1. Look back at the texts and take notes on different aspects of corporate culture. Alternatively, do the following activity.
2. Make an e-couch presentation on one of the aspects of corporate culture.
3. Look at one company’s spin on corporate culture below. Interpret its main idea in one or two sentences. How can you characterize the cultures contrasted in terms of Hofstede’s dimensions? Then write about an ideal company’s organizational culture.
Would you like to work in a hostile, high-pressure, cubicle-laden dot-com labor camp with lousy benefits, bitter, talentless managers, and buzzing, green-tinted fluorescent lights?
Oh wait. That’s someplace else.
Would you like to work in an open, airy, truly stylish converted warehouse with relaxed, competent coworkers and managers that not only care about your well-being and job satisfaction, but work continuously to improve it? Would you like to set your own hours, banish your suit and tie in the deepest corner of your closet, and bask in the creativity of well-humored individuals who actually come to work (and leave) in a good mood? Do you want to work for a company that allows total freedom in decorating your workspace, and provides solid health, dental, and financial benefits? Would you like to never, ever see another cubicle again?
1. Discuss the following questions in small groups. Before you start discussing, take a little time to think about what you want to say. You can talk in general, but try to give examples from your knowledge and personal experience, too. Make sure that everyone in your group has a chance to express their opinions.
1) Why is it important for a company to have a strong corporate culture? 2) What sort of culture would work best for you? 3) What aspects of corporate culture do you think can have a negative effect on performance? 4) What things can managers do to change the corporate culture of the company where they work? 5) Who is responsible for influencing the culture within a company? 6) How does company culture affect a company’s performance? 7) What weakness do many companies have with regard to corporate culture?
2. Work in pairs or groups of three. Describe the culture of the company where you would like to work, or a company you are familiar with, using the following procedure. Before you speak, plan what you are going to say and select words and phrases from the vocabulary you have studied so far in this unit. Speak for about a minute. When you are listening to your partner’s talk, think of a question to ask at the end of it.
Useful language:
I think there are three main aspects of the company’s culture: first, there’s... Another feature is... Finally, I should say that...
So, it would be a good place to work, especially because... / I’d prefer it to be more…