The train (strike) an onstacle on the line, but it not (stop) because it (travel) too fast at the time.

3. I (tell) him he should not read while he (eat).

4. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour and then (begin) reading a book.


XII. Употребите модальные глаголы must, can, couldили may в следующих  предложениях. Предложения переведите. 

1. We ….. see the sea from our bedroom window.

2. When she was at school she ….. run faster than anyone else.

3. ….. I borrow book from you private library, Pamela?

4. You ….. talk to Tom. He is in trouble.

5. Who ….. provide us with the information useful in solving the problem?


XIII. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме. 

1. The ancient poet described a campaign that Russian people fought against the warlike nomads.  (Разделительный)

2. Archaeologists are interested in many other things besides finds.  (Who…?)

3. Burial practices as an archaeological source contain a variety of information. (Do…?)

4. In Armenia one could find stone tablets with inscriptions. (Where …?)

5. The Spaniards were the first to arrive in America.  (Were … or …?)


XIV. Употребите правильную форму глагола в придаточных предложениях времени и условия. Предложения переведите. 

1. If we (take) a taxi, we shall be in time there.

2. When we (be) through with Ancient History, we shall pass over to the study of the Middle Ages.

3. I shall lose my job if things (get) worse.

4. They (come) if you ask them.

5. As soon as all the guests (arrive), we shall begin the party.

6. No one can really study any particular period of history unless preceded it and what came after it.


Test 4


Опровергните следующие утверждения или согласитесь с ними.

Начните свое высказывание следующими выражениями:

You are quite right… You are mistaken… Quite agree with you… On the contrary.


1. Scholars are able to read all wooden tablets and bits of leather with writing on them.

2. Carved by the orders of the priests these inscriptions described various military campaigns and conquests, the capture of prisoners and other booty.

3. Most of the ancient books that had come down to us were written on stone tablets.

4. The ruins of buildings, weapons, jewelry and other objects can tell us much about how people used to live in ancient times.

5. This splendid poem was written about eight hundred years ago and was called “Odyssey”.

6. People learnt to write not long ago.