I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
Burial Customs as an Archaeological Source
Archaeologists, however, are interested in many other things besides finds. Method of barrow construction, types of surface structures and details of the funerary ritual also throw light on the material and spiritual culture of ancient society.
Burial practices as an archaeological source contain a variety of information. Since they represent a stable system, the reconstruction of burial practices permits one to identify six informational units. The first unit reveals the ancients’ ideas about the means of passage of the deceased to the other world and of life in the realm of the dead. The second unit permits the reconstruction of the process of replacement of the archaeological culture by another. The third unit can be used to draw conclusions about the social positions of various sex-age groups in ancient societies. The fourth unit allows one to characterize the social differentiation of ancient societies, as many features of the burial rite are determined by the social rank of the deceased. The fifth unit provides information about the evolution of forms of the family in ancient societies and permits the identification of “outsiders” in the community to which the cemetery belongs; the presence of “outsiders” may be explained in terms of marriage contacts with neighboring communities. The sixth unit contains demographic factors such as life span, stature, decease, and trauma. Thus the burial rite is an indispensable source of religious, cultural, sociological, and demographic information on ancient societies.
II. Найдите в тексте и запишите:
a) слова, близкие по значению: allow, social rank, burial rite, cast, identified, community, funerary, decide;
b) слова, противоположные по значению: ancient, first, life, similarity, dispensable, changing;
с) английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
похоронный ритуал; практика захоронений; археологический источник; духовная культура древнего общества; социальное положение; находка; могильный холм; сделать заключение; социальное разграничение; незаменимый источник.
III. Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.
1. The reconstruction of burial practices permits ….. .
2. Archaeologists are interested ….. .
3. The burial rite is ….. .
4. The fourth unit allows one to characterize ….. .
5. The presence of “outsiders” may be explained ….. .
a) an indispensable source of religious, cultural, sociological, and demographic information of ancient societies;
b) in many other things besides finds;
c) the social differentiation of ancient societies;
d) one to identify six informational units;
e) in terms of marriage contracts with neighbouring communities.
IV. Пользуясь текстом, ответьте письменно на вопросы.
1. What are archaeologists interested in?
2. What throws light on the material and spiritual culture of ancient society?
3. What does the reconstruction of burial practices permit to identify?
4. Does the second unit permit reconstruction or creation of the process of replacement of the archaeological culture by another?
5. What can the third unit be used for?
6. What is the difference between the fifth and the fourth informational units?
V. Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.
Образец: class – classes.
City, street, knife, tomato, tooth, phenomenon, key, cactus, postman, advice.
VI. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в нужной степени сравнения. Предложения переведите.
1. The (expensive) the hotel, the (good) the service.
2. The examination was (easy) than Max expected.
3. The situation was much (bad) than we expected.
4. The Caucasus are (high) mountains in Europe.
5. The (much) you’ll read the (much) you’ll get.
VII. Выберите из скобок правильный вариант местоимения. Предложения переведите.
Образец: Children should obey ….. (his, their) parents.
Children should obey their parents.
Детям следует слушаться своих родителей.
1. My brother drove Emily and ….. (I, me) to the store. He didn’t come in. He waited for ….. (we, us) in the car. ….. (We, Us) hurried.
2. I talked to Jennifer and Mike. I told ….. (they, them) about the surprise birthday party for Lizzy. ….. (They, Them) won’t tell ….. (she, her) about ….. (it, them). ….. (She, Her) is really going to be surprised!
3. We live in the same building. ….. (Our, Ours) apartment has one bedroom, but ….. (their, theirs) has two.
4. ….. (Those, This, These) is what I want to say: it wasn’t ….. (mine, my) idea.
5. ….. (Who, Which, What) are you going to do tomorrow?
6. …… (Which, Who, Whose) did you see at the party?
VIII. Употребите местоимения some, any или их производные.
1. She can’t speak ….. foreign language.
2. Would you like ….. to eat?
3. Sally was upset about ….. and refused to talk to ….. .
4. Can you give me ….. information about places of interest in the town?
5. She didn’t tell ….. about her plans.
IX. Выпишите из текста предложения с местоимением it и переведите предложения на родной язык.
X. Употребите глагол в скобках в одном из времен группы Continuous. Предложения переведите.
1. He (leave) for London tomorrow night.
2. I (sit) in my garden at six yesterday.
3. I (read) an interesting book at the moment.
4. Ann (watch) television when the phone rang.
5. I (sleep) when you return.
6. We (write) a dictation at two o’clock tomorrow.
XI. Употребите глагол в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous. Предложения переведите.
1. He (come) in and (see) Nelly who (draw) a strange picture.
2. When it (happen)? It (happen) when you (talk) to your secretary.
3. He (not like) to play while others (work).
4. I (not understand) what Mr Green (do).
XII. Употребите модальные глаголы must, can, couldили may в следующих предложениях. Предложения переведите.
1. My brother ….. skate well.
2. ….. I ask you a personal question?
3. When he was young, he ….. dance well.
4. Oh, it's later than I thought. I ….. go now.
5. Mary ….. be crasy if she wants to marry that man.
XIII. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме.
1. Athenians believed that any citizen was capable of holding public office. (Did…or?)
2. Novgorod archaeologists found birch-bask scrolls. (What …?)
3. The reconstruction of burial practices permits one to identify six informational units. (Does …?)
4. Our teacher didn't give us a homework assignment. (Разделительный)
5. Scholars took great pains to collect and study ancient objects and manuscripts. (Who …?)
XIV. Употребите правильную форму глагола в придаточных предложениях времени и условия. Предложения переведите.
1. You will pass your exams successfully if you (work) hard.
2. If you leave school so soon, you (forget) what you have learned.
3. When I (be) in my third year, I wish to devote myself to the special study of Modern History.
4. I will not write to him unless he (write) to me.
5. As soon as you (come) home, I’ll phone you.
6. We shall start learning History next year, but not until we (be) through with the feudal period.
Test 3
Опровергните следующие утверждения или согласитесь с ними.
Начните свое высказывание следующими выражениями:
You are quite right… You are mistaken… Quite agree with you… On the contrary.
1. Method of barrow construction, types of surface structures and details of funerary ritual also throw light on the material and spiritual culture of ancient society.
2. Burial practices as an archaeological course contain little information.
3. The second unit permits the reconstruction of the process of replacement of the archaeological culture by another.
4. The third unit can be used to throw conclusions about the social positions of various sex-age groups in ancient societies.
5. The fifth unit provides information about demographic factors such as life span, stature, decease and trauma.
6. Archaeologists are interested only in finds.