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I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите I–III абзацы текста.


The Radzivills


There were a lot of noble families in the history of Belarus; however none was more  renowned than the Radzivill family. The family left its imprint on a wide variety of human endeavours – from public and political life to culture and education. For centuries they had been meticulously collecting and preserving books, documents, paintings, weaponry, and other rare and valuable objects that could fill entire museums. With their own money, the Radzivills built painting shops in Bierascie (nowadays Brest), Nesvizh, and other Belarusian cities. Not only did they influence politics, economics and culture of their nation, but they often did it according to their own needs, aspirations and tastes. History has preserved a lot of names of the Radzivill family. Let us recollect some of them here.

Barbara Radzivill (1520–1551), the Queen of Poland and Duchess of Lithuania was the most beautiful woman of her time. The love she awoke in the heart of the Polish King Zyhimont II August was called “the love affair of the century”.

Nickolay Radzivill Chorny (The Black) (1515-1565) filled high and responsible posts in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: great chancellor, governor (vajavoda) of Vilno (capital of the Great Duchy, nowadays Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania), major of Bierascie (nowadays Brest), Kounia (nowadays Kaunas in Lithuania) and Barysau and administrator of Livonia. Throughout his entire political career he pursued a firm policy of strengthening the sovereignty of the Belarusian state, and skillfully implemented agrarian and economic reforms. As chancellor, Nickolay Radzivill wisely defined new priorities for our state’s foreign policy in the 16th century that led to a closer integration with Western and Northern Europe.

His son Nickolay Kristof Radzivill Sirotka (1549–1616), an ardent Catholic, headed the fight against Calvinism and issued orders to burn books published by Calvinist printing houses. At the same time, he exerted every effort to make the architecture of the Radzivill palace in Nesvizh equal to that of contemporary European cities.

In 1586 Nesvizh was granted the right to an autonomous municipal administration (the so-called Magdeburg right), which added a lot to the grandeur and power of Nesvizh. For over a century, the town had been growing and strengthening in a time of peace. But in 1706, Nesvizh was drastically ruined after one of the war campaigns of the swedish King Karl XII. For nearly 20 years Nesvizh had to face its sufferings all alone: at the time the Radzivills were preoccupied with “big politics” and lived in Krakow, Warsaw and Vilnius. Only in 1726 Prince Mikhail Kazimir Radzivill  (Rybonka) (1702-1762) began to take care of his estate and land again. The historians suggest that it was Prince Mikhail who had rebuilt the town and the castle in Nesvizh.  He was a powerful magnate and Nesvizh was turned into a center of his estate. In those years, his wife Franciska Ursula Radzivill (1705–1753), who was writing comedies and dramas, established the first Slavic secular theatre in Nesvizh. This theatre was in action till 1760. That was also the time of restoration of book printing in Nesvizh. 


to fill a post – занимать пост

with one’s own money – за свои собственные деньги

to pursue a firm policy – проводить твердую политику

to grant the right to – даровать (давать) право на

to issue orders to do smth – издавать приказ (указ) сделать что-либо

to exert every effort – прилагать все усилия


II. Пользуясь текстом, найдите и запишите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

none was more renowned; they had been meticulously collecting and preserving books; did it according to their own needs; throughout his entire political career; that led to a closer integration with countries; issued orders to turn books; he exerted every effort; added a lot to the grandeur and power of Nesvizh; equal to that of contemporary European cities; the first Slavic secular theatre.


III. Письменно закончите предложения, вставив нужное слово или выражение из текста.

1. The family left its ….. on a wide variety of human ….. .

2. Throughout his … … … he pursued a firm policy of strengthening the sovereignty of the Belarusian state.

3. Nickolay Radzivill wisely ….. new priorities for our state foreign policy that led to a closer ….. with Western and Nothern Europe.

4. In 1706 Nesvizh was … … after one of the war campaigns of the Swedish king.

5. Franciska Ursula Radzivill ….. the first Slavic secular theatre in Nesvizh.


IV. Вставьте нужный предлог, если необходимо. Предложения запишите. 

1. The Radzivill family left its imprint ….. a wide variety ….. human endeavours – ….. public and political life ….. culture and education.

2. The members ….. the family were leaders ….. wars against the enemies ….. the Grand Duchy ….. Lithuania.

3. ….. their own money, the Radzivills built painting shops ….. Bierascie (nowadays Brest), Nesvizh, and other Belarusian cities.

4. Nickolay Kristof Radzivill Sirotka headed the fight ….. Calvinism.

5. ….. 1586 Nesvizh was granted the right ….. an autonomous municipal administration which added a lot ….. the grandeur and power ….. Nesvizh.


V. Пользуясь текстом, ответьте письменно на вопросы. 

1. What family left its imprint on a wide variety of human endeavours?

2. What members of the Radzivill family do you know?

3. Who headed the fight against Calvinism?

4. Why did the Radzivills neglect the town of Nesvizh for 20 years?

5. When did Prince Mikhail begin to take care of the town?

6. Who was the founder of the first Slavic secular theatre?


VI. Выберите правильные времена глагола. 

  1. I ….. this book for three hours when he came.

a) read;     b) had read;     c) had been reading.

  1. She ….. this picture some years ago.

a) had painted;     b) painted;     c) was painting.

  1. New material ….. by the teacher now.

a) is explained;     b) is explaining;     c) is being explained.

  1. We shall take our exams in advance if we ….. .

a) allow;     b) have been allowed:     c) are allowed.


VII. Переведите предложения на родной язык, обращая внимание на неличные  формы глагола. 

1. I remember reading this book.

2. This writer is said to have written a new novel.

3. The first thing for me to do is to find out when the steamer arrives.

4. I want him to help me.

5. He likes being invited by his friends.

6. Packing his things quickly, he hurried to the station.


VIII. Определите тип условных предложений. Предложения переведите. 

1. Carrie would have played her part better if she had been a true actress.

2. If it were winter now, I would go skiing.

3. If she had some spare time, she would take up French.

4. If he worked hard, he would pass the exams well.

5. He would not have locked the car with the keys inside if he had not been in a hurry.


IX. Переведите предложения на родной язык. Укажите вид подчинения придаточного предложения. 

1. You’ll never speak English correctly unless you know grammar well.

2. We were surprised to know that his report had been published before the conference began.

3. Hardly had I gone to bed, when somebody gave me a call.                          

4. I know he had returned.

5. As the Athenians knew they would be attacked first, they asked the Spartans to help them.


X. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие слова с окончанием -ed. Определите, какой грамматической формой они являются. Образец:

The new King had promised the nobles that he would marry the Princess Elizabeth of York.    

postponed – причастие II


Test 4


Опровергните следующие утверждения или согласитесь с ними.

Начните свое высказывание следующими выражениями:

You are quite right… You are mistaken… Quite agree with you… On the contrary.


1. The Radzivill family was the oldest and the richest family in the history of Belarus.

2. The members of the family were great scientists.

3. Barbara Radzivill, the Queen of Poland and Duchess of Lithuania was the most beautiful woman of her time.

4. Nickolay Radzivill Chorny *Black) was the head of the Belarusian army.

5. Nickolay Kristof Radzivill Sirotka was the founder of the first Slavic secular theatre.