Texts: |
1. The Future Simple Tense 2. Subordinate Clauses of Time and Condition 3. The construction to be going to 4. Modal Verbs may, might 1. «The Car of the Future» 2. «A Good Job» 3. «Tea» 4. «I Love You» Dialogue. |
Text One
«The Car of the Future»
A pessimist is a person who always expects bad things to happen. Pessimists think that today’s cars are in trouble because they use too much gas. They say the car of the future will be much, much smaller. The car of tomorrow will have no heater and no air conditioning. It’ll have no radio and no lights. Tomorrow’s car will be an open air car with no doors and windows. It won’t need a pollution control system because it won’t use gas. In fact, drivers will push this new car with their feet. Very few people will be killed in accidents, because the top speed will be five miles per hour. However, pessimists warn us not to ask for pretty colours, because the car will come in grey only.
Optimists are sure that the future will be happy. They think that car companies will soon solve all our problems by producing the Supercar. Tomorrow’s car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable than before. The Supercar will have four rooms, color TV, running water, heat, air conditioning, and a swimming pool. Large families will travel on long trips in complete comfort. If gas is in short supply, the Supercar will run on water. Finally, optimists promise that the car of the future will come in any color, as long as the colour is grey.
Text Two
«A Good Job»
Bill Thompson was a university graduate. That is probably why hе got a good job soon after he left the university. He was a barman in a private hospital for the deaf and dumb.
One day, or rather one evening, he wanted to go to a party and asked me to do his work.
- I’m sorry, old chap - I said - but I can’t!
- Why not? - he asked.
- You see, I don’t know the sign language.
- It’s very simple - he said - the moment you open the bar at 6 in the evening a few chaps will come in. They will make a sign to put the glasses on the table. You will take the glasses and put them on the table. Next they will make a sign to pour out whisky into the glasses and take the money. If you are still worried you can have my telephone number just in case.
I could not say «no», so I said «yes». I opened the bar at 6 and the moment I did so six fellows walked in. They made the sign to put the glasses on the table. Next they made the sign to pour out whisky into the glasses. I did what they wanted. For the next 2 or 3 hours they kept making the sign to pour out whisky and at last they got up to their feet, opened their mouths, but I could not understand anything. I rushed to the telephone, dialed Bill’s number and told him about it.
- Set your mind at rest, old chap - he answered roaring with laughter - they have had too many drinks and are singing now! The situation is perfectly regular!
Text Three
The English know how to make tea and what it does for you. Seven cups of it will wake you up in the morning; nine cups will put you to sleep at night.
If you are hot, tea will cool you off, and if you are cold, it will warm you up.
If you take it in the middle of the morning, it will stimulate you for further work; if you drink it in the afternoon, it will relax you for further thought. Then, of course, you should drink lots of it in off hours.
The test of good tea is simple. If a spoon stands up in it, then it is strong enough; if the spoon starts to wobble, it is a feeble makeshift.
Text Four
«I love you»
Mr Miller: We’re going to the petrol-station first. Well, Harold, what do you think of Hastings?
Harold: It’s a very nice town.
Mr Miller: There’s the petrol-station.
Harold: There’s a police-car standing outside the petrol-station.
Peter: Yes, it’s Uncle David’s car.
Nancy: Hello, Uncle David.
David: Oh, hello! Are you making a trip?
Peter: Yes, we’re going to the old castle
David: Ghost-hunting?
Nancy: We’ll bring you back a ghost if we see a nice one.
Harold: Any news about the smugglers?
David: No, we are still on the look-out for them.
Nancy: Good-bye, Uncle David.
David: Well, I’m ready to go. Good-bye, everybody.
Peter: It’s your turn, Father.
Mr Miller: Oh, yes.
The sales girl: Good-afternoon.
Mr Miller: Good-afternoon. Super, please.
The sales girl: How many gallons?
Mr Miller: Fill her up, please.
The sales girl: Right you are.
Mr Miller: Will you check oil and water, too, please?
The sales girl: Certainly. Shall I check the battery?
Mr Miller: No, that’s all right. But check the tyres, please.
The sales girl: Of course, sir.
Nancy: Can we buy some sweets in the supermarket?
Father: All right. But you must hurry up, because I can’t wait long for you.
Harold: I’ll get a bottle of lemonade.
Nancy: I’ll get the sweets. Hey, Peter!
Peter: Yes, what’s up?
Nancy: I want to buy a Valentine for Harold.
Peter: A Valentine?
Nancy: Yes, St.Valentine’s Day is next week. The fourteenth. Look at this card.
Peter: Oh, very nice. Let me read it.
Nancy: No, listen. «I love you, darling Valentine, I always want you to be mine»
Peter: Who is your darling Valentine? Harold?
Nancy: Don’t say anything to Harold.
Peter: I shan’t say anything. Look out! Harold’s coming!
Nancy: I’m going to the paydesk, to pay for the card. Keep Harold busy for a moment, will you?
Peter: All right.
Harold: Ah, there you are, Peter!
Peter: Hello, Harold! Did you get the lemonade?
Harold: Yes, I did. What do I see over there? Valentines! I’ll buy one for Nancy.
Peter: Oh, yes, she will like that.
Harold: Oh, this is a nice one. «I love you, darling Valentine, I always want you to be mine.»
Peter: Ha-ha-ha
Harold: Why are you laughing?
Peter: Oh, nothing.
Nancy: Come on you two, let’s go.
There. Father’s waiting.
Notes. Forms and Patterns
1. The Future Simple Tense
(b) Meaning: We use «will»
1) to express a future on which the speaker has no influence:
e.g. |
Spring will come soon. Next year I’ll be 18. The wedding will take place on June 27th. |
2) to express an activity decided at the time of speaking:
e.g. |
Which do you want? The blue or the red? - I’ll take the red. Thank you. |
3) to make predictions:
e.g. |
Tomorrow will be another cold day in all parts of the country. |
We use «shall» to express suggestions and offers.
e.g. |
Shall we go for a swim tomorrow. |
(с) The adverbials of time used with the Future Simple Tense are: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week (month, year, couple of weeks), next year, in 2005.
(d) Types of questions:
They will need money on the 15th. |
2. Subordinate Clauses of Time and Condition:
In «if-clauses» and «when-clauses» we normally use a present tense to talk about the future.
e.g. If I have enough time tomorrow, I’ll come and see you.
He’ll be very happy when she arrives.
Note: |
I wonder if he will be busy tomorrow. |
3. The construction «to be going to» - Future
(b) We use «going to» to express:
1) intentions and plans (in informal style):
e.g. |
We’re going to spend the winter in Australia. She’s going to give a party next week. |
2) predictions:
e.g. |
Look out! She’s going to faint! |
4. Modal verbs «may, might»
(a) Forms:
«May» and «might» have the same form in all persons.
«May» and «might» are followed by the infinitive without «to».
(b) We use «may» and «might» to express:
1) present possibility:
e.g. |
I rang but got no answer. He may (might) be away.(=Perhaps he is away.) |
2) future possibility:
e.g. |
Take the umbrella with you. It might rain. I may go to Paris. (= Perhaps I will go to Paris.) I may play tennis tomorrow. (= Perhaps I will play tennis tomorrow.) |
3) requests for permission:
e.g. |
May I have some more coffee? |
Drill 1. He will get married soon.
- Will he get married soon, indeed? - No, he won’t. He won’t get married soon, I am afraid.
1. He will pass his English exam easily.
2. My teacher will be proud of my progress.
3. They will graduate from college next month.
4. She will make a good housewife.
5. We shall enjoy ourselves at the week-end.
6. We shall manage to get the book by Agatha Christie.
Drill 2. It rained a lot yesterday.
- Yes, and it will rain a lot tomorrow too.
- She swept the floor yesterday.
- He repaired the car yesterday.
- They won the match yesterday.
- She studied her lessons yesterday.
- He got up late yesterday.
- They were polite yesterday.
- She was kind yesterday.
Drill 3. Did you phone me yesterday?
- No, but I’ll phone you tonight.
1. Did you phone Harold?
2. Did you phone Hancy?
3. Did you phone Jill and Joe?
4. Did you phone me?
5. Did you phone John?
6. Did you phone Pat?
7. Did you phone me and Sam?
Drill 4. How long will it take her to get home from her office?
- It will take her half an hour to get there.
1. How long will it take you to get home from college?
2. How long will it take your friend to get to his office tomorrow?
3. How long will it take her to cook dinner today?
4. How long will it take you to do your work well?
Drill 5. Have you written the letter yet?
- No, but I am going to.
1. Has he read the book yet?
2. Have they bought a CD player yet?
3. Have they visited the BritishMuseum yet?
4. Has she read The War and Peace yet?
5. Have they talked about these things yet?
6. Has he posted the letter yet?
Drill 6. Are you going to walk home or take a bus?
- I’m going to take a bus.
1. When are you going to finish this book?
2. What are you going to do after the lesson?
3. Are we going to read «Treasure Island»?
4. When are you going to have another party?
5. Where are you going to spend your next holiday?
6. Are you going to visit anybody tomorrow?
7. When are we going to meet again?
Drill 7. If he works hard, he’ll enter the University.
- If he doesn’t work hard, he won’t enter the University.
1. If they study hard, they will pass exams without trouble.
2. If he gets good marks, his teacher will be proud of him.
3. If he manages to graduate from college, he will make a doctor.
4. If the boy is clever at chess, he’ll make a good chessplayer.
5. If he marries her, she will take care of his parents.
6. If she is practical, she will manage the house well.
Drill 8. A. Look at what Jenny and Mark hope will happen in the future.
- If I don’t go out so much, I’ll do more work.
- If I do more work, I’ll...
Jenny |
Mark |
If I ... |
don’t go out so much do more work pass my exams go to university study medicine become a doctor earn a good salary ? |
If I ... |
stop smoking have more money save some every week rich when I’m thirty have my own business make a lot of money retire when I’m forty ? |
B. Ask and answer questions about Jenny and Mark.
- What will Jenny do if she passes her exams? - She’ll go to university.
Drill 9. Where is Kitty? (in the garden)
- She may be in the garden.
1. Where is the doctor? (at the hospital)
2. Where are the boys? (on the river)
3. Where is Mr Miller? (in the garage)
4. Where is the cat? (in the kitchen)
5. Where is Peter? (on the playground)
6. Where is Miss Parker? (at her friends’)
7. Where is Harold? (on the tennis court)
8. Where is Nancy? (at the cinema)
Drill 10. Will you help tonight?
- No, but I might help tomorrow.
1. Will you come tonight? 2. Will he pay tonight? 3. Will it rain tonight? 4. Will she start tonight? 5. Will they play tonight? 6. Will he listen tonight? |
7. Will you answer tonight? 8. Will he swim tonight? 9. Will she dance tonight? 10. Will he sing tonight? 11. Will they arrive tonight?
Drill 11. Perhaps she is ill. (may)
- She may be ill.
1. Perhaps it’ll rain later. (might)
2. Perhaps I’ll see you tomorrow. (may)
3. Perhaps they are asleep. (might)
4. Perhaps he doesn’t know the address. (may)
5. Perhaps he isn’t coming now. (might)
6. Perhaps they’re going on holiday. (may)
7. Perhaps you’re right. (might)
8. Perhaps he wants a rest. (may)
9. Possibly she is at home. (might)
10. Possibly the dog is hungry. (may)
Vocabulary and Comprehension Exercises
Exercise 1. (Text 1) Answer the questions with a sentence from the text.
1. What is a pessimist?
2. Why are today’s cars in trouble?
3. What will the car of the future look like, according to the pessimists?
4. Why won’t it need a pollution control system?
5. How will it run?
6. Why will it be so safe?
7. How many colors will it come in?
8. What is an optimist?
9. How will car companies solve our problems?
10. What will the Supercar look like?
11. How will it run?
12. How many colors will the Supercar come in?
Exercise 2. (Text 2) Answer the questions.
1. Who was a university graduate?
2. Did he get a good job after he left the university?
3. What was his job?
4. Why did he ask his friend to do his job?
5. Why did his friend refuse at first?
6. Will Bill’s friend need the knowledge of the sign language?
7. What will happen the moment he opens the bar at 6 in the evening?
8. What will happen then?
9. Did everything happen as Bill had predicted?
10. How long did six fellows keep making the sign to pour out whisky?
11. What did Bill’s friend do when the fellows got up to their feet and opened their months?
12. How did Bill explain the situation?
Exercise 3. (Text 3) Answer the questions.
1. What do the English know?
2. How many cups of tea wake you up in the morning?
3. How many cups of tea will put you to sleep at night?
4. When will tea cool you off and when will tea warm you up?
5. What good will tea do if you take it in the middle of the morning?
6. What good will tea do if you drink it in the afternoon?
7. How much tea should you drink in off hours?
8. What is the test of good tea?
Exercise 4. (Text 4. Dialogue) Answer the questions.
1. Where is Mr Miller going first?
2. What does Harold say of Hastings?
3. Whose car is standing outside the petrol-station?
4. Where are the young people going?
5. What do they promise to bring back?
6. What’s new about the smugglers?
7. What does Mr Miller ask the salesgirl to do?
8. What do the young people want to buy in the supermarket?
9. What does Nancy decide to buy for Harold?
10. Why is Peter laughing?
Exercise 5. Dictation-translation.
1. Пессимист – это человек, который всегда ждет худшего. 2. Машина будущего будет открытой машиной без дверей и окон. 3. Она не будет использовать газ и ей не понадобится система контроля за загрязнением окружающей среды. 4. Максимальная скорость машины будет 5 миль в час. 5. Оптимисты думают, что автомобильные компании скоро решат все наши проблемы путем выпуска Суперавтомобиля. 6. Машина будущего будет больше, быстрее и удобнее, чем ранбше. 7. Если не будет хватать газа, суперавтомобиль будет работать на воде. |
B. |
1. Билл Томсон – выпускник университета. 2. Вероятно, именно поэтому он получил хорошую работу после окончания университета. 3. Он был барменом в частной больнице для глухонемых. 4. Когда ты откроешь бар в 6 часов вечера, войдут несколько парней. 5. Они сделают знак поставить стаканы на стол. 6. Я кинулся к телефону, набрал номер Билла и рассказал ему об этом. 7. Успокойся, приятель. Они слишком много выпили и сейчас поют. |
C. |
1. Сначала мы едем на заправочную станцию. 2. Мы едем в старый замок. – За привидениями? 3. Мы привезем вам привидение, если увидим симпатичное. 4. Есть какие-нибудь новости о контрабандистах? 5. Мы все еще их ищем. 6. Мне проверить аккумулятор? 7. Что случилось? |
Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1. Put the following into the Future Simple tense;
use the short form in negative sentences.
1. I never believe you. 2. You don’t understand it. 3. I don’t buy cheap things. 4. He never cleans his own shoes. 5. It doesn’t cost very much. 6. I eat an orange every day. |
7. He feels ill. 8. I never have much money. 9. It doesn’t hurt you. 10. I know the answer now. (Tomorrow...) 11. I never look as pretty as her. 12. He doesn’t like it at all. |
Exercise 2. Change the following sentences into the «going to» form of future.
1. He will leave tomorrow.
2. Where will he stay?
3. John will wait for us there.
4. He will lend me the money.
5. We shall eat them all.
6. I’m afraid it will cost a lot of money.
7. Mr Thomson will sell his house.
8. I’ll sing it again this evening.
9. We’ll work harder next year.
10. He’ll speak to us about it.
11. I shall have three weeks’ holiday this year.
12. They will learn Spanish.
Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences: a) in «shall/will» form, and b) in «going to» form. Use a future time expression if necessary.
e.g. He has just finished it.
- He’ll finish it next week.
- He’s going to finish it next week.
1. My sister cleaned my room yesterday.
2. We’ve already climbed the mountain.
3. They came here last year, didn’t they?
4. It didn’t cost so much a week ago.
5. He cut you a bigger piece of cake last time.
6. They didn’t do any business with us in 1990.
7. He looked for you at the party last night.
8. I saw the queen three days ago.
9. Did we go out yesterday afternoon?
10. He stayed at home till six o’clock.
11. They haven’t paid me since March.
12. We didn’t have time to see them all.
Exercise 4. Put questions to the following statements.
- The car of the future will come in grey colour.
- The top speed of the supercar will be five miles per hour.
- Harold is going to pay for the card.
- He will get a bottle of lemonade in the supermarket.
- They are going to make a trip to the old castle.
Exercise 5. Put «when» or «if» into each gap.
1. _____ I go home tonight, I’ll have a bath.
2. _____ there is a good programme on TV, I’ll watch it.
3. _____ there’s nothing in the fridge, we’ll eat out.
4. _____ I’ll pay you back the money _____ I get my next pay cheque.
5. We’ll go skiing next winter _____ we have enough money.
6. _____ it’s a nice day tomorrow, we’ll go swimming.
7. I’m coming to London tomorrow. I’ll phone you _____ I arrive.
8. We’re thinking of going to Spain for our holidays. _____ we decide to go, I’ll let you know.
Exercise 6. Add the missing time conjunction (when, until, as soon as, before, after, while) in the following sentences.
1. I’ll come and see you ___ I have time.
2. We shall be ready ___ you are.
3. We shall go ___ he is ready.
4. You must wait ___ the light changes to green.
5. I’ll write to you ___ I leave England.
6. He will remain in the south ___ the cold weather lasts.
7. ___ I live, I shall always remember his face.
8. You will be able to play the piano ___ you like.
9. They will not climb the hill ___ the moon rises.
10. Don’t buy bananas ___ they become cheaper.
Exercise 7. Put the verb in brackets into a suitable tense.
1. We shall go as soon as you (be) ready.
2. He will tell you when you (get) home.
3. We’ll go out when the rain (stop).
4. I’ll be ready before you (count) ten.
5. He’ll eat strawberries until he (look like) them.
6. Please sit here until my husband (come).
7. The house will stay empty till we (return).
8. As soon as you buy the book, I (borrow) it from you.
9. I’ll believe it when I (see) it.
10. She (not come) until you are ready.
Exercise 8. Put «if, when» or «as soon as» into each box, and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
Paul: Buy, darling. Have a good trip.
Mary: Thanks. I ___ (ring) you I ___ (arrive) at the hotel.
Paul: That’s lovely, but remember I’m going out.
Mary: Well, you ___ (be) out
I ___ (ring), I ___ (leave) a message on the answer phone so you know I’ve arrived safely.
Paul: Great. What time do you expect you’ll be there?
Mary: the plane ___ (arrive) on time, I ___ (be) at the hotel at about 10.00. That’s 8.00 your time.
Paul: All right. And remember. Give me a ring you know the time of your flight back, and I ___ (pick) you up.
Mary: Thanks, darling. Bye!
Exercise 9. Supply a suitable tense for the verbs in brackets.
1. Don’t get off the bus till it (stop).
2. You will be amazed when you (see) the view.
3. Let’s go to a café when the concert (be) over.
4. I don’t know when I (find) a job.
5. I won’t play cards with you again till you (stop) cheating.
6. You won’t forget to lock up the house before you (go) out, will you?
7. I can’t express an opinion until I (know) the facts.
8. We must wait until the waiter (bring) the coffee.
9. I don’t think he (phone) before he arrives.
10. They haven’t said if he (be) there.
11. I (not move) from here until you get back.
12. You’ll know him when you (see) him.
Exercise 10. Change the following sentences according to the pattern, using «may».
e.g. John will see you tomorrow.
- John may see you tomorrow.
1. If she stays, she’ll get a job.
2. My sister must go to Manchester tomorrow.
3. He will be irritable, if you interrupt him.
4. I won’t allow you to use my pen.
5. If you go alone, you will lose your way.
6. They will never come again.
7. Ask Peter - he knows all about it.
8. Perhaps we’ll go to Spain for our holidays.
9. Perhaps I’ll get my cheque today.
10. Perhaps Joe and Ellie will pop in for a drink this evening.
11. Put the keys somewhere safe. Perhaps you’ll lose them.
12. Don’t buy that book for John. Perhaps he won’t like it.
Exercise 11. Choose the correct verb form in the following sentences.
- Don’t wait for me. I’ll be/I might be late. It depends on the traffic.
- What are you doing tonight? – I don’t know. I am going/I might go out, or I’m staying/I might stay at home.
- We have guests coming for Sunday lunch. I’m going to cook/I might cook roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. I’ve bought all the ingredients.
- I’m going to buy George a pink shirt. – I wouldn’t if I were you. – Why not? – He isn’t going to like/ He might not like the colour pink.
- Good-bye, darling! I’ll phone/I might phone as soon as I arrive. – Thanks.Bye!
- Catherine wants to be a politician. Who knows? One day she’ll be/she might be Prime Minister!
Exercise 12. Add the adverbs of place and time to the sentences below.
e.g. soon/ there
- I’ll meet you there soon.
1. on Main Street/ now 2. this morning/ at the library 3. at 10 o’clock/ in front of the office 4. tomorrow/ downtown 5. to school/ early 6. right now/ up the street 7. there/ in a little while 8. this summer/ in the mountains 9. last year/ to the seashore 10. at home/ every day |
They live ___ ___ . I saw you ___ ___ . I’ll meet you ___ ___ . They have to go ___ ___ . Johny goes ___ ___ . Mr Jones is coming ___ ___ . We’ll see you ___ ___ . We are going camping ___ ___ . They went ___ ___ . She stays ___ ___ . |
Exercise 13. Translate from Russian into English.
- Он легко сдаст свой экзамен по английскому языку. 2. Ты будешь здесь завтра? 3. Когда ты собираешься закончить эту книгу? 4. Если они будут много работать, они легко сдадут экзамены. 5. Ты уже написал письмо? – Нет, но собираюсь. 6. Где мистер Миллер? – Вероятно, в гараже. 7. Ты мне поможешь сегодня вечером? – Нет, но я мог бы помочь завтра. 8. Если я поступлю в университет, я буду изучать историю.