UNIT 11. Text: “Electromagnetic Radiation”.
^ Вверх



I. Find out the words in the dictionary. Write them down and learn.


to oscillate, an aerial, frequency, to associate with, a grating, apparent, wave-particle duality, to resolve, an expanding sphere, to diminish, phase, coherent, incoherent, to exhibit, to transmit


II. Read the text. Use a dictionary, if necessary.


Text: “Electromagnetic Radiation”.


Electromagnetic radiation results whenever electrons oscillate, decelerate, or change energy levels in an atom. X rays, for example, are emitted when fast-moving electrons decelerate rapidly, and radio waves (at the opposite end of the electromagnetic spectrum) are produced by oscillating electrons in the metal of transmitting aerials.

Waves and particles.Electromagnetic radiation consists of a wave motion in both an electric and magnetic field, which oscillate with the same frequency but at right angles to the direction of travel. Electromagnetic waves are therefore examples of transverse waves. But electromagnetic radiation also has properties associated with particles, and its precise nature is something of an enigma. In some circumstances – such as the diffraction of light by a grating – it acts like a wave, whereas in others – for example, the generation of an electric charge when ultraviolet radiation strikes certain metals (a phenomenon called the photoelectric effect) – it acts like a stream of particles. This apparent wave-particle duality has not been fully resolved. For practical purposes electromagnetic radiation can be considered to behave as a wave motion or as a stream of energy particles.

Wave characteristics.Electromagnetic waves are emitted in all directions away from their source. So if the source is a single point, each wave front can be regarded as an expanding sphere. With increasing distance from the source, the intensity of radiation diminishes as the surface area of the sphere increases. The intensity of radiation is thus inversely proportional to the square of the distance travelled.

Another important wave characteristic of electromagnetic radiation is phase. In most sources of radiant energy the atoms emit waves at random intervals. As a result, the vibrations of waves of the same frequency are out of phase with each other – that is, the maximum and minimum strengths of the electric and magnetic fields of one wave do not coincide with those of other waves. Furthermore, although in each single wave the electric and magnetic fields are at right angles to each other, in a collection of waves not all the electric fields (or magnetic ones) lie in the same plane, unless the waves are polarized. Randomly-emitted electromagnetic radiation is described as incoherent, and this is the usual way in which radiant energy is emitted. In lasers, on the other hand, the atoms do not emit randomly and the light produced is coherent – that is, all the waves are in phase.

Particle nature. The particle nature of electromagnetic radiation is explained by the quantum theory, according to which radiant energy is emitted in discrete, individual “packets” of energy called quanta or photons. But even the quantum theory cannot explain all the properties of electromagnetic radiation. As a result, wave-particle duality remains fundamental to understanding the nature of radiant energy.

Basic Properties. All forms of electromagnetic radiation exhibit several basic properties. One of the most fundamental is velocity: all electromagnetic radiations travel at the same constant velocity through a vacuum. They may also pass through other mediums, although not all mediums are transparent to all types of electromagnetic radiation. X rays, for instance, can pass through metal but light cannot. In transparent mediums the velocity of the radiation is slower than in a vacuum; the exact speed depends on the frequency of radiation and the medium’s density. If electromagnetic radiation is not transmitted through a medium, it may be reflected or absorbed.

The other principal properties of electromagnetic radiation are scattering, diffraction, interference, and polarization.


III. Find an adjective in each line and translate it. Translate also the underlined words.


a) Apparent, transmit, duality, diminish, inversely;

b) Absorb, source, usual, randomly, coincide;

c) Strengthen, transparent, density, fundamental, decelerate;

d) Fully, exhibit, radiant, coherent, aerial;

e) Oscillate, property, diffract, incoherent, frequently;

f) Quanta, expand, reflect, uncertainty, rapid;

g) Interfere, single, resolve, associate with, velocity;


IV. Practice the following speech patterns.


Pattern 1.  Wave front can be regarded as an expanding sphere.


1. Atoms – tiny models of the solar system.


Pattern 2.  The particle nature of electromagnetic radiation is explained by the quantum theory.


1. The force between two charges – Coulomb’s law.

2. The motion of planets – Newton’s laws.

3. The atom and its motion – the quantum theory.


Pattern 3.  All forms of electromagnetic radiation exhibit several basic_properties.


1. Solids

2. Liquids

3. Gases

4. Electrons

5. Neutrons

6. Colloids

7. Crystalloids

8. Liquid crystal



V. Find the sentences that can’t be found in the text.


  1. Electromagnetic radiation results whenever electrons oscillate, decelerate or change energy levels in an atom.
  2. Electromagnetic radiation consists of a wave motion in both an electric and magnetic field.
  3. The joint interplay of electric and magnetic forces is what is called an electromagnetic field.
  4. In some circumstances it acts like a wave, whereas in others – for example, the generation of an electric charge when ultraviolet radiation strikes certain metals – it acts like a stream of particles.
  5. Wave characteristics tend to predominate at the long-wavelength, low frequency (radio wave) end of the electromagnetic spectrum, whereas particle characteristics are more pronounced at the short-wavelength, high-frequency (X-ray and gamma ray) end.
  6. The particle nature of electromagnetic radiation is explained by the quantum theory.


VI. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions in the text.


  1. быстро-движущиеся электроны _______________________________
  2. передающие антенны ________________________________________
  3. вибрировать с одинаковой частотой ___________________________
  4. поперечные волны ___________________________________________
  5. свойства ____________________________________________________
  6. ведёт себя как волна _________________________________________
  7. корпускулярно-волновой дуализм _____________________________
  8. поток частиц ________________________________________________
  9. если источник точечный _____________________________________
  10. поверхность _________________________________________________
  11. обратно пропорциональна квадрату расстояния ________________
  12. максимальные и минимальные значения величины напряженности
  13. не совпадают _________________________________________________
  14. квантовая теория не может объяснить __________________________
  15. распространяться с постоянной скоростью _____________________
  16. проходит через другие среды __________________________________
  17. плотность среды ____________________________________________


VII. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions in the text.


  1. electromagnetic radiation results _________________________________
  2. energy levels _________________________________________________
  3. X-rays ______________________________________________________
  4. wave motion _________________________________________________
  5. at right angles ________________________________________________
  6. direction of travel _____________________________________________
  7. precise nature ________________________________________________
  8. something of an enigma ________________________________________
  9. radiation strikes certain metals ___________________________________
  10. an expending sphere ___________________________________________
  11. emit waves at random intervals __________________________________
  12. are out of phase with each other __________________________________
  13. randomly-emitted electromagnetic radiation _________________________
  14. incoherent radiation ____________________________________________
  15. exhibit several properties ________________________________________
  16. exact speed ___________________________________________________


VIII. Analyze the structure of the following sentences.


  1. In some circumstances – such as the diffraction of light by a grating – it acts like a wave, whereas in others – for example, the generation of an electric charge when ultraviolet radiation strikes certain metals – it acts like a stream of particles.
  2. Furthermore, although in each single wave the electric and magnetic fields are at right angles to each other, in a collection of waves not all the electric fields (or magnetic ones) lie in the same plane, unless the waves are polarized.
  3. In lasers the atoms do not emit randomly and the light produced is coherent.


IX. Fill in the missing words.


  1. Electromagnetic radiation results whenever electrons ______, ______, or change energy levels in an atom.
  2. Electromagnetic radiation consists of a wave motion in both an electric and magnetic field, which oscillate with the same ______ but at right angles to the ______ of travel.
  3. Electromagnetic waves are examples of ______ waves.
  4. Electromagnetic radiation also has properties ______ with particles.
  5. This apparent ______ has not been fully resolved.
  6. If the source is a single point, each wave front can be regarded as an ______ ______.
  7. ______ is thus inversely proportional to the square of the distance travelled.
  8. In most sources of radiant energy the atoms ______ waves at random intervals.
  9. Randomly-emitted electromagnetic radiation is described as ______.
  10. Radiant energy is emitted in ______, individual “packets” of energy called ______ or ______.
  11. All forms of electromagnetic radiation ______ several basic properties.
  12. If electromagnetic radiation is not ______ through a medium, it may be reflected or ______.


X. Fill in the prepositions if necessary.


  1. Radio waves are produced ___ oscillating electrons ___ the metal ___ transmitting aerials.
  2. Electromagnetic radiation consists ___ a wave motion ___ both an electric and magnetic field, which oscillate ___ the same frequency but ___ right angles ___ the direction ___ travel.
  3. Electromagnetic radiation has properties associated ___ particles.
  4. Electromagnetic waves are emitted ___ all direction ___ ___ their source.
  5. The intensity ___ radiation is inversely proportional ___ the square ___ the distance travelled.
  6. The atoms emit waves ___ random intervals.
  7. As a result, the vibration ___ waves ___ the same frequency are ___ ___ phase ___ each other.
  8. In lasers the atoms do not emit randomly and the light produced is coherent ___ that is, all the waves are ___ phase.
  9. ___ to quantum theory radiant energy is emitted ___ discrete, individual “packets” ___ energy called quanta or photons.
  10. X rays can pass ___ metal but light cannot.


XI. Practice with someone asking and answering.


  1. When does electromagnetic radiation result?
  2. What does electromagnetic radiation consist of?
  3. Why is its precise nature something of an enigma?
  4. What are two important wave characteristics of electromagnetic radiation?
  5. By what theory is the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation explained?
  6. Can the quantum theory explain all the properties of electromagnetic radiation?
  7. What notion (concept) remains fundamental for understanding the nature of radiant energy?
  8. What forms of electromagnetic radiation exhibit several basic properties?
  9. What is one of the most fundamental properties? Give the definition of it.
  10. What happens to electromagnetic radiation if it is not transmitted through a medium?
  11. What are the other principal properties of electromagnetic radiation?


XII. Translate in Russian using a dictionary.


Scattering is the random deflection of radiation caused by molecules or small objects reflecting or diffracting the radiation. Diffraction occurs when electromagnetic waves encounter a narrow opening (comparable in size to the wavelength of the radiation) or an obstacle and are bent around the edges of the opening or obstacle. This phenomenon may be accompanied by interference – the reinforcement or cancellation of waves that occurs when coherent waves of the same frequency interact. And  electromagnetic waves can be polarized so that all their electric fields vibrate in the same plane (which necessarily means that their magnetic fields must also oscillate in one plane). 


XIII. Dictate the following statements in English to your fellow-students.


  1. Electromagnetic radiation consists of a wave motion in both an electric and magnetic field.
  2. The apparent wave-particle duality has not been fully resolved.
  3. The particle nature of electromagnetic radiation is explained by the quantum theory.


XIV. Dictation-translation.


  1. Электромагнитное излучение возникает, когда электроны колеблются, замедляют скорость движения или меняют энергетический уровень в атоме.
  2. Радиоволны вырабатываются вращающимися электронами в металле передающих антенн.
  3. Электромагнитное излучение состоит из движения волн как в электрическом, так и в магнитном полях, которые вибрируют с одинаковой частотой, но под прямыми углами по направлению к распространению.
  4. Таким образом, электромагнитные волны являются примерами поперечных волн.
  5. Электромагнитное излучение также обладает свойствами частиц, и его истинная природа остается загадкой.
  6. В одних случаях электромагнитное излучение ведет себя как волна, в других – как частица.
  7. Этот очевидный корпускулярно-волновой дуализм не был полностью объяснен.
  8. С увеличением расстояния от источника, интенсивность излучения уменьшается, в то время как поверхностная площадь сферы увеличивается.
  9. Интенсивность излучения обратно пропорциональна квадрату пройденного расстояния.

10. В соответствии с квантовой теорией световая (лучистая) энергия излучается в виде прерывистых «порций энергии», называемых квантами или фотонами.