^ Вверх



The Mass Media


I. Match the words from the box with their definitions

Sitcom, audience, commercial, levy, censor, ban, publicity, sequel impartial, licence

1. The people listening to or watching a performance, speech, TV show.

2. To forbid, esp. by law.

3. An official who examines books, films with the power to remove anything offensive or helpful to the enemy.

4. An advertisement broadcast on TV or radio.

5. Not giving special favour or support to any side.

6. A sum of money you pay in tax.

7. An official paper, card, showing that permission has been given to do smth usually in return for a fixed payment.

8. Public notice or attention.

9. Another book or film which continues the story.

10. A TV comedy series which shows the same set of characters in each episode in many amusing situations.


II. Translate from English into Russian:

1. A University of the air.

2. To be on air.

3. Commercial art.

4. A specialist correspondent.

5. To have an insidious effect.

6. Investigative journalism.

7. A TV special.

8. Breakfast TV.                                   



III. Give synonyms to the following words and word-combinations:

1. to run a programme;

2. to start a radio - station;

3. partial;

4. to provide what is needed;

5. to broadcast;

6. to report (the detail of an event);                 


IV. Give antonyms to the following:

1. local;

2. recorded interviews;

3. TV production;

4. An general interest programme;

5. Historical political events;

6. relevant to.                                            


V. Insert articles and/or prepositions where it is necessary:

1. As_____British Parliament has the reputation__________________being "the mother of parliaments", so__________________ BBC is said to be "the mother" information service.

2. The BBC gets complaints from______ both sides of_________________political divide, because this testifies not only_________________________its impartiality but also _ its independence.

3. ______ BBC 2, Newslight will be relaunched to cover the issues of the day___________ depth.

4. LWR - one of the capital's formost "pirate" radio stations, a following young music lovers, is celebrating four years of illegal broadcasting.

5. Steve is unpaid and works "__ the love it".

6. We have to listen_________ children, read_____ them, chat them their favourite books and TV characters. eat_______ the table them, expect good behaviour them and praise them when they do well.

7. New programmes comply_____________________ certain requirements: all news is presented___________ accuracy and impartiality.

8. The BBC Symphony Orchestra plays  many____________the concerts.

9. Advertising on TV should not detract the value__________the programme.


VI. Continue the list of attributes:

1. TV-cable, ...

2.  Interview - live, ...

3. Programme - phone-in, ...

4. Journalism - ambitious, ...

5. Channel - pop channel, ...     


VII. Correct the mistakes:

  1. He was listening to a ball-at- ball commentary of the    
  2. The 255 series of the seriel was breath-taking, match.  
  3. What's in the air tonight? - A cuckery
  4. A life sports programme is more exiting then a programme recording.
  5. Quizze programmes atract wide audiences.
  6. People in this country watch a good deal of seriels.
  7. Day - to - day radio account.


VIII. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Насилие на экранах телевизоров пробуждает врожденную агрессивность у детей.
  2. Каждый вечер мы включаем TV чтобы посмотреть новости в 9 часов.
  3. Многие мыльные оперы нельзя воспринимать с полным доверием.
  4. Часто приходится ехать на место происшествия и вести репортаж с места события.
  5. Сейчас все имеют доступ к телевидению.
  6. Некоторые корреспонденты "раскапывают" прошлое кино или поп -звезд и выливают его на первые страницы газет.