^ Вверх




1. Discuss as a group what kind of business organization (a sole trader, a partnership, a public or private limited company or a public sector company) might each of these be: 

a small corner shop, a firm of solicitors, a radio broadcasting company, a large commercial bank, a publishing house.

2. Discuss the following questions with your partner. 

1) If you were to start a small business such as a shop, would you prefer to do business as a sole trader, or would you go into partnership? Why? 2) What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the two types of joint-stock companies? 3) Give some examples of public sector organizations in your country. What effect do you think privatization would have on these organizations and on the services they provide? 4) Do you think that small firms can keep competent employees? How? 5) Which two rewards of success would you give priority to if you had your own small business? 7) Where do employees have better working conditions – in the public sector or in the private sector? Do you think the state of things differ from country to country? 8) Do you think charities (non-profit companies) are important? Why?



1. Write an essay about advantages and disadvantages of small firms. Explain how the disadvantages can be overcome. Alternatively, do the following activity. 

2. Write a short summary of the texts you have read in this unit.