Text 1
The Origins of Sociology
Pre-text Activities
Ex 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. It was he who drove there.
2. It is my mother whocooks breakfast for me.
3. It was about one hundred and fifty years ago that sociology appeared.
4. I received both his letter and his telegram.
5. I know both Mr. Brown and his friend.
6. They specialize both in Greek and Latin.
Ex 2. Make sure that you know how to pronounce the following proper names correctly:
Auguste Comte Plato Aristotle St. Thomas Aquinas |
Emile Durkheim Copernicus Galileo
Lester Ward Isaac Newton Thomas Hobbes
Ex. 3. What facts from the history of sociology do you already know? Make up sentences:
Auguste Comte Herbert Spencer Emile Durkheim Ferdinand Tonnies |
published "Suicide" lived and worked in Germany. suggested the name sociology published "Principles of Sociology" |
in the 1830s. in 1876. in 1886.
Who were the first sociologists? What did they study?
Who is considered to be the founder of sociology as an academic discipline?
Part 1
Ex 1. Read the first part of the text and answer the questions to its paragraphs:
Paragraph 1-2. How long have people been interested in society? How old is sociology?
Paragraph 3. Is the subject of sociology as a scientific discipline today the same as it was in the beginning?
Paragraph 4. What contribution to the development of social science did A. Comte and E. Durkheim make?
Paragraph 5. What scientists helped shaping sociology as an academic discipline?
Sociology is one of the youngest academic disciplines - far younger than history, physics, or economics, for example. It was only about one hundred and fifty years ago that many new ideas about society began coming together to form a systematic discipline that studies society. Auguste Comte, a French social thinker, gave the discipline its name in 1838; he is widely regarded as "the father of sociology".
People have had a deep interest in society since the beginning of human history, but the sociological perspective1 is a recent development, as is the scientific approach to knowledge on which sociological research is based.
Science and the Development of Sociology. The nature of society was an issue of major importance2 in the writings of brilliant thinkers of the ancient world, including the Greek philosophers Plato (427 -347 B.C.3) and Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.). Similarly, during the medieval era in Europe - between about 1100 and 1700 - theologians such as St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274) were deeply concerned with social life. Yet, as Emile Durkheim noted toward the end of the last century such social thinkers used a perspective somewhat different from that of sociology.
In other words, prior to the birth of sociology, philosophers and theologians were primarily concerned with imagining the "ideal" society as a standard to guide social life. They were less interested in understanding society as it was. Pioneering sociologists such as Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim reversed4 these priorities5. Although they were certainly concerned with philosophical and moral questions about how human society could be improved, their major goal was to understand how society actually operates.
The key to distinguishing between understanding what society ought to be6 and what society is lies in the development of a scientific approach to knowledge. During the medieval period in Europe, people's view of humanity was heavily shaped by religion. Society was widely held to be an expression of God's will - at least insofar7 as human beings, under the guidance of the church, were capable of fulfilling a divine8 plan. Gradually, however, science - based on identifying facts through systematic observation was growing in importance. Through the efforts of early scientists such as the Polish astronomer Copernicus (1473 - 1543), the Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo (1564 - 1642), and the English physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) a scientific understanding of the natural world emerged. More than a century after Newton, sociology was established as the scientific approach to the study of society.
Ex. 2. Develop the idea.
1. Sociology is one of the youngest scientific disciplines. (Many new ideas about ... only about ... . In 1838 ... . A. Comte is considered to be ... . Since the beginning of human history ... .)
2. Human beings have been interested in society since ancient times. (The Greek philosophers ... thought about what ... . In the Middle Ages ... .)
3. Before the 19th century the sociological perspective was different from what it is nowadays. (At the end of the last century ... . Pioneering sociologists' purpose was ... .)
4. A scientific approach to knowledge soon developed. (Science was growing ... . Thanks to such scientists as a scientific understanding ... . Sociology was established as ... .)
Ex. 3. Divide into two groups:
a) find and read out the facts in the text that you have known before;
b) find and read out the new facts in the text that you have learnt.
We (I) knew earlier that....
We (I) have learnt that....
1. Sociology is one of the youngest disciplines.
2. Sociology appeared only one hundred and fifty years ago.
3. A. Comte is regarded as "the father of sociology".
4. He gave the discipline its name in 1838.
5. People have been interested in society since ancient times.
6. The Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle were concerned with social life.
7. Medieval theologians such as St. Thomas Aquinas were interested in the development of society.
8. During the medieval period in Europe society was thought to be an expression of God's will.
9. Philosophers and theologians were less concerned with understanding society as it was.
10. Pioneering sociologists such as A. Comte and E. Durkheim strove to understand how society actually operates.
11. Such scientists as Copernicus, Galileo and I. Newton stimulated the establishment of the scientific approach to the study of society.
Ex. 4. Make up dialogues connected with the things concerning the history of sociology you have learned so far. The conversation may take place between:
- a professor and (a) student(s) (the professor is lecturing in the history of sociology, the student(s) is (are) asking questions, the professor is answering);
- two (or three) students preparing for a seminar in the History of Sociology.
Part 2
Ex 1. Read the second part of the text and answer the questions to its paragraphs:
Paragraph 1. What is the gist of Comte's "law of the three stages"?
Paragraph 2. Do the first two stages of Comte's "law" focus on society?
Paragraph 3. What is characteristic of the 3rd stage of the law?
Paragraph 4. What is peculiar about the development of sociology in the US?
Reflecting on9 the origins of scientific sociology, Auguste Comte (1851 - 1854) suggested that organized efforts to understand the world tend to become increasingly scientific as they move through three stages of development. Comte's "law of the three stages" includes approaches he described as theological, metaphysical, and scientific. In the study of society, the earliest, the theological stage is based on understanding society as a reflection of supernatural forces such as the will of God. The belief in a divine plan for human society dominated the ancient world and most of the feudal period of European history.
During the final centuries of the feudal era in Europe, the theological approach to society gradually gave way to what Comte termed the metaphysical stage, in which abstract forces (such as "nature") were believed10 to confer11 basic characteristics on society. A metaphysical approach to understanding society is found in the writings of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679), who suggested that society was a reflection of an innately12 selfish human nature. Notice that both the theological and the metaphysical approaches did not focus attention on society itself, but on other factors social thinkers believed shaped society - God's will in the theological view and human nature in the metaphysical.
The last few centuries have seen the dawning of what Comte characterized as the final, scientific stage in the humanity's long quest to understand society. Comte believed that a scientific approach focuses attention directly on society instead of external forces that, in earlier eras, were believed to be the cause of social patterns. The scientific approach is based on the assertion that society, like the physical world, operates according to its own internal forces and patterns. To Comte the goal was nothing less than a gradual understanding of all the laws of social life. This approach is often called positivism, which may be defined as the assertion that science, rather than any other type of human understanding, is the path to knowledge.
As sociology became established as an academic discipline in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century, early sociologists such as Lester Ward (1841 - 1913) were strongly influenced by Comte's ideas. Today as well, many sociologists share Comte's belief that science is a crucial element of sociology. But other sociologists do not agree that science can be applied to the social world in the same way it is applied to the physical world. These sociologists point out13 that the causes of human behaviour are often more complex than the causes of events in the natural world. In other words, human beings are more than physical objects; they are creatures with considerable imagination and spontaneity whose behaviour can never be fully explained in terms of any scientific "laws of society".
Ex 2. Mark the statements as true or false.
I would rather say that...
It would be more correct to say that...
In my opinion ...
As far as I know ...
1. Auguste Comte has reflected on the origins of sociology as an academic discipline since ancient times.
2. Attempts to understand the world become scientific moving through three stages of development.
3. There are three approaches in Comte's "law".
4. Only the scientific approach deals with society itself (according to Comte) while the rest of them rather focus attention on external forces.
5. The scientific approach states that society is influenced by different outer forces.
6. In present day world Comte's "law of the three stages" has been completely criticized.
Text-based Activities
Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:
1. Who is regarded a father of sociology?
2. What scholars were deeply concerned with social life?
3. What hindered the development of science?
4. What is the essence of Comte's law?
5. What is the basis of theological stage?
6. What is the essence of metaphysical stage?
7. Where is this approach mainly found?
8. What is the scientific approach based on?
9. How may positivism be defined?
10. When did sociology become established as an academic discipline?
11. Is there complete agreement among sociologists on treating science?
12. Whose viewpoint would you support?
Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences:
1. Auguste Comte is widely regarded as... .
2. Prior to the birth of sociology, philosophers and theologians were primarily concerned with ... .
3. The major goal of the pioneering sociologists Comte and Dur-kheim was to... .
4. In the medieval period people's view of humanity was shaped by... .
5. Scientific understanding of the natural world is connected with such names as... .
6. Comte's "law of the three stages" includes... .
7. Theological stage is based on... .
8. At the metaphysical stage abstract forces were believed to... .
9. Scientific approach focuses attention on... .
10. Today many sociologists share Comte's belief that... .
Ex 3. Complete the following sentences:
1. The Greek philosophers and theologians were deeply concerned with
2. Emile Durkheim was greatly interested in... .
3. Pioneering sociologists were much influenced by... .
4. Natural scientists of the medieval era were greatly influenced by... .
5. Thomas Hobbes was particularly concerned with... .
6. Modern sociologists are deeply interested in... .
Ex 4. Divide the text into logical parts and make up an outline of the text.
Ex 1. Speak on:
1) Auguste Comte as "the father of sociology".
2) His law of the three stages of development.
3) Further development of sociology.
Ex. 2. Read the text and entitle it:
Auguste Comte was born in southern France, grew up in a conservative family in the wake of the French Revolution, and spent most of the life in Paris. The dramatic social changes that were taking place around him stimulated his interest in society. From the Greek and Latin words meaning "the study of society", he derived the word sociology.
The foundation of Comte's work was an attempt to apply scientific methods to the study of society and to the practical task of social reform. In his own lifetime, scientific thinking was becoming more sophisticated and influential than ever before, increasing human knowledge about the physical world. Why not, Comte reasoned, apply the same scientific methods to understanding the social world? In Comte's view, sociology should attempt to determine the laws that govern human social behaviour, in much the same way that natural laws govern the operation of the physical world. Comte's sociological study was concerned with what he called social statics - how society maintains itself as a cohesive system of many interrelated parts - and social dynamics - how society changes in an orderly way according to specific social laws.
Few sociologists today would agree that society operates according to absolute and invariable laws; yet most sociologists accept the idea that the study should be concerned with both social stability and social change. Most sociologists also agree that sociology should be based, as much as possible, on scientific methods.
Ex 3. Read the text once more and find the answers to the following questions:
1. What does the word "sociology" mean?
2. What was the foundation of Comte's work?
3. What was his sociological study concerned with?
4. What should sociology be based on?
Ex 4. Look through the text on A. Comte and say what he was particularly concerned, with.
Model. Auguste Comte was particularly concerned with ... .
Ex 5. Summarize the contents of the text in 6 sentences.
Ex. 1. Find in the text "The Origins of Sociology" English equivalents for:
Намного моложе; точно так же; глубоко интересоваться; другими словами; главным образом; по крайней мере; постепенно; однако; благодаря усилиям; научный подход; отражение; древний мир; непосредственно; вместо; согласно; находиться под сильным влиянием; посредством.
Ex. 2. Find in the text synonyms for:
Sources, for instance, to comprise, to call, to be considered as, latest, to be founded on, question, main, significance, works, in the same way, middle age, to be interested in, before, pattern, of course, chief objective, really, people, thanks to the efforts, to appear, to offer, to involve, reason, purpose, to determine, road, also.
Ex 3. Find in the text sentences with the word-combinations "to be concerned with, to be interested in, to be influenced by" - and translate them into Russian.
Ex 4. Answer the following questions:
1. What are you mainly interested in?
2. What are you deeply concerned with in your sociological research?
3. What is your friend greatly interested in?
4. What sociological ideas are you influenced by?
Ex. 5. Ask your partner similar questions in order to ascertain his interests and ideas. Test translation.
1. Комта считают отцом социологии.
2. В средние века в Европе общественное мнение формировала религия.
3. Когда социология сформировалась как научная дисциплина в Соединенных Штатах в начале двадцатого века, идеи Комте оказывали огромное влияние на первых социологов.
4. По мнению Комте, социология должна пытаться вывести законы, которые регулируют социальное поведение человека.
5. До зарождения социологии как академической дисциплины философы и мыслители были больше заинтересованы тем, каким образом общество может быть улучшено, а не тем, как оно действительно функционирует.
6. Вера в божественный план человеческого общества доминировала в античном мире и большей части феодального периода в истории Европы.
7. Последние несколько столетий увидели расцвет того, что Комте называл конечной научной стадией долгого поиска понимания сущности общества человечеством.
8. Научный подход основывается на утверждении того, что общество, как и природный мир, функционирует в соответствии со своими собственными внутренними силами и законами.
9. Многие социологи сегодня согласны с тем, что изучение общества должно касаться и социальной стабильности, и социальных перемен, однако должно полагаться на научную методологию.
10. Причины социального поведения человека зачастую являются сложными феноменами и объяснить их в рамках какого-либо научного «закона общества» практически невозможно.
Text 2
Social Change and the Development of Sociology
Ex 1. Read the text and say what the main idea of it is. Choose from the ones provided below:
1. The development of sociology depends on the social changes in this or that country: the more changes occur, the more developed the science is.
2. The development of sociology depends on the social changes in this or that country: the fewer changes occur, the more developed the science is.
3. The development of sociology depends on the social changes in this or that country: the more changes occur, the less developed the science is.
The gradual development of scientific thought in Europe was one important foundation of sociology. But something more was involved: revolutionary change in European society itself. The increasing importance of science is but one dimension of the modernization of Europe. Social change, of course, is continuous but European societies experienced particularly rapid transformations during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. hi the midst of intense social change that often reached crisis proportions, people were less likely to take society for granted14. hndeed, as the social ground shook under their feet, they focused more and more on society, which stimulated the emergence of the sociological perspective.
Three dimensions of social change occurred in that era, each truly revolutionary in its own right. First, various technological innovations in eighteenth-century Europe led to the appearance of factories, initially in England. This new way of producing material goods soon gave rise to an industrial economy. Second, factories located within cities drew millions of people from the countryside, where agriculture had been the traditional livelihood. As a result, the growth of industry was accompanied by the explosive growth of cities. Third, the development of the economy and the growth of cities were linked to changes in political ideas.
While sociology is thus European in its origins, the new discipline did not take hold everywhere in Europe during the nineteenth century. On the contrary, the development of sociology was stimulated by most in precisely those societies that had experienced the greatest social changes during the preceding centuries. In France, Germany, and England - where social transformations had been truly revolutionary - sociology was flowering by the end of the nineteenth century. Conversely, in societies touched less by these momentous events - including Portugal, Spain, Italy and Eastern Europe - there was little development of sociological awareness.
Many of the crucial ideas within the discipline of sociology also owed their development to rapid social change, largely because many, if not most, early sociologists found the drastic social changes deeply disturbing. Auguste Comte, a social conservative, feared that people were being overpowered by change and were losing the support of traditional social institutions, including the family and religion, as well as the local community. Strongly disagreeing with "modernists", who claimed that society was simply an expression of individual self-interest Comte believed that traditional social bonds were basic units of society.
In sum, the birth of sociology, its scientific method of study, and its emphasis on social patterns rather than on the individual are all related to the historical changes.
Ex 2. Answer the questions on the text you've read:
1. What lay in the foundation of sociology?
2. When did European societies experience quick transformations?
3. What social changes took place in Europe in the 18th century?
4. What stimulated the development of sociology?
5. Why did sociology flourish in some countries and hardly had any development in others?
Ex 3. Mark the following statements as true or false. Correct the wrong sentences.
1. Three kinds of social change happened in Europe.
2. Sociology as an academic discipline originated in the USA.
3. Comte was sure of the importance of traditional social institutions, such as the family and religion.
4. Sociology focuses on the individual only.
Here is the list of words you have learned in unit 3:
origin gist essence discipline to regard (as) recent development to develop the ancient world similarly the medieval era/period to be deeply concerned with/to have a deep interest in a theologian a philosopher certainly goal, purpose, aim to reflect on supernatural forces reflection theological metaphysical scientific God's will selfish human nature social patterns in other words |
primarily at least gradually however through the efforts directly instead of according to to be strongly influenced by in terms of for example to include to describe to be based on issue major importance
to operate prior to a human being to emerge to suggest cause to identify path as well |
Future Forms. Pronouns
Ex 1. Put the words in the correct order.
here George tomorrow be will now drive station to you the I'll
George will be here tomorrow. I'll drive you to the station now.
1) begin class will the at 9.30.
2) be they'll home soon.
3) examination will the difficult be I think.
4) walk we'll party the to.
5) her not speak will I to.
Ex 2. Make negatives (-) and questions (?).
Pattern: "I won't finish this work today"
"When will you finish it?" (finish)
"John won't be here tomorrow".
"Will he be here on Tuesday?" (be)
1. "Annie ... here at ten". "When ... here?" (be)
2. "Tim ... time for lunch". "... time for a sandwich?" (have)
3. "You ... any pens in there". "Where ... one?" (find)
4. "The children ... to school in Ely". "Where ... ?" (go)
5. "Bob ... much money if he sells that car". "How much ... ?" (get)
Ex 3. Make questions with will.
1) what time / tomorrow evening's concert / start?
2) when / you and the family / get back from Paris?
3) you / be / here tomorrow?
4) you and your mother / be / here tomorrow?
5) where /you / be / this evening?
6) the children / have enough money / for the journey?
7) how soon / you know / the answer?
8) John and Susan / want / to play golf tomorrow?
Ex 4. What does will/shall express in each sentence? Underline the correct meaning.
1. Tidy your room or I won't let you go to the party. (threat/request)
2. Your daughter will have a very successful career. (warning/prediction)
3. Shall I carry your shopping bags for you? (offer/suggestion)
4. I'll buy a present for my mother. (on-the-spot decision/prediction)
5. Will you take out the rubbish, please? (suggestion/request)
Ex. 5. Say when you are going to do something.
Pattern: Have you watered the flowers? (in the morning)
Not yet. I'm going to water them in the morning.
Have you washed your hair? (just)
Not vet. I'm just going to wash it.
1. Have you spoken to the manager? (after lunch) - Not yet. I_______ .
2. Have you made the tea? (just) - Not yet. I____________________ .
3. Have you bought a car? (soon) - Not yet. I___________________ .
4. Have you done your homework? (just) - Not yet. I_____________ .
Ex 6. Write questions with going to.
Pattern: I've found a little puppy in the park. (what / with it?) What are you going to do with it?
1. It's unexpectedly hot today. (what / you / wear?)_______________
2. Vlad has given me his latest painting. (where / you / hang it?)______
3. I've decided to sell this house. (what / you / buy / instead?)________
Ex 7. Write about your friend's plans for the coming summer vacation.
Pattern: (Ben / go / Siberia / train) - Ben is going to Siberia by train.
1. (Lucy / stay / in the South of France / with her aunt)____________
2. (Roy / take / his younger brother / Canada / his parents)_________
3. (Letty / spend / a fortnight / Rome)_________________________
4. (Peter and John / hike / the Swiss mountains)_________________
5. (Miranda / go / round Greek islands / cruising boat)____________
Ex 8. Your relatives are preparing to leave for the country for summer. Ask them about their arrangements.
Pattern: (when / leave) When are you leaving?
1. (travel / by train?)______________________________________
2. (take / a lot of things?)___________________________________
3. (your animals / go / with you?)_____________________________
4. (let / your flat / for the season?)____________________________
5. (rent / a car?)__________________________________________
Ex. 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple.
1. They will/'ll go (go) to school when they (be) five years old.
2. I (call) you before I (leave) for Paris.
3. He (write) a letter to her every day while he (be) at college.
4. We (do) our homework when we (get) home.
5. John (fix) the tap as soon as he (come) back from work.
6. When (you/pack) your suitcase?
7. I (not/do) anything until you (be) ready.
8. When (you/phone) me?
9. I promise I (buy) you a present when I (return) from my holiday.
10. When she (pass) her driving test, she (buy) a car.
Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with will/shall or the correct form of be going to and the verb in brackets.
A. (1)...Shall we go... (we/go) to the football match on Saturday?
B. I can't. I (2) ... (help) my sister.
A. Oh yes. She is moving house, isn't she?
B. That's right. (3) ... (you/help) us?
A. Yes, I'd like to. What time (4) ... (I/come) to your house?
B. I'm not sure yet. I (5) ... (probably/phone) you on Friday to tell you. Is that alright?
A. Yes. I think I (6) ... (be) in then.
B. Okay. (7) ... (we/go) for a walk now?
A. I'd rather not. Look at those black clouds. It (8) ... (rain). Let's stay in and watch a video.
B. Great idea.
Ex 3. Fill in the gaps with shall, will or the correct form of be going to.
1. A. The shops are closed tomorrow.
В. I...will... buy bread and milk today then.
2. A. ... we tell Mr. Peck about the accident?
3. B. That's a good idea. Maybe he can help.
4. A. It's too dark in here to read.
B. Is it? I ... turn on the light.
5. A. Please come and see us.
B. We ... visit you soon, that's a promise.
6. A. ... a jumper or a coat?
B. It's very cold. Take your coat.
7. A. Can we go out to play, Mum?
B. No, we ... have dinner now.
Ex 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or the present simple.
1. "...Is Gordon coming... (Gordon/come) with us tonight?" "No, he...isn't... (be/not)".
2. My sister ... to university in September.
3. What time ... (the play/start) tomorrow?
4. Natalie ... (have) a birthday party on Saturday.
5. Megan ...(sing) in the school concert tomorrow night.
6. The flight to Berlin ...(leave) at six o'clock.
7. The Browns ...(move) to their new house this weekend.
8. What time ... (the ferry/reach) Calais tomorrow afternoon?
Ex 5. Correct the mistakes.
1. Will I take the children to the playground for you?
2. I'll call you when I will finish work.
3. Will you to clean the carpet, please?
4. The film is starting at 8 o'clock.
5. Wait here until he will come.
6. Queen won't not attend the parade tomorrow.
Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of will or be going to and the verb in brackets.
1. A. Why are you buying flour and eggs?
B. Because I'm going to make (make) a cake.
2. A. I have decided what to buy Mum for her birthday.
B. Really. What (you/buy) for her?
3. A. Did you ask Jackie to the party?
B. Oh no! I forgot! I (ask) her tonight.
4. A. Could I speak to Jim, please?
B. Wait a minute. I (get) him for you.
5. A. What are your plans for the weekend?
В. I (spend) some time with my friends.
6. A. What are you doing on Friday night?
B. Oh, I (probably/stay) at home with my family.
7. A. Have you tidied your room yet?
B. No, but I promise I (do) it this afternoon.
8. A. Look at that boy!
B. Oh yes! He (climb) the tree.
9. A. Jason is very clever for his age.
B. Yes. He says he (become) a doctor when he grows up.
10. A. I'm too tired to cut the grass.
B. Don't worry! I (cut) it for you.
Ex 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple.
1. A. I'm going to the gym tonight.
B. Well, while you...are... (be) there, I (do) the shopping.
2. A. (you/call) me when you (get) home?
B. Yes, of course.
3. A. As soon as John (come) in, tell him to come to my office.
B. Certainly, sir.
4. A. I'm exhausted.
B. Me too. I wonder if David (come) to help tonight.
5. A. Are you going to visit Aunt Mabel this afternoon?
B. Yes, I (visit) her before I (do) the shopping.
6. A. Is George going to eat dinner with us?
B. No, by the time he (get) home it (be) very late.
7. A. When (you/pay) the rent?
B. When I (get) my pay cheque.
8. A. What are your plans for the future?
B. I want to go to university after I (finish) school.
9. A. If you (pay) for dinner, I (pay) for the theatre.
B. Okay, that's a good idea.
10. A. Can you give this message to Mike, please?
B. Well, I'll try, but I doubt if I (see) him today.
Ex. 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple.
1. A. I...am seeing... (see) Roger at seven o'clock tonight.
B. Really? I thought he was out of town.
2. A. (you/do) anything on Friday morning?
B. No, I'm free.
3. A. I (go) to the cinema. There's a new film on. Do you want to come with me?
B. What time (the film/start)?
4. A. Helen (have) a party the day after tomorrow (you/go)?
B. As a matter of fact, I haven't been invited.
5. A. The new exhibition (open) on April 3rd and (finish) on May 31st.
B. I know. I (go) on the first day.
6. A. Aunt Maggie (come) to visit us tomorrow.
B. I know. What time (she/arrive)?
7. A. Excuse me, what time (the train/leave)?
B. At half past three, madam.
8. A. Michael Jackson (give) a concert at the Olympic Stadium next week.
B. I know. I (want) to get a ticket.
9. A. I'm really thirsty.
B. I (get) you a glass of water.
10. A. Are you looking forward to your party?
B. Yes. I hope everyone (enjoy) it.
11. A. How old is your sister?
B. She (be) twelve next month.
12. A. What are you doing tonight?
B. I (probably/watch) TV after dinner.
Ex. 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.
1. A. Are you looking forward to your holiday?
B. Oh, yes! This time next week I...will be lying (lie) on the beach.
2. A. We're having a party on Saturday.
B. Oh, good. I (make) a cake to bring along.
3. A. Have you finished that report yet?
B. Yes. I (give) it to you in a minute.
4. A. Why are you buying all those vegetables?
B. Because I (make) vegetable soup.
5. A. This writing is too small for me to read.
B. Give it to me and I (read) it to you.
6. A. I (stay) at Claire's house tonight.
B. Alright. I won't expect you home, then.
7. A. Would you like to join me for lunch today?
B. Yes, please. I (meet) you at half past one.
8. A. (you/help) me with the shopping tomorrow?
B. Of course.
9. A. Are you excited about your trip?
B. Yes. This time tomorrow I (sit) on the plane.
10. A. I can't hear the television very well.
B. I (turn up) the volume.
Ex. 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.
1. By 3 o'clock, she will have been studying (study) for six hours.
2. By the end of next month, Sam (finish) the project.
3. He (not/start) painting the kitchen before Tuesday.
4. By the time she arrives in Paris, she (travel) for four hours.
5. I hope I (buy) my own house by the time I'm thirty-five.
6. By Saturday, Lisa (diet) for two weeks.
7. Hopefully, they(learn) everything by the time they sit the exam.
8. By 4 o'clock, I (sit) in the hairdresser's for three hours.
9. By Christmas, I (work) for this company for eighteen months.
10. By next weekend, Brian (move) house.
11. Hopefully, the builders (finish) building the house by next month.
12. By Tuesday, Alan (sail) for twelve days.
13. By tomorrow morning, she (sleep) for twelve hours.
Ex 6. Underline the correct tense.
1. Next Monday, Amanda 1) will have been starting/ is starting work. She 2) is going to work/will work. She 2) is going to work/will work for large company in the city center. By the end of next week, she 3) will be finishing/will have finished her training.
2. My parents have been married for almost thirty years. In fact, this time next month, they 1) will be celebrating/will have been celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. They 2) will have been living/will be living in the same house for twenty-five years by next Thursday, and, by the time my father is sixty, he 3) will work/will have been working for the same company for forty years.
Ex. 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.
1. My grandmother is very old. She will be (be) ninety next month.
2. I'm afraid I (fail) my exams this year.
3. This time next week, they (lie) on a sandy beach.
4. The team (leave) the office by 9 o'clock tomorrow.
5. By 10 o'clock, Sue (drive) for twelve hours.
6. Jenny (see) Paul at work, so she can give him the letter.
7. The film (start) by the time they get to the cinema.
8. Tom expects he (get) a pay rise soon.
9. By 6 o'clock, the secretary (type) for three hours.
10. I hope I (buy) my own car by the time I'm thirty.
11. By next week, they (live) in this town for two year.
12. I (help) you carry your shopping
13. Martin (do) the work by Sunday evening.
14. Mother (go) to the supermarket tonight. She has already made h shopping list.
15. The play (start) at 6 o'clock.
Ex 8. Underline the correct tense.
1. When we go to Paris, we will climb/will have climb the Eiffel Tower.
2. James will have completed/will have been completing his studies by the end of the year.
3. By the time I get home. I will have been walking/will walk for three hours.
4. Kim will be performing/will have been performing in the school concert next week.
5. We're too late to catch the bus. It will go/will have gone by now.
6. "We've run out of milk". "Really? I will buy/will have been buying some more this afternoon".
7. This time tomorrow. I will have been leaving/will be leaving for the airport.
8. Sam will work/will have been working here for years on Monday.
9. I will collect/will have collected you from Peter's house on my way home.
10. Julia will have found/will be finding the note for I left for her by now.
Ex 9. Translate into English using will or going to.
1. Почему ты включаешь телевизор? - Я собираюсь посмотреть вечерние новости.
2. Ой, я забыла деньги дома! - Ничего, не волнуйся. Я одолжу тебе.
3. У меня ужасно болит голова. - Да? Подожди здесь. Я принесу тебе таблетки.
4. Куда ты несешь ведро с водой? - Я собираюсь мыть машину.
5. Я решила перекрасить кухню. - В какой цвет ты ее покрасишь?
6. Смотри! Из того дома идет дым. Он горит! - Боже мой! Я немедленно вызову пожарных!
7. Это дерево странно выглядит. - Да, оно выглядит, как будто вот-вот упадет.
8. Боюсь, я не знаю, как пользоваться этим фотоаппаратом. -Это совсем легко. Я покажу тебе.
9. Что бы вам хотелось выпить - сока или кока-колы? -Спасибо, я буду сок.
10. Антон решил, что делать после окончания школы? - Да, все спланировано. Он отдохнет несколько недель, а потом начнет курс программирования.
The Article
Ex 1. Fill in the table with the words from the box.
uncountable |
singular countable |
Plural countable |
Ex. 2. Put in a/an or nothing (-).
Pattern: Jake's father makes ... - ...films.
I need ... a... new bicycle.
1. I never drink ... milk.
2. Jane is ...old friend.
3. Their house is made of ... wood.
4. I often listen to ... music.
5. The police are looking for him with ... dogs.
6. My room has got ... really big window.
7. That child wants ... new shoes.
8. She was wearing ... orange skirt.
9. The table is made of ... glass.
Ex 3. Put in a/an or one.
Pattern: She's got ... a ...nice coat.
She's only got. .. one... coat.
1. Can I have ... boiled egg?
2. No, I said ... egg, not two.
3. I've got ... problem. Can you help?
4. She's only got ... child.
5. John's got ... beautiful sister.
6. ... girlfriend is enough.
Ex 4. Put in a/an or the.
Pattern: I walked up to her house, rang ... the ...bell and opened ... the ... door.
He lives in ... a ... small village.
1. Look - that's John walking across ... street.
2. Can I use ...bathroom?
3. I need ... English-French dictionary - have you got one?
4. I know ...good restaurant - shall I reserve ... table for tonight?
5. Where's ... teacher? She's very late.
6. I want ... long holiday in ... sun.
7. Who's ...man in your office?
8. I'm leaving on ... 4.30 bus.
9. "Which is your coat?" "... green one".
10. Ann's looking for ... new job.
11. Why are you looking at ... sky?
12. I'll meet you at 4.30 at ... bus stop.
Ex. 5. Put in a/an or the.
This is it ... true story. Last year I went into 1) ... big sports shop because I wanted 2) ... sports bag. 3) ... assistant came up to me, and I told him what I wanted. 4)... assistant brought me three different bags. I chose 5) ... smallest one and paid for it. 6) ... assistant put 7) ... bag in 8) ... large plastic bag. I told him one bag was enough, and asked him to take 9) ... bag out of 10) ... other bag. He did so, but he looked very unhappy as I walked out of 11) ... shop.
Ex 6. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1. _______________ is a good film.
2. _______________ is a bad film.
3. _______________ is a terrible singer.
4. _______________ is an interesting book.
5. _______________ is a great man/woman.
6. _______________ are beautiful animals.
7. _______________ is a/an
Ex 7. Here are two descriptions of the same person. Put in a/an or nothing (-).
A. "My name's Sandra. I'm tall and slim. I've got blue eyes,... a....small nose, 1) ... big mouth and 2) ... dark hair. I think I've got 3) ... nice smile. I wear 4) ... glasses".
B. "Sandra's got l) ... very friendly face with 2) ... big smile. She's got 3) ... long dark hair and 4) ... blue eyes. She's got 5) ... long legs, and she's very pretty. She's wearing 6) ... blue dress today. She's got 7) ... nice voice".
Ex. 8. Circle the correct answers.
Pattern: I once went on a boat on the Rhine /Lake Victoria.
We're going to drive right across England / Sahara Desert.
1. Ann's just come back from the Himalayas /Mount Everest.
2. My sister works in Netherlands / Denmark.
3. I'd like to learn Japanese / the Japanese.
4. My parents are on holiday in the South Africa /People's Republic of China.
5. Here's a photo of Max in USA / Trafalgar Square.
6. Alan's living in a small town near the Barcelona / Mediterranean.
7. We have friends in Ireland / Republic of Ireland.
8. Wales is the smallest country in the Great Britain / United Kingdom.
9. There are a lot of Spanish-speaking people in the USA / America.
Ex 9. Put the before five of these buildings, and nothing (-) before three.
1. ... Old Steak House 2. ... National Gallery of Modern Art 3. ... Central Museum 4. ... Birmingham Airport |
5. ... Sheraton Hotel 6. ... New Theatre 7. ... Jenner's Hotel 8. ... Canterbury Cathedral |
Ex. 10. Put in the or nothing (-).
1. ... American English 2. ... Dominican Republic 3. ... Lake Michigan 4. ... Mount Kenya 5. ... Regent street 6. ... Egypt 7. ... Asia 8. ... Florida 9. ... Metropolitan museum 10. ... New York |
11. ... Rocky Mountains 12. ... White House 13. ... Blue train Restaurant 14. ... Gobi Desert 15. ... Mississippi (river) 16. ... North Sea 17. ... Paris 18. ... Trafalgar Square 19. ... Far East 20. ... Whitehall Theatre |
Ex 1. Supply a/an where necessary. Note where you can use a/an or zero (-).
1. I'm going to bed. I've got a headache.
2. I was awake all night with_______ toothache.
3. I think Gillan's got________ flu.
4. The children are in bed with_______ mumps.
5. Mind you don't catch________ cold.
6. ____ measles can be very unpleasant.
7. Don't come near me. I've got______ sore throat.
8. I think I've got______ cold!
9. I've had_____ terrible backache.
10. I often suffer from______ backache.
Ex 2. Supply "the" or "-".
1. She served______ cold meat and cheese.
2. _____ meat we had for lunch last Sunday was very tough.
3. Where did_______ life come from?
4. I don't know much about________ life of Salvador Dali.
5. I can't call it________ running. It's________ jogging.
6. I ought to be fit with all________ running I do, but I don't feel fit.
7. I think_______ red dress will suit you best._________ Red is more your colour.
8. _______ watches have become very cheap and very attractive.
9. Most of_______ watches you see today work on_______ quartz.
10. What has been the longest period of______________ peace in __________ history?
12. If you study________ history, you've got to read a lot.
12. ________ journeys to unknown places require a lot of preparation.
13. _________ lives of________ poets and___________ musicians have often been unbearably difficult.
14. I'm not interested in buying__________ silver or_________ gold.
15. ________ time is_______ money.
16. I can never forget___________ time I've spent in Paris.
Ex 3. Supply "a/an", "the" or "-".
1. We have___ nice apartment in_____ centre of St. Petersburg. It is on_______ third floor of_________ new building. It is__________three room flat with___________ kitchen. 2. ___________ individual has every right to expect personal freedom.____________ freedom of________individual is something worth fighting for. 3. I've got____________ appoint-ment this afternoon. I've got to go to_________ doctors. 4. We have seen what_________ Earth looks like from________ Moon. 5. This is the front room.______ ceiling and_______ walls need decorating, but________ floor is in good order. We'll probably cover it with____________ carpet. 6. Look at this wonderful small computer.______________ top lifts up to form _______ screen;________ front lifts off to form_________ keyboard and _______ whole thing weighs only 5 kilos. 7._______________ history of ______ world is_______ history of_______ war. 8. Is there_________ moon round_________ planet Venus? 9. ______________ exercise is good for_____ body. 10. Could you pass me________ salt, please?
Ex 4. Supply "the" or "-".
1. Because of the greenhouse effect_______________ climate of the world is changing.
2. We can't be sure about the history of___________ human race, but ______ man developed earlier than we think, though we certainly weren't around at the time of________ dinosaurs.
3. The Ancient Greeks believed in_________ gods. The idea of______ God was not known to them.
4. _______ Mr. Stocks has shown that____________ Egyptians used ______ saws and drills.______ saws and drills were made of_______ copper.
5. My eldest son joined_______ Navy and now my youngest wants to join______ Army.
6. In many countries the head of state is called_____________ President.
7. Do you know who killed__________ President Lincoln?
Ex 5. Insert articles where necessary.
1. Not______ word was spoken in_______ parlour.
2.______ room itself was filling up, so was__________ staircase.
3. Not______ word was spoken, not_________ sound was made.
4.________ sky outside______ window was already dark, secretaries had gone home, all was quiet.
5. I tell you, he is as brave as_______ man can reasonably be.
6. You know I never cared for________ drama.
7. He looks older than he is, as_______ dark men often do.
8. Roger looked at him, without________ word, took out his wallet and gave him_____ ten-shilling note.
9. As_______ man sows, so shall he reap.
10. It was Sunday afternoon, and______ sun, which had been shining now for several hours, was beginning to warm__________ earth.
11. It was______ cottage built like_______ mansion, having_______central hall with________ wooden gallery running round it, and__________rooms no bigger than_______ closets.
12. He was___________short, plump man with_________very white face and_____ very white hands. It was rumoured in London that he powdered them like_______ woman.
13. To him she would always be_______ loveliest woman in________world.
14. Even____ strongest have their hours of depression.
15. Her aunt, in_______ straw hat so broad that it covered her to ____ very edges of her shoulders, was standing below with two gardeners behind her.
16.______ rich think they can buy anything.
17._______ room has three doors; one on the same side as_________fireplace, near_______ corner, leading to___________ best bedroom.
18. He arrived half______ hour before dinner time, and went up to _______ schoolroom at the top of__________ house, to see________ children.
19. There is something in________ very expression of his face that tells me so.
20. Far away in______ little street there is________ poor house. One of____ windows is open and through it I can see___________ woman sitting at_ table. She is_____________ seamstress.
21. __________man who entered was short and broad. He had black hair, and was wearing___ grey flannel trousers with___________ red woollen shirt, open at_______ neck, whose collar he carried outside_____lapels of his dark tweed jacket.
22. Then it was night and he was awake, standing in__________street, looking up at_____ dark windows of place where he lived._________ front door was locked and there was no one in________ house.
23. I believe I can tell______ very moment I began to love him.
24. Mr. Boythorn lived in_______ pretty house with_______ lawn in front,_______ bright flower garden at_____ side and____ kitchen-garden in____ rear, enclosed with________ wall._______ house was______real old house.
25._______ bartender was______ pale man in______ vest and______apron, with_______ pale, hairy arms and________ long, nervous nose.
26. During________ country house parties one day is very like another. _____ men put on_ same kind of variegated tie, eat__________same breakfast, tap_____ same barometer, smoke_______ same pipes and kill_____ birds.
27.________ old man quitted______ house secretly at_______ same hour as before.
28. We are told that_______ wicked shall be punished.
29. ____ arm in______ arm we walked on, sometimes stumbling over______ hump of earth or catching our feet in_________ rabbit-holes.
Ex. 6. Supply "the" or "-".
1. I haven't the least idea how many rooms there are in____________Ritz (hotel).
2. What's your address? - I live in______ Montague Road, number 27.
3. I could never afford to stay at hotels like______ Brown's or_______Hilton.
4. You can't visit________ London without seeing______ Buckingham Palace.
5. We had an early dinner at________ Leoni's and then went to play at____ Globe theatre.
6. Go down_______ Oxford Street till you come to_________ Oxford Circus, then turn right.
7. Do you know the song about________ London Bridge?
8. Look at the percentage of lawyers in_________ Senate.
9. Two famous works of art are recently acquired by__________ Tate Gallery,_____ London.
10. He spoke about the role of______ Labour Party during the election period.
11. And eventually_____ Queen Elizabeth was put to sea.
12. The Kings and Queens of England were crowned and buried in Westminster Abbey.
13. There is an interesting article in_________ Times.
14. He never read_______ Pravda.
15. He attended______ Congress only nine times.
16. Governmental offices line________ Whitehall, and on the right is______ Downing Street.
Ex. 1. Insert articles where necessary.
I. 1.______ "Queen Mary" was launched by Queen Mary in 1938.
2. There was a little sentimentality about_________ Forsytes.
3. He is the nearest we have to________ English Leonardo da Vinci.
4. He has the humour of________ Chekhov.
5. To feel more comfortable you should have taken_______ Pullman.
6. He predicted the victory of__________ Mrs. Thatcher in the 1979 election.
7. I know very little about him as you do - he is____________ Mr. Tarantino.
8. One of the correspondents handed McCartney the paper and asked, "Are you______ McCartney who wrote this?"
9. "I'll run to______ Mother", he said in_______ loud whisper.
II. 1._____ Willowbys left town as soon as they were married.
2. This wasn't_____ Beatrice she knew.
3._____ father and______ daughter appeared at last.
4. ________ professor Keitel is_______ man to whom you'll be responsible for your undergraduate teaching.
5. This Pat wasn't like_____ Pat of his memories.
6. If you are_______ Napoleon, you'll play________ game of_______power, if you're_____ Leonardo you'll play for________ knowledge.
7. Elsie said she would ring up_________ Doctor Hitchcock.
8._______ poor Edward muttered something, but what it was nobody knew.
9.________ gentle, tender-hearted Amelia sadly was__________ only person to whom Becky could attach herself.
10. I am_____ Mr. Keaton to whom you were to come.
Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with a, an or some.
1. A. I saw... some... nice trousers and ... lovely dress in a shop today.
B. Did you buy anything?
2. A. Would you like ... fruit?
B. Yes, please. I'll have ... orange.
3. A. Can you give me ... advice?
B. Yes. You should take ... holiday.
4. A. What's that?
B. It's ... old diary I found.
Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with a, an or some.
A. It's your birthday soon. What would you like as 1)...a.gift?
B. Actually, there are lots of things I want, so I'll give you 2) ... list.
A. Alright, I'll write it down.
B. First, I need 3) ... new bike. I would also like 4) ... clothes and 5) ... money.
A. A bike is 6) ... expensive gift, and we bought you 7) ... good one two years ago.
B. Well, you could buy me 8) ... guitar instead!
A. But you can't play the guitar!
B. I know, but I want to learn.
A. So, you mean you want me to pay for 9) ... lessons too?
B. Yes, please!
Ex. 4. Fill in the where necessary.
1) ... Europe is the second smallest continent in 2) ... world and is home to one seventh of 3) ... world's population. 4) ... longest river there is 5) ... River Volga and 6) ... largest freshwater lake is 7) ... Lake Ladoga, in 8) ... north-western 9) ... Russia. 10) ... highest mountain peak is 11) ... Mount Elbrus in 12) ... Caucasus Mountains. 13) ... Europe is bordered towards the north by 14) ... Arctic Ocean, the south by 15) ... Mediterranean Sea and 16) ... Black Sea, the west by 17) ... Atlantic Ocean and the east by 18) ... Asia. 19) ... Europeans are 20) ... people who live in 21) ... Europe. 22) ...association which has been formed to unite 23) ... countries of 24) ... Europe is called 25) ... European Union.
Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with the and one adjective from the list.
disabled, poor, sick, injured, young, unemployed, elderly, homeless
1. In my opinion, the government do not do help... the poor... . They should provide help for those who don't have much money.
2. Sometimes, ... can't find food and shelter and often have to sleep in the streets.
3. The government gives money to ... , providing they are looking for a job.
4. I would like to work as a nurse in a hospital and look after ... .
5. Life must be easy for ... , as they can buy whatever they like without worrying how much they spend.
6. Paramedics took ... to hospital where they were treated.
7. There are many choices these days for ... as education has improved so much over the years.
8. ... are often helped through daily life by trained guide dogs.
9. There are many charities which provide care for ... by visiting them, taking them out and bringing them meals.
10. Town planners should give more thought to the needs of ... .
Ex. 6. Fill in the where necessary.
1. I wanted to do a degree, so I went to ... the ... university to ask for some information.
2. Kevin is eighteen years old and goes to ... university. He is studying History.
3. In my country, all children over the age of five go to ... school.
4. His father went to ... school to see his teacher.
5. The Prime Minister visited ... prison and spoke to some of the prisoners there.
6. The man was sent to ... prison because he had robbed a bank.
7. People with serious injuries are taken to ... hospital in an ambulance.
8. Amanda went to ... hospital to visit Paul.
Ex. 7. Fill in a, an or the where necessary.
Yesterday was 1)... a... terrible day. I woke up 2) ... hour later than usual, so I was late for 3) ... work. 4) ... manager was angry with me and said I was 5) ... bad employee. On the way home that evening, I missed 6) ... bus and had to take 7) ... taxi. When I got home, I found 8) ... invitation to 9) ... party. I went to 10) ... party, but it was 11) ... disaster. I didn't know any of 12) ... people there and I felt bored. I went home again, but I had left 13) ... keys to my house at 14) ... party, so had to climb in through 15) ... open window. I went to 16) ... bed in 17) ... very bad mood.
Ex. 8. Fill in a, an or the where necessary.
1. A. Can you tell me the way to the nearest post office, please?
B. Of course. Turn left here and you'll find it on_________Maple Street.
2. A. Would you like________ ice cream?
B. No, thanks. I'd rather have______ sandwich.
3. A. What shall we have for__________ dinner tonight?
B. Don't make dinner. I'll take you to________ restaurant.
4. A. Where's_____ nearest phone box?
B. I think there's_________ phone box on the corner.
5. A. We went to________ theatre yesterday.
B. Really? What was the name of________ play you saw?
6. A. Shall we go to________ Paris for the weekend?
B. Oh, yes. I'd love to have________ weekend away from home.
7. A. Can I have______ apple, please?
B. Yes. There are some apples on__________ table.
8. A. Is this_______ Peter's book?
B. No_________ book over there is Peter's.
9. A. What time does_______ train leave?
B. It leaves in________ few minutes.
10. A. I heard______ amazing story yesterday.
B. What was_____ story about?
Ex. 9. Fill in a, an or the where necessary.
A. 1) ... life is hard for 2) ... elderly. Sometimes they need 3)... help to get about and do 4) ... things that 5) ... younger people take for granted.
B. We went to 1) ... London by 2) ... train. 3) ... train was late, so 4) ... we had to wait at 5) ... station for 6) ... hour. I bought 7) ... magazine to read and we sat in 8) ... waiting room.
C. I can't remember 1) ... name of 2) ... hotel, but it was 3) ... large building by 4) ... sea. It had 5) ... swimming pool and 6) ... restaurant. 7) ... staff were friendly and we had 8) ... lovely holiday.
D. She went to 1) ... doctor's because she had 2) ... pain in her stomach. She was given 3) ... tablet to take and 4) ... next day 5) ... pain had gone. She thinks 6) ... modern medicine is wonderful, now.
E. I live on 1) ... top floor of 2) ... new block of flats in 3) ... city centre. There is 4) ... lift to all floors and 5) ...security guard at 6) ... entrance. I have 7) ... view of 8) ... fields beyond 9) ... city. In winter, though, 10) ... flat is very cold.
F. It was 1) ... sunny day, so 2) ... children decided to go to 3) ... beach. They packed 4) ... bag full of 5) ... food and drinks and they took 6) ... ball to play with. At 7) ... lunchtime, they had 8) ... picnic and in 9) ... evening, they arrived 10) ... home, tired and happy.
G. Mary is at 1) ... university, studying 2) ... art. In 3) ... morning, she goes to lectures and in 4) ... afternoon, she spends 5) ... hour or two painting or drawing. She painted 6) ... picture of 7) ... horse yesterday. She is going to give it to her friend as 8) ... present. Mary hopes to be 9) ... famous artist one day, so she practises all 10) ... time, even on 11) ... Saturdays and 12) ... Sundays.
Ex. 10. Underline the correct word(s).
1. Katie speaks Spanish/the Spanish fluently.
2. All clothes/the clothes in that bag need to be washed.
3. Life/The life will be very different in a hundred year's time.
4. Swimming/The swimming is a good way to keep fit.
5. Jane has gone to library/the library to do some work.
6. He was only/the only person who remembered my birthday.
7. Potatoes/The potatoes grow underground.
8. I always have a cup of coffee in morning/the morning.
9. Her children bought her those flowers/the flowers.
10. I have been playing piano/the piano since I was eight years old.
11. Our plane leaves from Gatwick airport/the Gatwick airport at six o'clock.
12. Her husband is in hospital/the hospital, having an operation.
1 perspective - ракурс, проекция
2 an issue of major importance - основная проблема
3 B.C. - до н.э.; B.C. = Before Christ A.D. = Anno domini - нашей эры
4 reverse - изменять, менять; изменять на прямо противоположное
5 priority - порядок очередности
7 insofar - насколько, в той мере, до таких пределов
9 reflect on something - раздумывать, размышлять над чем-л.
10 were believed - как считалось
11 confer - присуждать, присваивать
12 innate - врожденный; природный
13 point out - указывать; показывать; обращать (чьё-л.) внимание