UNIT 23. Text: “Albert Einstein”.
^ Вверх



I. Find out the words in the dictionary. Write them down and learn.


a paper, stream, tiny, quantum theory, level, to award, to introduce, to depend on (upon), random motion, a curved field, to deflect, unified, field theory, ability, the universe, space


II. Read the text. Use a dictionary, if necessary.


Text: “Albert Einstein”.


Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was one of the greatest scientists and most creative minds of all time. Before he was 30 years old, Einstein had published a group of brilliant theories that completely changed modern science. Einstein revealed several of his earth-shaking theories in the single year of 1905. He presented his ideas in three scientific papers.

One of the papers of 1905 was entitled, On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light. Einstein suggested that light could be thought of as a stream of tiny particles, called quanta. For this reason, light demonstrates qualities of both waves and particles.   Einstein’s ideas about light laid important groundwork for the quantum theory of physics. The quantum theory would become, in a short time, a revolutionary way of thinking about motion at the atomic level. The 1921 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Einstein for this work.

Another paper of 1905, The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, presented Einstein’s special theory of relativity. This theory introduced the following idea: given that the speed of light is constant and all natural laws are the same, then both time and motion are relative to the observer. This was a radical change in scientific thinking, because no one had yet thought that time or motion might  be subjective, that is changeable depending upon the observer’s perspective.

Still another Einstein’s paper of 1905 was On the Motion of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid. In this paper, Einstein explained the apparently random motion of tiny particles in a liquid. This type of motion is known in science as Brownian motion. Some years later, Einstein developed his general theory of relativity. In 1916 he published an article entitled The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity. Einstein explained that gravitation is a curved field in the space-time continuum, rather than a force as Sir Isaac Newton had thought. Theoretically, this meant that starlight should be bent, or deflected, as it passes by the sun. But there was no immediate way to test Einstein’s theory.

From the 1920s on, Einstein directed his scientific efforts toward developing unified field theory that would unify all kinds of forces, such as gravity and electromagnetism. Einstein’s efforts in this field drew him into controversy. Many, if not most, physicists believed that the quest for a unified field theory was an impossible one. They reasoned that the movement of a single particle cannot be predicted, according to the quantum theory. For the most part, they also believed that future theoretical advances in physics would never remove this basic uncertainty principle. For these reasons, Einstein became rather isolated from the scientific community toward the end of his life. Nevertheless, Einstein continued his work in physics with unified field theory. He published a version of the theory in 1950.


III. Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs and translate them.


To create, to reveal, to present, to concern, to produce, to transform, to suggest, to demonstrate, to move, to introduce, to observe, to depend, to explain, to found, to deflect, to unify, to controvert, to reason, to predict, to enjoy, to respect, to separate, to contribute.


IV. Find the sentences that can’t be found in the text.


  1. Before he was 30 years old Einstein had published a group of brilliant theories that completely changed modern science.
  2. Einstein’s theories provided basic knowledge needed to unleash the power of the atom.
  3. Einstein suggested that light could be thought of as a stream of tiny particles called quanta.
  4. Einstein also explained the photoelectric effect which occurs when a bright beam of light strikes certain metal, causing the metal to release electrons in the form of an electrical current.
  5. Einstein explained that gravitation is a curved field in the space-time continuum, rather than a force.
  6. Many, if not most, physicists believed that the guest for a unified field theory was an impossible one.
  7. The very name of Einstein became a synonym for genius.   


V. Find English equivalent in the text.


  1. поток мельчайших частиц         _____________________________________
  2. по этой причине               _____________________________________
  3. проявляет свойства как волн, так и частиц ______________________
  4. заложил фундамент         ___________________________________________
  5. революционный способ мышления   ___________________________
  6. то есть   _____________________________________________________
  7. хаотичное движение частиц      _________________________________
  8. разработал теорию ___________________________________________
  9. около солнца ________________________________________________
  10. способ проверить теорию Эйнштейна    ____________________________
  11. объединить все виды сил      ______________________________________
  12. поиск единой теории поля    ______________________________________
  13. увлечение математикой        _____________________________________
  14. скрипач-любитель                 _____________________________________
  15. снискали уважение                _____________________________________
  16. оплакивали его смерть         _____________________________________
  17. понимание вселенной  _____________________________________


VI. Find Russian equivalents to the following expressions in the text.


  1. one of the most creative minds   ______________________________
  2. earth-shaking theories       ________________________________________
  3. in the single year of 1905  ___________________________________
  4. Einstein suggested    ________________________________________
  5. At the atomic level   ________________________________________
  6. was awarded   _____________________________________________
  7. both time and motion        ________________________________________
  8. depending upon the observer’s perspective   ____________________
  9. given that        ______________________________________________
  10. a curved field in the space-time continuum         ____________________
  11. should be bent or deflected     ____________________________________
  12. cannot be predicted       _________________________________________
  13. according to the quantum theory     _______________________________
  14. uncertainty principle     _________________________________________
  15. showed little scholastic ability         _______________________________
  16. thus   ___________________________________________________
  17. unequaled contributions         ____________________________________
  18. people throughout the world  ____________________________________


VII. Fill in the missing words.


  1. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists and most _____ _____ of all time.
  2. Einstein suggested that light could be thought of as a _____ of tiny particles, called _____.
  3. For this reason, light demonstrates _____ of both waves and particles.
  4. Einstein’s ideas about light laid _____ _____ for the quantum theory of physics.
  5. The 1921 Nobel Prize in physics was ______ to Einstein for this work.
  6. Given that the speed of light is _____ and all natural laws are the same then both time and motion are _____ to the observer.
  7. In this paper Einstein explained the apparently ______ motion of tiny _____ in a liquid.
  8. Einstein explained that gravitation is a ______ _____ in the space-time continuum.
  9. Theoretically, this meant that starlight should be ______ or ______ as it passes by the sun.
  10. But there was no immediate way to ______ Einstein’s theory.
  11. From the 1920s on, Einstein directed his scientific efforts toward developing _______ _______ theory.
  12. For the most part they also believed that future theoretical advances in physics would never remove this basic _____ ______.


VIII. Fill in the prepositions if necessary.


  1. ____ Einstein was 30 years old, he had published a group ___ brilliant theories.
  2. He presented his ideas ___ three scientific papers.
  3. ___ this reason, light demonstrates quantities ___ both waves and particles.
  4. Einstein’s ideas ___ light laid important groundwork ___ the quantum theory ___ physics.
  5. The quantum theory would become, ___ a short time, a revolutionary way ___ thinking ___ motion ___ the atomic level.
  6. Theoretically, this meant that starlight should be bent, or deflected, as it passes ___ the sun.
  7. ___ the 20s on, Einstein directed his scientific efforts ___ developing unified field theory that would unify all kinds ___ forces, such as gravity and magnetism.    


IX. Define whether the sentences are true or false.


  1. Albert Einstein was one of the most creative minds of all time.
  2. Before he was 50 years old, he had published a group of brilliant theories that completely changed modern science.
  3. Einstein revealed several of his earth-shaking theories in the period of 5 years.
  4. He presented his ideas in three scientific papers.
  5. One of the papers of 1905 was on the production and transformation of light.
  6. Einstein suggested that light could be a stream of electrons.
  7. For this reason, light demonstrates qualities of both waves and particles.
  8. Einstein’s ideas about light lay important groundwork for the nuclear theory of the atom.
  9. The quantum theory of physics was a revolutionary way of thinking about motion at the atomic level.
  10. The 1925 Novel Prize in Physics was awarded to Einstein for this work.
  11. Another paper of 1905 The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies presented Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
  12. The third paper of 1905 explained the apparently random motion of tiny particles in a liquid.
  13. Einstein formulated his general theory of relativity in 1920.
  14. Einstein explained that gravitation is a curved field in the space-time continuum, rather than a force as Sir Isaac Newton had thought.
  15. But there was no immediate way to test Einstein’s theory.
  16. From the 1920s on, Einstein directed his scientific efforts towards developing unified field theory relationships that would unify all kinds of forces, such as gravity and electromagnetism.
  17. Einstein published a version of the unified field theory in 1940.


X. Finish the following sentences.


  1. Albert Einstein was one of the most … .
  2. Before he was 30 years old, Einstein had published … .
  3. Einstein revealed several of his earth-shaking theories … .
  4. He presented his ideas … .
  5. One of the papers of 1905 was on the production … .
  6. Einstein suggested that light could be a stream … .
  7. For this reason, light demonstrates qualities … .
  8. Einstein’s ideas about light lay important groundwork … .
  9. The quantum theory of physics was a revolutionary way of thinking … .
  10. The 1921 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded … .
  11. Another paper of 1905 The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, presented … .
  12. According to Einstein time and motion … .
  13. The third paper of 1905 explained … . 
  14. Einstein formulated his general theory of relativity … .
  15. Einstein explained that gravitation is a curved field … .
  16. But there was no immediate way to test … .
  17. From the 1920s on, Einstein directed his scientific efforts towards … .
  18. Einstein published a version of the unified field theory … .


XI. Practice with someone asking and answering.   


  1. Was Einstein one of the most creative minds of all time?
  2. What had he published before he was 30 years old?
  3. When exactly did Einstein reveal several of his earth-shaking theories?
  4. Did he present his ideas in three or four papers?
  5. Was one of his papers of 1905 on the production and transformation of light?
  6. What did he suggest?
  7. What qualities does light demonstrate?
  8. For what theory did Einstein’s ideas about light lay important groundwork?
  9. What prize was awarded to Einstein for this work?
  10. What did the paper entitled The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies present?
  11. What did the third paper of 1905 explain?
  12. When did Einstein formulate his general theory of relativity?
  13. What is the difference between Einstein and Newton in understanding gravitation?
  14. Was there an immediate way to test Einstein’s theory? When did the proof come?
  15. What to did Einstein direct his scientific efforts, from the 1920s on?
  16. Did Einstein publish his unified field theory?


XII. Translating into Russian without using a dictionary.


Albert Einstein was born in southern Germany in 1879. As a boy, Einstein went to the rigid, harsh German schools of the late 1800’s. Young Albert showed little scholastic ability. Meanwhile, he studied the violin with his Uncle Jacob. Thus, Einstein began a lifelong enjoyment of music as a very good amateur violinist. Einstein later said that music first stimulated his fascination with mathematics. In 1900 Einstein graduated from the SwissPolytechnicAcademy in Zürich, Switzerland and became a Swiss citizen. A short time later he married and got a job at the Swiss Patent Office.

Einstein published his famous scientific papers in 1905. Einstein’s astonishing theories earned him respect from the scientific community. He won teaching positions at European universities, first at Prague, then Zürich, and finally at Berlin in 1914. During this time Einstein was separated from his wife and family by the outbreak of war. The separation led to the couple’s divorce. After the war Einstein married his cousin Elsa. She remained with him until her death in 1936.

From the end of World War I through the rest of his life, Einstein was drawn more and more into theoretical physics. At the same time, he became more and more a public figure and citizen of the world. Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955. People throughout the world mourned his passing. Einstein had made unequaled contributions to human understanding of the universe. Scientists and thinkers agreed that he was one of the greatest scientists of all time.


XIII. Put questions to the following statements.


  1. In this paper, Einstein explained the apparently random motion of tiny particles in a liquid.
  2. Albert Einstein was born in southern Germany in 1879.
  3. Einstein published his famous scientific papers in 1905. 


XIV. Dictation-translation


  1. Альберт Эйнштейн был одним из наиболее творческих умов всех времен.
  2. До того, как ему исполнилось 30 лет, он опубликовал серию блестящих теорий, которые полностью изменили современную науку.
  3. Эйнштейн представил свои теории в трех научных статьях.
  4. Эйнштейн предположил, что свет, возможно, является потоком мельчайших частиц, называемых квантами.
  5. По этой причине, свет проявляет свойства как волн, так и частиц.
  6. Идеи Эйнштейна относительно света заложили основу квантовой теории физики.
  7. За эту работу Эйнштейну была присуждена Нобелевская премия в физике в 1921 году.
  8. Эйнштейн сформулировал общую теорию относительности в 1916 году.
  9. Эйнштейн считал, что гравитация – это искривлённое поле в пространственно – временном континууме, а не сила, как полагал сэр Исаак Ньютон.
  10. Теоретически это означало, что свет звёзд должен отклоняться или преломляться, когда проходит рядом с солнцем.
  11. Начиная с 1920-х гг. Эйнштейн направил свои научные усилия на разработку единой теории поля.
  12. В соответствии с квантовой теорией движение частицы предсказать нельзя.