1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите 1–3 абзацы текста.
The Civilization of Ancient Mexico
Many ruins, the remnants of ancient cities and villages, are scattered over nearly all the present-day Mexico. Sculptures, great monoliths, small terracotta masks and idols have constantly been ploughed up in some parts of the country. These, as well as arms, jewels, and many other objects discovered there, are proofs of a great degree of culture attained by the native people. The study of ancient Indian civilizations, the problems, which are connected with the origin of these peoples, their languages and scripts have agitated scholars for centuries.
The Spaniards were the first to arrive in America. The first conquest in the West Indies during last years of the 15th century was a failure for the Spanish adventurers in search of riches. Then a rumour began to spread that beyond the mountains there lived the emperor of the people called the Aztecs. It was said that he lived in a gold castle, slept in a gold bed and ate from gold plates.
In 1519, six hundred Spaniards led by Hernando Cortez landed at the Mexican coast. In two years and five months they conquered the capital of the “Aztec Empire”.
The Aztec Empire flourished on the territory of present Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest. The Aztecs and other highly civilized peoples inhabited the central and southern parts of the country. One hundred and twenty five languages were spoken throughout the area. A system of writing and an efficient numerical system were widely used. They had a calendar of their own which was based in part on the solar year. The Aztecs raised maize, beans and other aboriginal crops. Trade was highly developed. They had an organized government and a priesthood which administered their elaborate religion.
The conquerors were greatly impressed by the wealth of the native rulers and the advanced culture of the priests. But they were more ruthless in trampling out the “heathen” civilizations of the American Indians and a decade later all the beautiful towns were churned to rubble, the manuscripts reduced to ashes and most of the people destroyed or enslaved.
to attain – достигать
script – зд. письменность
heathen – зд. языческий
to churn to rubble – сжигать дотла
to reduce – зд. превращать
Proper Names: Aztec [‘æztek], Spaniard [‘spænj'd], Hernando Cortez [er’na:ndou ‘ko:rtez]
II. Пользуясь текстом, найдите и запишите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
достичь высокой степени цивилизации; выращивать различные культуры; распространять слухи; производить сильное впечатление на; управлять делами государства; коренное население; таинственная масса; сжигать дотла; в поисках богатств.
III. Пользуясь текстом, найдите и запишите слова:
a) близкие по значению: area, precious stone, weapons, evidence, to grow (crops), to manage, commerce;
b) противоположные по значению: foreign, success, decay, inefficient.
IV. Письменно закончите предложения, пользуясь текстом.
1. Many ruins, the remnants of ancient cities and villages …. .
2. Sculptures, great monoliths, small terracotta masks and idols ….. .
3. The first conquest in the West Indies during last years of the 15th century ….. .
4. Then a rumour began to spread ….. .
5. In two years and five months they ….. .
6. The Aztec Empire flourished ….. .
7. One hundred and twenty-five languages ….. .
8. They had a calendar of their own which ….. .
9. They had an organized government and ….. .
10. The conquerors were greatly impressed by ….. .
V. Пользуясь текстом, ответьте письменно на вопросы.
1. What is scattered over nearly all the present-day Mexico?
2. What have the scholars been agitated by?
3. Was the first conquest in the West Indies a success for the Spanish adventurers?
4. What conquest was a success?
5. What was the Aztec Empire like?
6. How did the Aztec Empire end?
VI. Напишите по-английски:
5 июня 1945 года, 25 340 учеников, сороковой размер, около 18 000 студентов.
VII. Заполните пропуски возвратными местоимениями, подходящими по смыслу.
1. He should give ….. more time.
2. The men formed ….. into a line.
3. On Sunday mornings the children were left to take care of ….. .
4. We built most of the house ….. .
5. Helen will be very upset. I'll have to tell her the news.
VIII. Переведите следующие предложения на родной язык, обращая внимание на конструкцию it is … that (who).
1. It is this problem that the book deals with.
2. It is Peter who helps me with my English.
3. It was not until she returned home that she learned the truth.
4. It was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to take up History seriously as my future speciality.
5. It was the appearance of new tools and new methods of labour that led to the replacement of the human herd by the clan.
IX. Употребите правильную форму глагола в придаточных предложениях времени и условия. Предложения переведите.
1. You will get your visa, if you (fill) in this form.
2. If you enter the Institute, your parents (be happy).
3. I’ll phone you when I (get) home from work.
4. What do you want to be when you (grow up).
5. I want to see Margaret before she (go) out.
X. Используйте нужную форму действительного или страдательного залога. Предложения переведите.
1. Prof. Brown’s lectures in Modern History always (listen) to with interest.
2. Pompey felt that Rome could not be defended though he (tell) by the Senate to preserve Rome.
3. The Dean (greet) all the freshmen at the lecture.
4. Only patricians and plebeians who owned land and had slaves (make) consuls and other leading officials.
5. The Roman wars for the conquest of Italy (last) for more than 200 years.
6. Though the slave force under Spartacus was impressive, his army (defeat) finally.
XI. Переведите следующие предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.
1. Rachel said: “I am planning to take a trip.”
2. He said: “I hope my friends will come and visit me in Madrid.”
3. She said: “I went there last week with my secretary.”
4. He asked me: “Where do Bill and Tessa live?”
5. He advised her: “Never open the front door to strangers.”
XII. Подчеркните инфинитивные обороты в следующих предложениях, укажите их вид. Предложения переведите. Образец:
I want him to help me. him to help – объектный инфинитивный оборот.
Я хочу, чтобы он помог мне.
1. I have never heard her sing.
2. He is said to know several foreign languages.
3. It’s difficult for me to translate this text.
4. He seems to have been writing a test for an hour already.
5. We heard somebody open the window.
XIII. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие инфинитив. Определите его форму. Предложения переведите. Образец:
He brought me a book to read.
to read – the Infinitive Indefinite Active.
Он принес мне почитать книгу.
XIV. Выпишите из текста предложения в страдательном залоге. Определите время и переведите предложения на родной язык. Образец:
The article will be written tomorrow.
Will be written – Future Simple Passive.
Статья будет написана завтра.
Test 3
Опровергните следующие утверждения или согласитесь с ними.
Начните свое высказывание следующими выражениями:
You are quite right… You are mistaken… Quite agree with you… On the contrary.
1. Remnants of civilization of Ancient Mexico are proofs of a great degree of culture attained by the native people.
2. Ancient Indian civilizations present no riddles to solve.
3. The first Europeans to arrive in America came from Britain in search of riches.
4. A rumour began to spread that the Aztecs were wild people, dangerous to deal with.
5. Spaniards led by Cortez landed at the Mexican coast in 1519.
6. The Aztec Empire is known to have perished long before the Spaniards landed in America.
7. The conquerors were greatly impressed by the advanced culture of the American Indians.