^ Вверх



Activating background knowledge 

1. The way people work has changed a lot over the past few years. It is still changing and is going to keep on changing. Technological development has allowed more and more people to work from their own homes. Experts predict that over the next few years there will be a huge increase in the number of people who work at home. Using a modem on a telephone line connected to their computer, everyone can be hooked up to the company computer. They could be working in the room next door. In this way they don’t waste so much time, because they avoid the long daily commute from home to the office. And as well as that, it means less pollution in the atmosphere caused by car exhaust fumes. So, high technology often leads the way for a higher quality of life for both man and the environment.

Over to you, would you like to work in an office or would you prefer to work from home in future? Discuss with a partner, giving your reasons. 


2. Whatever wonders technology works, the office is nevertheless considered the hub of the communications network of the business. When you hear the word “office”, what associations does it bring about? Complete the chart and then compare with the one of your partner’s.



Office equipment

Office documentation

Office work

Functions of the office







Activating language 

1. Make sure you know the meaning of the word “technology”. 

Technology noun – 1 [countable, uncountable] knowledge about scientific or industrial methods or the use of these methods; 2 [uncountable] machinery and equipment used or developed as a result of this knowledge. 


2. Add an appropriate preposition to each of the following sentences where indicated. 

1) No matter whether the filing system is technologically advanced or based ___ (1) traditional methods, records will normally be sorted and stored ___ (2) alphabetical order. 2) Material is often microfilmed or fed ___ (3) the memory of a computer for future reference. 3) ___ (4) the data to be stored will be incoming letters, copies of outgoing letters and a variety of internal memoranda. 4) Stocks need to be available ___ (5) the right quantities, ___ (6) the right form and place ___ (7) the right time. 5) It does not matter who ___ (8) the juniors collects the mail ___ (9) the mornings. 6) It does not matter who takes the mail ___ (10) the post office ___ (11) end of the day.


3. Add an appropriate verb to each of the following sentences where indicated. 

1) In designing a filing system it is necessary to ___ (1) the costs of keeping the records to the benefits to be gained. 2) A filing system should allow the user to ___ (2) information with certainty and without unacceptable delay. 3) When deciding how to file the less obvious items it is useful to ___ (3) to the telephone directory to see how they have___ (4) with the problem. 4) Letters need to be ___ (5) for errors before they ___ (6) the office. 5) The purpose of a form such as an invoice is to ___ (7) information in a simple, concise and uniform manner. 6) Forms need to be ___ (8) from time to time to ___ (9) whether modifications are required. 


4. Match the words with the dictionary definitions which follow. 


reminder   catalogue   signatory   complaint   tidiness

retrieval   colleague   emphasis   feedback   document

archives   summary   agenda   receptionist   diary

acknowledgement    minutes   stereotype   docket

recipient   supervisor   impolite   query   excess



1) Stress laid on words, facts or ideas, to indicate the relative importance attached to them. 2) Formal written evidence of a transaction, such as the title deeds to a property. 3) A form of receipt. 4) A person employed by an organization to receive clients, find out what they want, and generally cater for them until they are taken over by someone else. 5) A response to a communication which indicates how effective it has been. 6) A habit of arranging work in a neat manner. 7) A person who receives goods, information or service. 8) Lacking in common courtesy. 9) An expression of doubt or disagreement; a question. 10) The place in which a business stores those records which no longer need to be immediately accessible. 11) The recovery of stored data. 12) A list of goods usually in alphabetical order or under headings, for easy reference. 13) Someone with whom you enjoy a professional relationship in your workplace. 14) Information transmitted over long distances by cable, telegraph, telephone or radio. 15) The expression of a grievance. 16) The person who has added his or her name to a letter or document. 17) A replica, reproduction or facsimile. 18) A brief account which dispenses with details. 19) Items of business to be conducted at a meeting. 20) The essence of the discussion at a meeting, formally recorded. 21) A book used by executives for planning future activities. 22) A voucher recording payment for work done, customs duties paid etc. 23) A person in charge of a group of workers. 24) Beyond the stated limits. 25) Something to prod the memory.