§ 1. Historical Facts
^ Вверх

§ 1. Historical Facts 

1. What is the evidence of Wales’ early history? 

The Romans subdued and occupied Wales in the 1st century AD. After they withdrew Britain was invaded by Angles and Saxons, but these were never able to conquer Wales's mountain strongholds. Celtic culture and Christianity thus survived in Wales after both had been driven out of England. The Saxons called the people Welsh, meaning foreigners. The Welsh called themselves Cymry, which means fellow countrymen.

During the 9th century Welsh cities and abbeys often were plundered by Norse pirates, but the pirates never made any important settlements there. The Welsh had a new and more difficult enemy to face after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. By the end of the 11th century South Wales was firmly under Norman control. During this period the Welsh were driven out of southwest Pembrokeshire and the Normans placed English and Flem­ish colonists there. 

2. What events took place during the Middle Ages? 

The Welsh enjoyed some freedom during the Barons' War in the first half of the 12th century. When conditions in England improved, the Norman kings again were able to turn their attention to Wales. The country was completely overrun by the armies of Edward I in the last part of the 13th century. Between 1400 and 1415 the Welsh princes began a revolution under the leadership of Owen Glendower. The failure of this revolution led to the extension of English power, but Wales was not completely annexed until 1536. Meanwhile a Welshman had come to the throne of England. Henry Tudor, who became king in 1485, was descended from a Welsh branch of England's royal family.

After this there was no difference, politically, between England and Wales. Both have had the same king, Parliament, and laws, although Wales is considered a separate province of the United Kingdom. The English sove­reign's eldest son bears the title of Prince of Wales. The Church of Wales is independent of the Church of England. 


  1. What does the word ‘Welsh’ mean? How do the Welsh call them­selves?
  2. Who were the main enemies of the Welsh?
  3. When did the revolution under Owen Glendower take place?

 Additional Reading               Why the Oldest Son of the King or Queen of

                                                    England is called the Prince of Wales 

The year of 1284, King Edward the First stayed at the castle of Caer­narvon. The Welsh Chiefs didn’t want an English prince. They said to the King that they could only accept a prince born in Wales. He hadn't to speak a word of English. And King Edward got his bright idea. He was staying at Caernarvon Castle with his wife. She was going to have a baby. So, when the baby turned out to be a boy, he sent for the Welsh Chiefs and then he said to them: ‘I know that you love your country and do not want to obey a prince if he is not Welsh. Now, if I give you a prince born in Wales, can you accept him if he doesn't speak English?’

The Chiefs all shouted that they can. King Edward went into the cas­tle and came out again with a small baby in his arms. The King lifted the baby: ‘Here is your prince. He is only a few hours old, born here at Caernar­von in Wales and he can't speak a word of English! He is my son’.

The Welsh Chiefs were not happy, but they had to keep their word. So that's why the oldest son of the King or Queen of England is called the Prince of Wales!