I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите 3, 4 и 5 абзацы текста.
The Egyptian Scribes
In Ancient Egypt officials who could read and write were required for all posts in the highly centralized administration, and the first necessity of any man who wished to follow a professional career was that he should be properly educated in one of the schools attached to a palace or temple where books were copied and formal instruction given.
In the reign of Rameses II, instruction began at the age of four and was completed twelve years later. In learning the classical utterance of the Middle Kingdom, which was used for some monumental and literary purposes down to Graeco-Roman days, the pupil of a later day had to wrestle with a language which was already dead and which he understood very imperfectly, as his copies of the classics clearly reveal. It is often only in such garbled forms that Egyptian literature has come down to us.
The pupil began by learning by heart the different hieroglyphs and from that he progressed to words. From this stage he went on to copy extracts from the classics, sometimes translating them into his native language. Papyrus was too expensive for beginners to spoil and postsherds and flakes of limestome (ostraka) had to serve instead. The instruction in reading and writing comprised other subjects as well.
Learning without tears may have been the ideal in some respects, although the Egyptians also had a belief in the efficacy of corporal punishment. It is not surprising that under such treatment the schoolboy should have thought of running away to become a soldier or charioteer or farmer.
When the scribe had graduated from school he had his foot on the first rung of a career in the higher ranks of the army, the treasury, or the palace.
ostraka [‘ostr'k'] pl. from ostrakon
efficacy [‘efik'si] – действенность, сила
corporal – телесный, физический
should have thought of – подумывая о том, чтобы
charioteer [‘tòæri'’ti'] – возница
rung – ступенька
the treasury – казначейство
a scribe – писец, переписчик
II. Найдите в тексте и запишите слова:
а) однокоренные: centre, administrative, monument, begin, inscribe, efficiency, corpus, treasure;
b) близкие по значению: to need, to desire, well-learnt, to start, to finish, aim, goal, to struggle, to finish school;
c) противоположные по значению: illiterate, a hut, perfectly, expensive, encouragement, to start.
III. Составьте и запишите предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.
Переведите предложения на родной язык.
1. In learning the classical utterance of the Middle Kingdom the pupil of a later day had
2. From this stage he went on to copy
3. The first necessity of any man who wished to follow a professional carrier was
4. Ancient Egypt officials who could read and write were
5. It is often only in such garbled forms
a) required for all posts in the highly centralized administration;
b) that Egyptian literature has come down to us;
c) schoolboy should have thought of running away to become a soldier or charioteer or farmer;
d) to wrestle with a language which was already dead and which he understood very imperfectly;
e) extracts from the classics, sometimes translating them into his native language.
IV. Письменно ответьте на вопросы.
1. Why was it important to be a scribe in Ancient Egypt?
2. What role did the scribes play in the development of Egyptian culture?
3. Was it an easy matter for pupils to be instructed in Ancient Egypt?
4. When did Rameses II reign? What was he famous for?
5. Was Ancient Egypt a mighty state in Ancient East? Prove your answer.
V. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужной видо-временной форме в действительном или страдательном залоге. Предложения переведите.
1. The preparations for the party just (finish) and the guests are already arriving.
2. There was nobody in the sitting-room when I (get) home. Everybody (go) to bed.
3. Our luggage (examine) at the Customs now. Any luggage going abroad (check) usually here.
4. When you (get) this wonderful ring? – I don’t remember. I (have) it for years.
5. I (go) and see Venice as soon as I (reach) Italy.
VI. Определите форму причастий. Предложения переведите.
Образец: The man sitting at the window came from Minsk yesterday.
sitting – Participle I Simple Active
Человек, сидящий у окна, приехал вчера из Минска.
1. While speaking to the Assistant Dean yesterday I forgot to ask him the name of our new lecturer.
2. Having lived in Minsk for many years, he knew that city very well.
3. I saw the fence being painted.
4. Having lost the key he could not enter the house.
5. Not understanding German, I could not answer his question.
VII. Выберите и переведите на родной язык предложения:
А. С независимым причастным оборотом.
1. My mother was cooking dinner, my sister helping her.
2. He turned and went out, we following him.
3. Eight days later elections were held to the Council of the Commune, workers playing the leading role in it.
B. С причастием II.
1. Stones thrown into the water go to the bottom.
2. The Olympic Flame usually brought by a celebrated athlete from Olympic Greece is the sacred fire symbolizing the spirit of friendly competition.
3. When asked whether he would attend the conference, he said nothing.
VIII. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие слова с окончанием -ed. Определите, какой грамматической формой они являются. Образец:
In Britain monopolies developed strongly from the closing years of the 19th century.
developed – Past Simple от гл. to develop
IX. Определите форму герундия. Предложения переведите. Образец:
I enjoy listening to music.
listening – Gerund Simple Active
Мне доставляет удовольствие слушать музыку.
1. She is looking forward to reading his new book.
2. I had no hope of meeting her here.
3. On being told about his sudden illness I went to see him at once.
4. Ted must be proud of having won the match.
X. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие слова с окончанием -ing. Определите, какой грамматической формой они являются. Образец:
The newcomer joined the playing children.
playing – Participle I.
XI. Определите тип условных предложений. Предложения переведите.
1. If I were you, I would take the money.
2. I wouldn’t have been so depressed if I had known how common this feeling is.
3. If you saw her now you would hardly recognize her.
4. If it were all true, it would still not excuse their actions.
5. If I had known you were coming I would have invited you to lunch.
Test 1
Опровергните следующие утверждения или согласитесь с ними.
Начните свое высказывание следующими выражениями:
You are quite right… You are mistaken… Quite agree with you… On the contrary.
1. In the reign of Rameses II, instruction began at the age of six and was completed ten years later.
2. From this stage he went on to learning extracts from the classics, sometimes translating them into his native language.
3. The pupil began by learning by heart different hieroglyphs and from that he progressed to works.
4. Learning with tears may have been the ideal in some respects, as the Egyptians had a belief in the efficiency of corporal punishment.
5. It is surprising that under such treatment the schoolboy should have thought of running away to become a soldier or charioteer or farmer.
6. When the scribe had graduated from school he had his foot on the first rung of a career in the higher ranks of the army, the treasury, or the palace.