^ Вверх





Discuss the following questions in pairs:


Have you already made up your mind what you want to be?

Do you know what skills you need for the job?


Vocabulary Drill

Ex. 1. Arrange the following words in the appropriate groups.




Refuse collector



Tailor/dres smaker Plumber







Police officer


Designer Electrician

Dentist Priest



Civil servant






Jobs      that      require considerable training and / or qualification Trades   (skilled  manual jobs) requiring on-the-job and other training Unskilled jobs


Model. Jobs that require considerable training and / or qualifica­tion are: a lawyer, etc.


Ex. 2. Who would you contact or call on in the situations below? Try to find the appropriate person for each situation.

1. A filling has come out of one of your back teeth.

2. You think your eyes need testing.

3. Your fringe is getting a bit too long.

4. You want a portrait photograph of yourself.

5. You fancy a holiday in the sun.

6. Your grand piano isn't sounding quite right.

7. You want to find a 400-year-old grandfather clock.

8. Your car won't start.

9. You want to learn to drive.

10. You have decided to sell your house.

11. You want plans drawn up for a new house. 

a) a dentist (dental surgeon)

b) a hairdresser (hair stylist)

c) an architect

d) a driving instructor

e) a (garage) mechanic

g) a photographer

h) an optician

i) an antique dealer

j) a travel agent

k) an estate agent

m) a piano tuner

n) a social worker


Model. If a filling has come out of one of my back teeth, I would contact / call on a dental surgeon.


Ex 3. What jobs can be characterized in the following way?

Very boring  very interesting

Very badly-paid  very well-paid

Give opportunity to meet people  give no opportunity to meet people

Involve travelling  don't involve travelling

Require special qualification  manual

Caring  influencing people

Require using a computer don't require using a computer

Involve the use of languages  don't require knowledge of lan­guages

Monotonous  varied

Involve living abroad  don't involve living abroad

Low-status  high-status

Require working indoors  require working outdoors

Require wearing special uniform  suggest wearing beautiful clothes


Model. - I think the jobs of a lawyer, a physiotherapist and a designer are very interesting.

- I don't think so. In my opinion ... .

- I agree. I also think that ... .


Ex. 4. What are the most important factors for you in choosing or keeping a job? Put the following factors in order of importance and then compare your list with that of your partner's.  

- good salary or wages

- interesting and varied work, not boring and monotonous

- work which is useful to society

- good working conditions

- flexible hours

- opportunities to meet people

- friendly considerate management and colleagues

- opportunities to travel

- long holidays

- job security

- good career prospects

- bossing people

- dealing with children

- responsibility of your own

- working with nice people

- getting on with your boss

- the chance of promotion

- another factor


Model. The most important factor for me in choosing or keeping a job is ... . Secondly, it's ... . Thirdly, it's ... . Then come ..., ..., ..., etc.


Ex. 5. Work in groups of three or four and make up a list of

a) jobs which can be described as:



9 to 5















b) jobs suitable for men and those for women.


Model. We are of opinion that the following jobs can be described as full-time. They are the jobs of a ... , a ... , etc.

We think that jobs suitable for men are ... . And those for women are ... .


Speech Activities


Ex. 1. Which Job Is the Best?

Split into two teams. One team names a job and gives its attrac­tions. The other team thinks of its drawbacks. Then the second team names a job and its attractions and the first team finds its drawbacks.


Model. - The job of a ... is (very) ... .

- But at the same time it is also (very) ... .


Ex 2. Play a guess game.

One student thinks of a job, the others try to guess what the job is by using various job descriptions from the previous exercises.





- Do you have to wear a uniform?

- Do you have flexible hours?

- Is this job challenging/well-paid etc?                                                                                  



Ex 3. Say what the ideal job for you is and why.


Model. To my mind the ideal job for me is that of a ... because ... .


Ex. 4 A. Do you think your having influence over them?


B. Individually, circle 'True' or 'False' to the statements below. Then calculate your score.




 I always consider other people's opinions before making decisions.



 I like working with statistics.



 I never hesitate to help a colleague with his / her family problems.



 I frequently forget where I leave things.



 I rarely succeed in persuading others when I talk to them.



 Most people think I can survive being insulted.



 In a new group of people, I often feel anxious.



 I rarely boast about my achievements.



 Mundane tasks bore me.



 The main aim in taking part in an activity is to win.



 I am easily persuaded by the majority.



 If I have a choice in the matter, I do things my way first.



 Success in my job is very important to me.



 I like tasks which demand a lot of physical and mental energy.



 I frequently ask myself how I really feel.



 I make sure people that upset me know they have.




Calculate your score:

Total A answers_______

Total B answers________

Ignore all C answers.

A = Caring

B = Influencing

0-4 very slight interest

5-12 average interest

13+ strong interest

If you have more A than B answers, you are more interested in caring for people than influencing them. If you have more B answers, you are interested in influencing people.


Caring jobs





health visitor





social worker



speech therapist                 



Influencing jobs


armed forces


prison officer

security guard



sales representative




marketing manager / director                                                             

property developer

advertising executive

market researcher


C. Do the results of the test coincide with what you at first thought?


Text 1

A Round Table Talk About Professions


Text A


Ex 1. Match the English and Russian equivalents for the fol­lowing words and word combinations:

Choosing a career is not an easy thing; to depend on; you would like to do; you will have to take special courses; a person has to make a decision; moreover; etc; to find out; a fire-fighter; to train specialists; unless; growth of society; a notary; a judge.

Нотариус; человек вынужден принять решение; вы бы хотели заниматься; зависеть от; развитие общества; готовить специалистов; выбрать профессию - довольно не легко; выяснить, узнать; вам придется прослушать специальные курсы; судья; кроме того, более того; если не; и так далее; пожарный.


Ex 2. Read the first part of the text and choose the best title for it:

1. What a person can do after leaving school.

2. The most important decision a person has to make.

3. Future prospects.

Choosing a career is not an easy thing. It is one of the most diffi­cult problems a young person faces after finishing school. Moreover, it is one of the most important decisions a person has to take in his or her life. Your future will depend on your choice. There are individuals, of course, who from the time they are six years old 'know' that they want to be doctors, or pilots, or fire fighters, but the majority of us can't make a decision about an occupation or career when they leave school.

Choosing an occupation is really a very difficult problem. There are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do. You must consider all pros and cons1. You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or may find out that you will need to get some work experi-ence2. Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who can advise you and give detailed information about job qualifica-tions3. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen to you and offer suggestions.

The so-called aptitude-tests4 as well as interviews with special­ists, good advice on the part of your teachers, an example of your par­ents or relatives, documentaries about careers of great men, and what's more important, your personal desire, self-evaluation is an important part of the decision-making process. There is another possibility to find the way in life: after finishing school any young person can start work­ing and test himself if he is fit for the trade. Then you can go to a voca­tional college and to get the trade5 of a medical nurse, a technologist, a cook, a computer operator, a hair-dresser, a fashion designer, a shop assistant, an accountant, a forester, a fire fighter, etc. But if you want to be a teacher, a psychologist, a doctor, an engineer, an economist, a jour­nalist, a lawyer, an agronomist, a pilot or a scientist you have to enter this or that University (or Institute) that trains specialists in this field.


Text-based Activities


Ex 1. Find in the text the nouns used in plural and read them out.


Ex. 2. Find in the text and read aloud the sentences where the verb(s) is (are) used in the Present Simple Tense.


Ex. 3. Answer the questions: 

1. What is the most difficult problem for a young person when he leaves school?

2. What things do you have to think about when choosing an occupa­tion?

3. What should you do to qualify for a particular job?

4. Whom can you turn to for advice when making your decision?

5. Are there many young people who choose their profession in childhood?

6. What other way can a person choose a profession?

7. What professions can you get in a vocational college (University)?

8. Why is it so important to be skilled in different professions?

9. Do you know what you want to be?

10. Have you got any career plans?


Text B


Read the second part of the text and say why work is so impor­tant in our society.

In our society work is almost a must for a person. So - unless you are very rich - you have to work if you want to be accepted by your friends, acquaintances and neighbours. That is the reason why some unemployed persons pretend that they still have a job, they cannot ad­mit even to their family that they are out of work.

An unemployed person often feels unwanted and useless.

If I could choose my job freely this job would have to meet some of the following qualifications:

1) The most important condition would be that I liked my work, that it gave satisfaction.

2) This job should pay well enough. I don't really want to become a millionaire but I would not reject a certain luxury.

3) In this job I would like to work with other people and not just things.

So I want a job that satisfies, that pays fairly well and lets me work together with people.


Answer the questions:

1. Why does a person have to work?

2. What problems does an unemployed person have?

3. What are the most important job qualifications for this person?

4. What is the most important job qualification for you?


Text C


Read the third part of the text and name the professions that were mentioned.

Now let's have a round table and talk about different professions and jobs. A person taking part in our talk will give reasons why he (she) wants to choose this or that profession.

Marina: I want to become a teacher and work at primary classes. I know that it is a very difficult profession. But there is nothing better than to teach young children and help them to find their way in life, to educate them. I love children, and I want to spend all my life with them. Moreover, I want to leave good memories in their souls.

Rita: As for me, my dream is to be a sociologist. You know that sociology is a science that studies the nature and growth of society and social behaviour of people in it. I always read a lot of reviews done by sociologists on the eve of the elections or referendums. I'm absolutely sure that the results of this work are necessary for political parties, for non-governmental groups and politicians.

Sasha: I think that I'll become an economist. My mother is an economist and I understand how important her work is for her enter­prise. She is responsible for the effectiveness of the plant. She is aware of the production, distribution and using up of the goods. No decision is taken without her approval. It is very responsible work.

Kate: I want to become a journalist. It's impossible to imagine our life without journalists' work. Every day we see reporters and journal­ists on TV and hear them on the radio. These people are always very busy, they are in danger, but their life is interesting. As for me, I try to write articles for our school newspaper and my friends like them.

Ivan: I want to be a lawyer and work in a juridical field. A lawyer can solve many problems. This work gives stability to any society. Peo­ple must be protected by the power of laws and the society has to be protected against crime. But I haven't decided yet what I really want to be a notary or a judge.

We know that today jobs spring out looking after other people's lives, children, dogs, gardens, food, health. We understand that all the professions are very important for the society. It needs any skills, the more skills - the better. If you don't have them - get them. Don't forget, by 2030 there'll be jobs we haven't ever thought about yet. Everybody has to work hard for his dream to come true.


Text-based Activities


Ex 1. Find in the text the nouns used in the possessive case and read out the sentences.


Ex. 2. Choose the correct phrase (a, b or c) to complete the fol­lowing sentences. 

1. One of the most difficult problems a young person faces after finishing school is ...

a) to enter an educational establishment.

b) choosing a career.

c) earning money to support life.

2. Sociology is a science that ...

a) studies people's characters.

b) helps people in their relationship.

c) studies the nature and growth of society and social behaviour of people living in it.

3. To become an economist it is necessary to know about ...

a) the production, distribution and using up of goods.

b) growth of society.

c) social behaviour of people.

4. To work in a juridical field you have to be ...

a) a journalist.

b) a lawyer.

c) a sociologist.


Ex. 3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the given Rus­sian sentences. 

1. ... что социология - это наука, которая изучает природу и развитие общества, а также социальное поведение людей в нем.

2. ... сегодня возникает множество специальностей по присмотру за другими людьми, их детьми, собаками, садами, питанием, здоровьем.

3. ... любые умения, чем больше умений - тем лучше.

4. Если вы ничего не умеете - учитесь.

5. И не забывайте, что к 2030 году появятся неизвестные прежде профессии.


Speech Activities


Ex 1. Learn the patterns. Pay attention to their structure and use them in your own sentences. 

I wish I were a sociologist.

Я хочу стать социологом.

The more skills - the better.

Чем больше умений, тем лучше.


Ex. 2. They say that to choose a profession is not an easy thing. Prove that it is so. Who helped you to make the right decision.


Ex 3. Now let's have a round table and talk about different pro­fessions and jobs. A person taking part in our talk will give reasons why he (she) wants to choose this or that profession.


Ex 4. Reread the text and speak about the profession you like best. Give your arguments why it is so. The following phrases may be useful: 

In my opinion ...

To my mind ...

I agree that ...

I can't agree that ...

It's a well-known fact that ...

I fully (absolutely) agree that ...


Ex 5. Comment on the following saying: "All things are diffi­cult before they are easy". How do you understand it?


Text 2

The Way I Study Sociology


Ex 1. Before reading the text look up the following words in the dictionary:

A freshman = a first-year student, to major in = to specialize in, to admit, to make up one's mind, a research worker, eventually, to enter, faculty, science, behaviour, syllabus.


Ex. 2. Match the English and Russian equivalents for the fol­lowing words and word combinations:

Let me introduce myself; as they say it in America; I am doing sociology; let alone some other things; I take a special liking to history; it was shortly before leaving school; to take up sociology seriously; whether I will make a very good teacher.

Получится ли из меня очень хороший учитель; как говорят в Америке; не говоря уже о других предметах; разрешите представиться; я изучаю социологию; незадолго до окончания школы; мне особенно нравится история; заняться изучением социологии серьезно.


Read the text and say what perspectives the profession of a sociologist provides you with.

Let me introduce myself: I am Sasha Ivanov, a student at Yan-ka Kupala Grodno State University. Now I am a freshman, as they say it in America, and I am doing sociology in the Faculty of histo­ry and sociology. I take a full course of the History of Sociology and the Introduction into Sociology, let alone some other things. I must say I take a special liking to the subjects in which I am going to major (specialize). I must admit Social Studies was my favour­ite subject at school. I was also fond of reading historical novels describing life, culture and political events in different countries of the world. And it was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to enter this faculty and take up sociology seriously as my future profession.

You know sociology is a science that studies the nature and growth of society and social behaviour of people in it. There are many subjects in our syllabus connected with social studies: the introduction into so­ciology, the history of sociology, etc.

The profession of a sociologist is quite varied. The graduates of our Faculty can work as teachers and research workers at secondary and higher schools, educational establishments, companies, firms, etc. Many of them have become well-known scientists or have chosen pub­lic activity as their career.

Whether I will make a very good teacher or a research worker, or become successful in some other field of social life remains to be seen6. But I'm sure that eventually I will become quite knowledgeable in the field of sociology and social sciences. 


Vocabulary Focus


Ex 1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words:

Факультет истории и социологии, слушать полный курс, увлекаться, связанный с, выпускники, средние школы, высшие школы, образовательные учреждения, вполне подготовленный.


Ex 2. Fill in the right word:


syllabus (syllabi), curriculum (curricula)

1. A ... is a plan that states exactly what students at a school or college should learn in a particular subject.

2. A ... is the subjects that are taught by a school, college, etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject.

3. Has computer studies been introduced into the school ...?

4. Dickens and Hardy are on this year's English... .


graduate from, finish (leave) school

1. At what age did you ... school?

2. When did your friend ... from the University?

3. Every year many young people ... from our college.

4. What did you do after you ... the medical school?


study, learn, teach

1. I want to ... to play tennis.

2. Who ... you English last year?

3. What subjects do you ... in your 1st year?

4. "Your homework for tomorrow is: to ... the grammar material and to ... the new words", said the teacher.

5. He ... this historical document very well.

6. In learning a foreign language it is necessary to ... systematically.

7. We often ... the texts by heart.

8. I usually ... in the morning.

9. Did you ... French or German at school?

10. Which is more difficult: to ... or to ...?

11. She ... her friends the new game.

12. Will you teach me how to swim?

13. He ... his lessons quickly.

14. My teacher ... me English.

15. Susan wanted to learn ... to drive.


Ex 3. Find another way of expressing the parts in italics. Con­sult the text.

1. Let me tell you how I study sociology.

2. I am a student of the Moscow University. Now I am in myfirst year.

3. Besides other subjects I take a course of world history.

4. I like my special subject very much.

5. After finishing school I decided to become a college student.

6. English was the subject he liked best at school.

7. I am sure my sister will finally become a good teacher.


Ex 4. Fill in the correct prepositions:

1. We are going to major ... the humanities.

2. Eventually my brother made ... his mind to enter ... the university.

3. At school he took a special liking ... world culture.

4. We made ... our minds to take ... sport seriously.

5. When did your sister graduate .college?


Oral Speech Practice


Ex 1. Supply answers to the following questions:

1. What is your name?

2. Are you a first-year or a second-year student?

3. What faculty are you in?

4. You take a full course of sociology at the University, don't you?

5. What courses of history do you take?

6. Do you study other subjects?

7. What was your favourite subject at school?

8. Why did you make up your mind to enter this faculty?

9. Which do you want to become: a teacher of social sciences or a research worker after graduating from university?

10. Are you sure you will make a good specialist?

11. Why have you chosen sociology as your future speciality?


Ex 2. Find in the text and read out the information about your future profession (career perspectives etc) that was unknown to you before reading the text.


Ex. 3. Say something about your entrance examinations.

The words you may need: to take three examinations (centralized tests), the history of Belarus, Russian (the Russian language), Belarus-sian (the Belarussian language), Social Studies (Human, society and state), to do well in, to pass the exams successfully (успешно), to fail, many applicants (абитуриенты), to be admitted to (быть принятым в).


Ex 4. Make up an oral presentation about your future profes­sion. Make use of the following plan.

1. Introduce yourself.

2. Speak about the importance of making the right choice about your future career (what you have to think about, who helped you to make the choice, etc).

3. There are different professions to choose from (...).

4. Speak about the most important factors for you in making or keeping a job.

5. Describe the profession of a sociologist (what kind of science sociology is, speak about your entrance exams, what kind of profes­sion/job it is, what opportunities it gives you). 




Discuss the following quotation in pairs:

Light is better than darkness, knowledge is better than ignorance. So what's your choice?


Find the following words in the dictionary:

An academic session (year), a college, studies, Dean, the Dean's office, a lecture (on), to lecture (in), a lecturer, a lecture room, a term (semester), a term (course)-paper, a credit-test, a theme, archaeology, sources and literature, a department, a foreign language, a gym, a hostel (dormitory), a canteen, to take (pass) an examination (in), to be admit­ted to, to fail (in) the examination, to attend classes (lectures, seminars, tutorials), a seminar (on/in), to miss classes, to have a history class (a Latin class), to present a course (term)-paper, to make a report (on), to read (prepare) for an exam, to get an excellent (good, satisfactory bad) mark in (for), after (before) classes, classes finish (are over), to work at (one's English, history, a problem), to make notes (of), to do one's home­work (lessons), in class.


Vocabulary Drill


Ex. 1. Match the definitions: 

1) a lecture       

a) one of the groups of people working together to form part of a large organisation such as a hospital, university, or company;                                                                                                                                              

2) a credit

b) somewhere where people, especially people living away from home, can stay and eat cheaply;                                                      

3) a term

c) a place in a factory, school, etc. where meals are provided, usually quite cheaply;                                    

4) a hostel

d) a successfully completed part of a course at a university or college;                                                    

5) a tutorial

e) a period of teaching and discussion with a tutor, especially in a British university;                                    

6) a seminar

f) a long talk given to a group of people on a particular subject, especially as a method of teaching in universities;                                                                

7) a report

g) one of the periods that the university year is divided into;                                                                          

8) a department

h) a class in which a small group of students meet to study or talk about a particular subject;                          

9) a canteen

i) a written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need.                                                                 


Ex. 2. Render the expressions in brackets in English:

1. I began this (учебный год) as a student of Grodno State Univer­sity. 2. It was only ago that I (сдал свой последний экзамен). 3. I (сдал экзамены) successfully and (был принят) to the university. 4. Then the (декан) of the Faculty took the floor. 5. He spoke about the subjects we were to study and various (кафедрах) of the faculty. 6. He expressed hope that we should attend all the (лекции, семинары, практические). 7. Each year we must (представлять курсовую работу) to our scientific adviser and (делать доклады) in class on different themes. 8. In June, for instance, I will (готовиться к экзамену) in ar­chaeology, ancient history. 9. Our English teacher says we must (работать над языком) very hard.


Ex 3. Answer the questions:

1. What can students do in the canteen?

2. Do you attend your lectures? What do you do at them?

3. What are students supposed to do at the seminar?

4. You often work at the library, don't you? Describe how you work there.

5. Why can students fail in an examination?  


Use the prompts:


At the Lecture

to listen to the lecturer, to take notes, to ask questions, to write, to put down 


At the Seminar

to speak on the subject, to make a report, to take part in the discus­sion, to ask questions, to add to what was said by the previous speaker, to ask the teacher to explain, to clear up


At the Library

to read books recommended by the teachers of History, to look through newspapers and magazines, to make notes, to prepare for


In the Canteen

to have one's meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper), to eat, to drink, to have a bite, to take coffee (tea, milk, juice, sandwiches, bread and butter, fish, meat, vegetables, fruit)


Ex 4. Read aloud the following sentences paying attention to the pronunciation of the different homonyms of 'present':

1. Open the brackets putting the verbs in Present Simple or Continuous.

2. We usually present our course-papers at the end of the term.

3. As for me, New Year's Day is associated with getting a lot of presents.

4. Is anyone absent in your group today? - No, all are present.


Ex 5. Match the expressions in the left column with the collo­cated expressions in the right column: 

to be admitted to

to read for

to attend

to make

to present

 to pass

to take

to fail





a report on

the university

an examination

notes of

a course-paper


Make up your own sentences with the expressions.


Ex 6. Make the right choice:


to take (exams), to pass (exams)

1. They say the History of Sociology is very difficult. Do you think you'll ... ?

2. I ... my driving test first time.

3. I had to ... my driving test three times before I finally ....

4. I ... the entrance exams successfully and was admitted to the university.

5. How many times did you have to ... this credit?

6. You can ... a credit only five times, then you're going to be expelled.

7. My folk say if I ... my exams successfully, they'll buy me a car.


to take (notes), to make (notes)

1. ... a note of how much money you spend.

2. She ... good notes of everything that's said in class.

3. Did you ... notes of the lecture? - Certainly. I missed the lecture, but I copied up the notes.

4. Are you prepared for the seminar? - I read the book and ... some notes.


Ex. 7. Insert the correct preposition:

1. Tomorrow there'll be a lecture ... the Sociology of Culture.

2. Who is going to lecture ... Applied Statistics in Sociology?

3. When are we going to have a seminar ... Methods of Teaching Sociology - Next week.

4. I passed the exams well and was admitted ... this faculty.

5. How many students failed ... the test?

6. Each year we must present a course paper to our scientific ad­viser and make reports ... historical themes.

7. It's a very tough job to read ... exams. It's much easier to pre­pare ... exams.

8. The majority of students got satisfactory marks ... the test.

9. What do you usually do ... the lectures ? - We take notes . them. 


Text 3

At the College


Read the text and say what subject the author made up his mind to study as his future speciality.

I began this academic session as a student of the Teachers' Train­ing College. I am in the History Faculty in my first year. It was only a week ago that I took my last examination. It was an English one in which I did very well.

So I passed all the exams successfully and was admitted to the college. Many applicants failed and some were admitted to the evening department.

When at school, I thought to enter the sciences, but then I changed my mind (изменить решение) and decided to take up history. I must say the first day at the college was unforgettable. We gathered in the Assembly Hall where the Rector congratulated us on the beginning of the session and wished us success (пожелать успеха) in our academic life. Then the Dean of the Faculty, Doctor of History took the floor (взять слово). Не spoke about the subjects we were to study and vari­ous departments of the faculty. He expressed hope that we should at­tend all the lectures, tutorials and seminars. Each year we must present a course paper to our scientific adviser (guide) and make reports in class on historical themes. At the end of each term we will take several examinations and credit-tests. In June, for instance, I will read for my exams in archaeology, ancient history, Latin, Russian history (the peri­od of feudalism) and English.

As regards (что касается) English they will teach us not only to read and translate historical documents and literature but to speak Eng­lish as well. Our English teacher says we must work at the language very hard.

After the inside tour of the college (осмотрев помещения колледжа) which we made, following the meeting, my friends and I went to the hostel. I am sure I'll enjoy my studies (получу удовольствие, занимаясь) at the college.


Answer the questions on the text:

1. What was the author's last exam? How did he pass it?

2. What college was he admitted to?

3. Did the author want to study sciences or history at school?

4. Did he like his first day at the college? Why?

5. What must every student do to pass the exams and credits?

6. What did the author do after the inside tour of the college? 




Ex. 1. Match the expressions in the left column with their Rus­sian equivalents in the right column:


It's nice to see you.

(I am) glad to meet you.

How are you?



Не стыдно?

Так тебе и надо!

to be well

by the way

I wonder why.

a roommate

a classmate

No wonder.

Good for him!

to get through one's exam

I was most fortunate 

For shame! 

It serves you right. 


to be frank with you 

in general 

You don't say so!


откровенно говоря

Не может быть! (Что вы говорите!)

Мне очень повезло.

выдержать экзамен


товарищ по группе

товарищ по комнате

Интересно (знать), почему.

между прочим

быть здоровым, хорошо себя чувствовать


Как поживаете?

Рад тебя (вас) видеть.









Dialogue 1 


Ex 2. Read the following dialogue and say between whom the conversation is taking place: 

- Hallo, Bob! Glad to meet you? 

- Hallo, Pete. It's nice to see you. How are you? 

- Thank you. Fine. Hope you are well too. By the way, I saw Vic­tor, your roommate, this morning. He looks very happy. I wonder why. 

- No wonder. He did well in his exams. 

- Good for him! And what about you? Did you get through? 

- No, I was most unfortunate. I failed in history. 

- Failed? You don't say so. What's the reason? 

- To be frank with you, I missed lectures rather often and some­times didn't attend seminars. In general I didn't work hard enough. 

- For shame! It serves you right. It'll be a good lesson for you. 


Ex 3. Fill in the gaps and translate the expressions in brackets: 

- Hallo, Mike! ... to meet you 

- It's nice to ... you, too. How ... you? 

- Thank you. Fine. Hope you are ... too. By....... , I saw your (товарища по комнате) the other day. He looks very happy. I wonder why. 

- ... wonder. He did well ... his exams. 

- Good ... him! And what about you? Did you get ... ? 

- No, I ... in maths. 

- You don't say so! What's the ...? 

- To be ... with you, I ... lectures rather often and didn't ... semi­nars. ... general I didn't work hard enough.

- ... shame! It ... you right. It'll be a good lesson for you.


Ex. 4. Match the expressions in the left column with their Rus­sian equivalents in the right column:

normally (generally)

a hot dish


to be hungry

to be thirsty

to have a bite

to take something for (breakfast)


хотеть пить, испытывать жажду

брать что-л. на (завтрак)


горячее блюдо

хотеть есть, испытывать голод



Dialogue 2


Ex 5. Read the dialogue and say where the conversation is tak­ing place:

- Where do you usually go for lunch?

- Normally I have it here in the cafe.

- What does your lunch generally consist of?

- As a rule I take a hot dish and some juice or coffee, sometimes a cup of tea and sandwiches. But why are you asking me these eating questions? Are you hungry already?

- To be frank with you, I am.

- Well, let's go and have a bite then.


Ex 6. Make up sentences according to the patterns, using the words listed below and ask questions to your partner:

1. Do you have breakfast at home or in the cafeteria?

2. 2. Where do you usually have breakfast?

3. At what time (when) do you generally have breakfast?

4. What do you have for breakfast?


Lunch, dinner, supper, tea, your meals, coffee, milk, juice, bread and butter, fish, meat, fruit.


Report what you've learned about your partner to your group-mates. Don't forget about adding-s(es) in the third person singular Present Simple.


Ex 7. Put the phrases of the dialogue in the right order:

- As a rule, I drop in a cafe to have a bite. I usually take a sandwich and a cup of tea. And what do you prefer to have for lunch?

- O.K. Sounds great.

- By the way, it's pretty hot in here. I'm getting thirsty.

- Where do you normally have lunch? 

- Well, let's go to the canteen and have something to drink, then, shall we?

- My lunch generally consists of a hot dish (fish or meat and fried potatoes, for example), or if I'm thirsty I just take some juice, that's all.

- In general if I'm hungry I go to the university canteen. And what about you?


Ex 8. Using the prompts make up dialogues of your own and act them out in class:

1) former schoolmates meet after their first day at the university;

2) two groupmates talk to each other on the eve of the examination period;

3) two groupmates are discussing their English classes;

4) some students are having a talk in the canteen;

5) some groupmates are admiring their college life;

6) some students are complaining about their university life.


The words you may need:

1) exciting, to gather, Assembly Hall, the Rector, the Dean, to ad­dress the freshmen, to congratulate us on the beginning of the academic year, to wish success, to make an inside tour, to have a look at, in the evening, a grand party;

2) at the end of each term, to take credit-tests and examinations, the history of Belarus, the Introduction into Sociology, to read (prepare, sit) for the exams, to pass, successfully, to get good and excellent marks;

3) as regards English, to work at the language very hard, to want to know the language, the reading-room, to do English lessons, to read and translate the text, to learn the new words, to study grammar, to learn dialogues by heart, to do various exercises, every evening;

4) to have meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper) at home or in the canteen, what time, to take something for (lunch);

5) Dean, to lecture in, a credit-test, exams, to celebrate Students' Day, a grand party, a lecture room;

6) too much homework, to make notes of, sources and literature.


Text 4

College Life


Ex 1. Before reading the text look up the following words in the dictionary:

A full-time student

A part-time student


Entrance exams

A professor

a monitor

a student membership


a student record book

a student library card

an applicant

a high academic


a rector, a vice-rector

a dean, a subdean


Ex 2. Guess the meanings of the following words: 

Junior - having a low rank in an organisation or profession: a ju­nior student. 

Senior - having a higher position or rank: a senior lecturer, a se­nior student. 

Associate professor - a professor at an American university whose job is above the level of assistant professor and below the level of full professor. 

Assistant professor - the lowest rank of professor at an American university. 

Timetable - a list of the times of classes in a school, college, etc. 

Curriculum - the subjects that are taught by a school, college etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject 

To play truant - to stay away from classes without permission. 

To cheat - to behave in an dishonest way, especially in an exami­nation. 

A crib - a book giving a translation or answers to questions, often used dishonestly by students. 

To cram - to prepare yourself for an examination by learning a lot of information very quickly. 

A postgraduate - someone who is studying after graduating from the university. 

An undergraduate - a student. 

To graduate with honours - to finish the university at a level that is higher than the most basic level. 

Graduation dissertation - a long research work that you do to grad­uate from the higher educational establishment. 

Finals - the exams that students are supposed to take at the end of their studies. 


Note that postgraduates often study for: an MA (Master of Arts), (I'm doing a Masters in English) or an MSc (Master of Science) (She did a Masters in biology) or a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) (He's got a PhD in computer science).



Ex 3. Choose the right word: 

1. (Full-time, part-time) students have their classes two months a year. 2. (An applicant, an undergraduate) is a person who is taking his or her entrance exams. 3. (A postgraduate, an undergraduate) is some­one who is studying for their high academic degree. 4. (A monitor, a tutor) usually hands out student membership cards. 5. To be admitted to the library you need a (a student record book, a library card). 6. Fresh­men are (junior, senior) students. 7. If you missed the lecture, it means that you (attended it, played truant). 8. If a person has only excellent marks in his or her record book, it means that he or she is going to (be expelled, graduate with honours). 9. If you cram while reading up for an exam, it means that you (learn everything thoroughly, make cribs). 


Ex 4. Study the following example of the appropriate transla­tion of sentences with the pronoun one in the function of the subject: 

One never knows what his answer may be. - Никогда не знаешь, что он ответит. 

One should be careful when crossing the street. - Следует быть осторожным при переходе через улицу. 


Suggest your own variant of translation of the following sen­tences: 

One must always keep one's word. 

One must never cross the street when the traffic lights are red. 


Read the text and say what subject the author has chosen to major in. 

The merry-go-round of college life is something that one never forgets. It's a fascinating, fantastic, fabulous experience, irrespective of the fact whether one is a full-time or a part-time student. 

Who can forget the first day at the university when one turns from an applicant who has passed entrance exams into a first-year student? I did it! I entered, I got in to the university! A solemn ceremony in front of the university building and serious people making speeches. Hey, lad, do you happen to know who they are? Who? The rector, vice-rectors, deans, subdeans... and what about those ladies? Heads of departments and sen­ior lecturers? Okay. Some of them must be professors, some - associate or assistant professors, but, of course, all of them have high academic degrees. And where are our lecturers and tutors? Oh, how nice... 

The monitors hand out student membership cards, student record books and library cards - one feels like a real person. First celebrations and then days of hard work. So many classes, so many new subjects to put on the timetable! The curriculum seems to be developed especially for geniuses. Lectures, seminars and tutorials. Home preparations; a real avalanche of homework! 

If one can not cope with the work load of college he or she imme­diately starts lagging behind. It is easier to keep pace with the programme than to catch up with it later. Everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look, diligent. First tests and examination sessions. The first successes and first failures. "I have passed!" or "He has not given me a pass!" Tears and smiles. And a long-awaited vacation. 

The merry-go-round runs faster. Assignments, written reproduc­tions, compositions, synopses, papers. Translations checked up and marked. "Professor, 1 have never played truant, I had a good excuse for missing classes." Works handed in and handed out. Reading up for ex­ams. "No, professor, I have never cheated - no cribs. I just crammed." 

Junior students become senior. Still all of them are one family -undergraduates. Students' parties in the students' club. Meeting people and parting with people. You know, Nora is going to be expelled and Dora is going to graduate with honours. Yearly essays, graduation dis­sertations, finals... 

What? A teacher's certificate? You mean, I've got a degree in Eng­lish? I am happy! It is over! It is over...Is it over? Oh, no... 

A postgraduate course, a thesis, an oral, and a degree in Philology. The first of September. Where are the students of the faculty of foreign languages? Is it the English department? Oh, how nice... 


Text-based Activities


Ex. 1. Would you compare college life with a merry-go-round or with something else?


Ex 2. What do you think of the first months at the university?


Ex 3. They say that it is a poor soldier who does not want to become a general. Name the steps of the social ladder which a student must pass to climb up to the position of the rector. Use the words from the list below, placing one word on one step.

Dean, assistant lecturer, head of department, vice-rector, associate professor, assistant professor, subdean, professor, undergraduate, jun­ior student, senior student


Follow-up Activities


Ex 1. Identify the tense:

1. If you are ready, we will start at once. 2. If it snows tomorrow, we will stay at home. 3. Before she gets to the theatre, she'll go past the shopping centre. 4. What will we do if it rains tonight? 5. What will she do if she sees her best friend again? 6. Will I see you before you start? 7. What will he do when he comes home? 8. He will ring me up when he returns home. 9. I'm sure he will come to say goodbye to us before he leaves St. Petersburg. 10. I won't speak to him until he apologises. 11. Peter will introduce us to his friends as soon as we meet them.


Ex 2. Put the verbs in brackets in Present or Future Simple:

1. Before you (to cross) the park, you (to come) to a supermarket. 2. When you (to cross) the park, you (to see) the hospital. 3. If you (to translate) this article into Russian, I (to use) it in my report. 4. If she (to be) in St. Petersburg now, she (to meet) you at the railway station. 5. If you (not to hurry), you (to miss) the train. 6. If it (to rain), we (not to go) to the country. 7. When my friend (to come) to St. Petersburg, we (to go) to the Russian Museum. 8. I (to be able) to translate this article if you (to give) me a dictionary. 9. You (to have) to work hard at home if you (to miss) the lesson. 10. Where you (to go) when you (to come) to London? 11. The child (not to be) healthy if you (not to give) him much fruit. 12. I (not to have) dinner before mother (to come) home. 13. What you (to do) if you (not to finish) your homework tonight? 14. What he (to do) if his TV set (to break)? 15. If I (to stay) some more days in your town, I (to call) on you and we (to have) a good talk. 16. He (to go) to the Public Library very often when he (to be) a student. 17. As soon as I (to return) from school, I (to ring) you up. 18. You (to pass) many towns and villages on your way before you (to arrive) in Moscow. 19. I (to stay) at home till she (to come). Then we (to go) to the theatre if she (to bring) tickets. 20. After I (to finish) school, I (to enter) the Universi­ty. 21. When he (to return) to St. Petersburg, he (to call) on us. 22. If I (to see) him, I (to tell) him about their letter. 23. We (to gather) at our place when my brother (to come) back from Africa. 24. I (to sing) this song with you if you (to tell) me the words. 25. I hope you (to join) us when we (to gather) in our country house next time. 26. What you (to do) when you (to come) home? 27. When they (to cross) the road? they (to see) the hotel.


Ex. 3. Match the name of the subject with its Russian equiva­lent:

the History of Sociology

the Introduction into Sociology

Applied Statistics in Sociology

the Sociology of Marriage and Family

Methods of Sociological Research

the Sociology of Governing

the Sociology of Labour

the Sociology of Education

Sociological National Schools

the Sociology of Mass Media

and communication

Methods of Teaching Sociology

the Sociology of the Personality

the Sociology of Science

the Sociology of Politics

the Sociology of Economics

the Sociology of Conflict

the Sociology of Youngsters

Theoretical Sociology

the Sociology of Advertising

the Sociology of Culture

Gender Sociology

the Sociology of Public Relations

the Sociology of the City

the Sociology of the Cinema

Социология образования

Социология культуры

Гендерная социология

Социология Public Relations

Социология города

Социология кино

Социология образования

Методология и методы социол. исслед.

Социология личности

Методика преподавания социологии

Социология науки

Социология политики

Социология экономики

Введение в социологию

Социология молодежи

Социология рекламы

Социология культуры

Социология управления

Социология труда

Социологические национальные школы

Социология СМИ и коммуникаций

История социологии

Прикладная статистика в социологии

Социология конфликта



Ex. 4. Divide the titles of the subjects mentioned above into two columns (those with the definite article and those with no article) and explain the usage of articles before the names of subjects.


Ex. 5. Get acquainted with the university syllabus and say what subjects you are going to study in the course of your studies: 

1st year - the History of Sociology, the Introduction into Sociology.

2nd year - the History of Sociology, Applied Statistics in Sociolo­gy, the Sociology of Marriage and Family, Theoretical Sociology.

3rd year - Methods of Sociological Research, the Sociology of Governing, the Sociology of Labour, the Sociology of Education, So­ciological national schools, the Sociology of Mass Media and commu­nication.

4th year - Methods of Sociological Research, Methods of Teaching Sociology, the Sociology of the Personality, the Sociology of Science, the Sociology of Politics, the Sociology of Economics, the Sociology of Con­flict, the Sociology of Youngsters, the Sociology of Advertising.

5th year - the Sociology of Education, the Sociology of Culture, Gender Sociology, the Sociology of Public Relations, the Sociology of the City, the Sociology of the Cinema.


Model. When I'm in my 1st year, I'll study the History of Sociolo­gy and the Introduction into Sociology. 


Ex 6. Make up an oral presentation university. Make use of the following plan. 

1. Introduce yourself. 

2. Say a few words about your university: say what it is called, speak about its faculties and their specializations.

3. Speak about your entrance exams. Say how well you passed them.

4. Describe your first day at the university.

5. Speak about your studies at the university (how they are organ­ized, what subjects you study etc.).

6. Say what future perspectives the profession of a sociologist pro­vides you with (what kind of science sociology is, what kind of profes­sion/job it is, what opportunities it gives you).


Here is the list of words you have learnt so far:

an academic session (year)

to make a report (on)

a college

to read (prepare) for an exam


to get an excellent (good, satisfactory


bad) mark in (for)

the Dean's office

after (before) classes

a lecture (on)

classes finish (are over)

to lecture (in)

to work at (one's English, history,

a lecturer

a problem)

a lecture room

to make/take notes (of)

a term (semester)

to do one's homework (lessons)

a term (course)-paper

in class

a credit-test


a theme

It's nice to see you.


(I am) glad to meet you.

sources and literature

How are you?

a department

to be well

a foreign language

by the way

a gym

I wonder why.

a hostel (dormitory)

a roommate

a canteen

a classmate

to take (pass) an examination (in)

No wonder.

to be admitted to

Good for him!

to fail (in) the examination

to get through one's exam

to attend classes (lectures, seminars, tutorials)

I was most fortunate

a seminar (on/in)

You don't say so!

to miss classes

For shame!

to have a history class (a Latin class)

It serves you right.

to present a course (term)-paper


to be frank with you

A crib

in general

To cram

normally (generally)

A postgraduate

a hot dish

To graduate with honours


Graduation dissertation

to be hungry

To play truant

to be thirsty

the History of Sociology

to have a bite

Applied Statistics in Sociology

to take something for (breakfast)

the Introduction into Sociology

A full-time student

the Sociology of Marriage and Family

a monitor

the Sociology of Education

an applicant

Methods of Sociological Research

A part-time student

the Sociology of Governing

a student membership card

the Sociology of Labour

a high academic degree

Theoretical Sociology

Entrance exams

Sociological National Schools

a student record book

the Sociology of the Cinema

a rector

Methods of Teaching Sociology

a vice-rector

the Sociology of the Personality

A professor

the Sociology of Science

a student library card

the Sociology of Politics

a dean

the Sociology of Economics

a subdean

the Sociology of Conflict


the Sociology of Youngsters


the Sociology of Advertising

Associate professor

the Sociology of Culture

Assistant professor

Gender Sociology


the Sociology of Public Relations


the Sociology of the City

To cheat

the Sociology of Mass Media and





Present Forms


I. The verb "to be" in the Present Simple Tense


Ex. 1. Put in am, is or are.

1. The sky is very blue today. 2. I______not tired. 3. This shelf________very heavy. 4. These shelves______ very heavy. 5. The child______ sleep. 6. Look! This______ Mabel. 7. I______ cold. Can you shut the window, please? 8. The castle_______ one thousand years old. 9. My brother and I________good tennis players. 10. Amy_____ at home but her parents_____ in church. 11. I______ a student. 12. My sister_______ an archeologist.


Ex 2. Write full sentences. Use am / is / are each time.

1. (my grandparents / very old) My grandparents are very old.

2. (my desk / very comfortable) ____________________________

3. (your spectacles/ in your bag)____________________________

4. (I / not very clever today)      ____________________________

5. (this house/ very expensive)   ____________________________

6. (the shops / not open today)   ____________________________

7. (Mr. Wren's grandson / six years old)_______________________

8. (the houses in this street/ very big)   _______________________

9. (the examination / not difficult)__________________________

10. (those flowers / very beautiful)__________________________


Ex 3. Write positive or negative sentences. Use am /am not / is / isn't / are / aren't.

1. (Brussels...the capital of Belgium) Brussels is the capital of Belgium.

2. (I...interested in hockey) I'm not interested in hockey.

3. (I.. .angry)____________________________

4. (It...cold today)________________________

5. (The Hague...in Switzerland)______________

6. (I...afraid of dogs)______________________

7. (My hands...dirty)_______________________

8. (Russia...a very big country)_______________

9. (The Amur...in Europe)___________________

10. (Diamonds...cheap)____________________

11. (Motor-racing... a dangerous sport)__________

12. (Squirrels...big animals)__________________


Ex 4. Write questions with What/ Who / How / Where / Why...? Use am / is /are.

1. (What colour your house?) What colour is your house?

2. (Where my key?)________________________________ ?

3. (Where my trousers?)_____________________________ ?

4. (How old your grandmother?)_______________________ ?

5. (What colour his hair?)____________________________ ?

6. (How much these shoes?)__________________________ ?

7. (Who your favourite actor?)________________________ ?

8. (Why you always late?)____________________________ ?


Ex 5. Ask questions. (Read the answers to the questions first)

1. (his name?) What's his name?


2. (single or married?) Are you single or married?

I'm single.

3. (British?) ________________________________

No, I'm not.

4. (where / from?)  ___________________________

From Australia.

5. (how old?)________________________________

I'm 18.

6. (a student?)_______________________________

No, I'm a secretary.

7. (your mother a teacher?)____________________

No, she's a lawyer.

8. (where/from?)_____________________________

She's Italian.

9. (her name?)______________________________


10. (how old?)______________________________

She's 40.


II. The verb "to have" in the Present Simple Tense.


Ex 1. Put in have got ('ve got), has got ('s got), haven't got or hasn't got.

1. They like flowers. They_____ a lot of roses in their garden.

2. Jane_______ a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

3. Everybody likes Tom. He_____ a lot of friends.

4. Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood_____ two children, a boy and a girl.

5. An insect______ six legs.

6. I can't open the door. I________ a key.

7. Quick! Hurry! We________ much time.

8. "What's wrong?" - "I_________ something in my eye".

9. Ben doesn't read much. He________ many books.

10. It's a nice town. It_______ a very nice shopping centre.

11. Mother is going to the dentist. She________ toothache.

12. "Where's my newspaper?" - "I don't know. I__________ it".

13. Julia wants to go on holiday but she_________ any money.

14. I'm not going to work today. I_________ a bad cold.


Ex. 2. Write questions.

1. (you/ a bicycle?) Have you got a bicycle?

2. (you/ a VCR?)_______________________

3. (your father/a car?)___________________

4. (Carol/many friends?)_________________

5. (Mr. and Mrs. Lewis/any children?)________

6. (how much money/you?)_______________

7. (what kind of car/John?)________________


III. The Simple Present Tense. Ex 1. Write the he/she/it forms.


Ex.1. Write the he/she/it forms. 



















+ -s comes___________________________________

+ -es catches___________________________________


Ex. 2. Write the following sentences in the 3rd person singular.

1. I think I am ill. 2. They often visit their granny. 3. We live in Leeds. 4. You usually speak too quickly. 5. Do you like boiled potatoes? 6. Good animals always obey their masters. 7. The boys box in the gym­nasium on Fridays. 8. His dogs always attack the neighbours. 9. Heavy trucks make a lot of noise. 


Ex. 3. Choose the correct answers.

Pattern: We/My friend always wear old clothes.

You /John always wears nice clothes.


1. We all / The boss thinks you're wonderful.

2. I /Catherine want a new job.

3. Bread / Books costs a lot.

4. Andy / Andy and Pete sings very well.

5. Mary / Mary and Ian like parties.

6. You / She drive too fast.

7. Our cat / Our cats never catches mice.

8. That child / Children makes a lot of noise.

9. That bus / All those buses go to the station.

10. My father / My mother and father teaches


Ex 4. Change the following sentences into general questions:

Pattern: He makes testing at the laboratory.

Does he make testing at the laboratory?


1. He applies the new method for his investigation.

2. The subject compares the cards.

3. The psychologist rejects this idea.

4. She often works at the psychological laboratory.

5. The scientist applies new devices.

6. The investigator uses testing in his research.

7. He considers them to be right.

8. She gives instructions to the students.

9. He gradually achieves good progress in his studies.

10. She denies such hasty conclusions.


Ex 5. Make the following sentences negative:

Pattern: I consider him to be right.

I don't consider him to be right.


1. I reject his position.

2. I make proper conclusions.

3. I apply his method for my experiments.

4. I specialize in engineering psychology.

5. I study the problem of group dynamics.

6. I compare the experimental data.

7. I use the latest data in my research..

8. I deny their approach.

9. I give instructions to the subjects.

10. I achieve good results on the basis of his method. 


Do you know all these question words? 

what when where who why how how much how many what time

What do you think? (not What think you?) Where does Lucy live? (not Where lives Lucy?

How much does this cost? (not How much this costs?

What time does the train leave? (not What time the train leaves?


Ex. 6. Choose the correct subject. 

Pattern: How much does the ticket cost? (the ticket /the tickets 


1. Where do____________ live? (your daughter /your children)

2. What time does__________ start? (the lesson / the lessons)

3. What do________ want? (you / the girl)

4. When does_________ finish? (the holidays / the holiday)

5. Why do________ talk so fast? (that woman / those women)

6. What do__________ think of the new boss? (you / she) 


Ex 7. Make questions. 

Pattern: Where / she live? Where does she live? 


1. What / you want?_________________________

2. What / this word mean?_____________________

3. What time / the film start?____________________

4. How much / those shoes cost?_________________

5. Why / she need money?_____________________

6. How / this camera work?____________________

7. Where / you buy your meat?__________________

8. Who / you want to see?______________________ 


Be careful when questions have long subjects - the word order does not change. 

Where does Ann live? 

Where does your other sister live?

Where does your sister's old English teacher live?

(not Where lives your sister's old English teacher? or Where docs live your...) 


Ex 8. Make questions. 

Pattern: The President and his wife live in Madrid, Where do the President and his wife live? 


1. Peter and Ann's children play football on Saturdays.


2. The film about skiing in New Zealand starts at 8.00.

What time__________________            

3. The second word in the first sentence means 'kind'.


4. The man in the flat downstairs wants to change his job.


5. A ticket for Saturday's concert costs €15.

How much_______________              




Ex 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite. 

1. Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw (be) the most witty British writers.

2. Fishermen often (tell) tales about their catches.

3. Their children (go) to a private school.

4. Little Amanda (collect) all sorts of toy-pigs.

5. My father (like) a lot of milk in his tea and a few lumps of sugar.

6. Anything that he (say) (be) worth listening to.

7. We usually (spend) our holidays in Spain.

8. My English friends (live) in a nice house that (stand) on a hill that (overlook) lake Winder-mere which (be) in the Lake District.

9. What this sentence (mean)?

10. I (live) in Tver, which (be) my native town.

11. My brother (sing) in Italian opera.

12. My sister (have) a good appetite and she always (eat) heartily.

13. Let's go outside. It (be) terribly hot in the house.

14. What you (see) over there?

15. In England the traffic (keep) to the left but on the Continent it (keep) to the right.

16. This map (be) the largest that we (have).

17. They often (come) to see me in my town house.

18. The twittering of birds in the trees in spring (be) a pleasant sound.


Ex. 2. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 

Pattern: The lecture begins at 10 o'clock. 

How many languages do you speak (you/speak)?


1. What time___________ (the museums/open) in St. - Petersburg?

2. I have a bike but I____________________ (not/use) it very often.

3. How many cups of tea________________ (you/drink) a day?

4. "What______________ (you/do)?" - "I am a chemical engineer".

5. "Where (your father/come) from?" - "He (come) from Minsk".

6. If you need help, why___________________ (you/not/ask) for it?

7. I________________ (play) the guitar, but I (not/play) very well.

8. I don't understand the word "maintain". What "main-tain"____________ (mean)?


Ex 3. Expand the following into sentences in order to make true statements with doesn't or don't where necessary. 

Pattern: Water boils at 100 °C.

Rice doesn't grow on trees.


1) water / boil / at 100 °C. 

2) nice / grow / on trees. 

3) chicks / hatch / from eggs 

4) kangaroos / live / in Spain 

5) plants / need / water to grow 

6) rain / fall / from clouds 

7) astronauts / travel / in submarines 

8) cows / lay / eggs 

9) pandas / live / in Italy 

10) elephants / eat / meat 

11) fish / walk / on land 

12) the sun / set / in the east 

13) bees / give milk 

14) caterpillars / turn / into butterflies 

15) wool / come / from sheep


Ex. 4. This time you have to read some sentences and correct them. The English is correct but the information is wrong. Write two correct sentences each time.

Pattern: The sun goes round the earth. The sun doesn't go round the earth. The earth goes round the sun.


1. The sun rises in the west.______________________________

2. Mice catch cats._____________________________________

3. Carpenters make things from metal.______________________

4. The River Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean._____________


Ex 5. Now you have to use these sentences to make questions. Begin your question with the word(s) in brackets. 

Pattern: Tom plays tennis. (How often?) How often does Tom play tennis? 

I get up in the morning. (What time/usually?) What time do you usually get up?


1. Ann watches television. (How often?)_____________________

2. I write to my parents. (How often?)_______________________

3. I have dinner in the evening? (What time/usually?)____________

4. Tom works. (Where?)__________________________________

5. I go to the cinema. (How often?)__________________________

6. People do stupid things. (Why?)__________________________

7. The car breaks down. (How often?)_______________________


Present Continuous



Ex. 1. Make present progressive sentences.

Pattern: Ann / read / the newspaper? Ann is reading the newspaper.


1. The baby / cry / again.____________________

2. It / snow / again._________________________

3. You / look / very beautiful today.____________

4. Your coffee / get / cold.____________________

5. I / play / a lot of football this year.____________

6. We / wait / for a phone call.______________________________

7. Chris and Helen / spend / a week in France._________________

8. The students / make an experiment.______________________

9. John / interview the subjects._____________________________

10. They / watch the testing process._________________________

11. Mary /solve a problem._______________________________

12. She / register the students' answers._______________________

13. The student / copy the experimental data.__________________

14. The subject / perform a task.___________________________

15. The scientist / compare the data._________________________

16. He / investigate sense-data._____________________________


Ex 2. Make present continuous negative sentences.

Pattern: Mother is talking on the phone. (sleep) She isn't sleeping.


1. John is standing. (lie down)           __________________________

2. Father is shaving. (wash)               __________________________

3. The boys are playing. (fight)         __________________________

4. We are dancing. (jump)                 __________________________

5. They are speaking. (shout)            __________________________

6. Mary is running. (walk)                  __________________________

7. I am eating. (drink)                      __________________________

8. The teacher is speaking. (read)_____________________________


Ex 3. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

Pattern: Are you drawing? (write a story) - No. I'm not. I'm writ­ing a story.


1. Is he writing a letter? (watch television)_______________________

2. Are you reading Byron's poems? (learn them by heart)___________

3. Is Dad smoking in his study? (read a newspaper)________________

4. Are they listening to the radio? (talk with a friend)_______________

5. Are you hurrying to work? (go home)________________________

6. Is Joan playing the piano? (listen to a concert)_________________

7. Are you working at your essay? (write a film script)______________

8. Is she washing up? (cook)_________________________________


Ex. 4. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

1. Is Jerry very busy just now? (finish his work)___________________

2. Are the students very busy just now? (perform a task)____________

3. Is Susan very busy just now? (have breakfast)_________________

4. Are the Greens very busy just now? (shop)____________________

5. Is Miss Black very busy just now? (sew)______________________

6. Is Jane very busy just now? (wash up)________________________

7. Is Henry very busy just now? (skate)_________________________

8. Are the girls very busy just now? (rehearse)____________________


Ex. 5. Complete the text with verbs from the boxes.


And Mrs. Alexander ►is coming down the steps of the plane now. It is very cold and it 1)____________ heavily, but she 2)___________ very happy. She 3)___________ a dark blue dress with a black coat and boots, but she 4)_________ a hat. She really is a very beautiful woman. Her husband 5)__________ down the steps with her.


Now Mrs. Alexander and her husband 6)___________at the crowd and smiling. The photographers 7)________ to get nearer, but the police are 8)____________ them. What a day! At last, after twenty years, this wonderful woman 9) to her own country. Now the President 10)________ her hand. What 11)________ he________ to her, do you think?



Present Continuous vs. Present Simple




Ex 1. Say whether the underlined verbs are right. Correct those which are wrong. 

Pattern:  I don't go there often. RIGHT. 

Please don't interrupt. He talks sense. WRONG - is talking


1. Look! Someone is coming up to the back door.____________

2. Do you talk about my book? I hope you like it.____________

3. Are you believing in ghosts?___________________________

4. Listen! Somebody tries to start the car.__________________

5. He always goes there in the springtime.___________________

6. I'm thinking he is a good chap.__________________________

7. The people are worried that the traffic is increasing._________

8. We're usually going to Hampton by train.__________________


Ex 2. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Indefinite and Present Continuous. 



1. Mr. Smith (teach) us at present. He (substitute) for Mr. Reese, who (be) our regular teacher.

2. "I (go) to visit Peter tonight. He (leave) tomorrow morning". -"He (come) back the same day?" - "I (not/know)".

3. John often (stay) in a hotel when he (come) to town, but tonight he (stay) with us.

4. The fourth class always (meet) on the 18th floor, but our class (meet) on the 17th floor. However, since they (paint) our regular class­room now, we (go) to meet in the club-room today.

5. "Nick (leave) today". - "What train he (take) for his journey?" -"He (catch) the 5.50 train".

6. The mechanic (repair) my car today. So I must go to work by the underground.

7. "You/write) him tonight?" - "Yes, I always (write) him on his birthday. You (want) to send any message?" - "Certainly".

8. John (say) he (leave) for Chicago on the fifteenth.

9. I (go) to the seaside on my holiday. 

10. My brother (come) to see me next week.

11. Whenever I (call) at the Smiths' home, they (play) cards. I really (think) they (play) every night. 

12. Jack (make) at least ten spelling errors in every lesson.



1. A. Where (be) Andrew? 

B. He (smoke) on the terrace. 

A. I (think) he (smoke) too much. 

B. Yes, he (be) a chain-smoker. 

2. A. What (be) this music? 

B. It (be) Ann. She (play) the piano. 

3. A. You (come) with us? 

B. I'd love to come. Where you (go)? 

A. We (drive) to the Lake District. 

B. You (take) the children along? 

A. No, we (leave) them with our parents. 

B. You (mind) if I (bring) my dog? 

A. No. 

4. A. Mike (come) tonight? 

B. No, he (work) hard at present. 

A. What he (do)? 

B. He (read up) for his examinations. 

A. But it (be) Saturday. I (be) sure he (not/go) to take his examination on Sunday. 

B. No, but he (say) he (meet) his girl-friend on Sunday, and the examination (be) on Monday, so he (have) only tonight for his studies.


Ex 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present continuous or the present simple. 

1. A: Where's James? 

B: He is/'s playing (play) football in the garden right now.

2. A: Bill (dance) very well.

B: Yes, he's a good singer, too.

3. A: Lucy is very busy. 

B: Yes. She (work) very hard these days.

4. A: What (you/do) on Saturdays?

В: I clean the house and go shopping.

5. A: Why (you/pack) your suitcase? 

B: Because I (fly) to Paris tomorrow morning.

6. A: Fred (not/know) how to swim.

B: That's because he's only three.

7. A: Max looks very fit. 

B: Yes. He (take) a lot of exercise these days.


Ex 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present continuous or the present simple. 

Charlie Foster 1) works (work) at a bakery. He 2)_____________ (always/get up) very early because he 3)____________ (start) work at four o'clock every morning. Charlie 4)_________ (not/be) at work this morning. At the moment he 5)_____ (pack) a suitcase because he 6)_______ (go) on holiday today. Charlie 7)__________ (sing) to himself. He's very happy. Right now he 8)_________________ (look for) his aeroplane tickets. Where are they? He can't find them. There they are; under his bed! Charlie 9) _______ (call) a taxi now. His plane 10)____________ (leave) in an hour. Where 11)_______ (leave) (Charlie/go)? To Hawaii!


Ex 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present continuous or the present simple. 

Dear Martin, 

How are you and Sally? I 1) hope (hope) you're well. I 2)___________ (write) to give you some good news. I have got a summer job for the holidays! 3)________ (repair) telephone lines for a telephone company. I 4)_______ (usually/ride) my bicycle to work because it's only a ten minute ride from home. We 5)___________ (start) work at 8:30. We 6) ______ (finish) at 4:30 on Mondays to Thursdays, but at 2:30 on Fridays, so I 7)________ (have) long weekends. I 8)__________ (work) very hard at the moment. To tell you the truth, I 9)_________ (be) a bit nervous because my boss 10)__________ (leave) for Scotland on business next week, so I'll be on my own. Lizzie says I 11)____________ (worry) about it too much. She's probably right!


Ex 6. Correct the mistakes.

1. Steve goes fishing tomorrow.

2. Rebecca wash her hair every day.

3. I am visiting my grandparents every week.

4. Tim doesn't wants to do his homework.

5. He sits on the floor at the moment.

6. Do you watch TV in the evenings always?

7. Sarah is drinking coffee every morning.

8. They don't go usually on holiday in May.

9. Does she work late? No, she does never.

10. Peter looks for a new house at the moment.




Ex 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present continuous or the present simple.

1. A: Do you know (you/know) that man over there?

B: Actually, I do. He's Muriel's husband.

2. A: Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?

B: Yes. I_____(see) Jack at nine o'clock.

3. A: I_____ (see) you're feeling better.

B: Yes, I am, thank you.

4. A: What's that noise?

B: The people next door_____ (have) a party.

5. A: Graham______ (have) a new computer.

В: I know. I've already seen it.

6. A: This dress______ (not/fit) me any more.

B: Why don't you buy a new one?

7. A: Your perfume_______ (smell) nice. What is it?

B: It's a new perfume called Sunshine.

8. A: What is Jane doing?

B: She____ (smell) the flowers in the garden.

9. A: What______ (you/look) at?

B: Some photos I took during my holidays. They aren't very good, though.

10. A: You_______ (look) very pretty today.

B: Thank you. I've just had my hair cut.

11. A: I_______ (think) we're being followed.

B: Don't be silly! It's just your imagination.

12. A: Is anything wrong?

B: No. I_______ (just/think) about the party tonight.

13. A: This fabric________ (feel) like silk.

B: It is silk, and it was very expensive.

14. A: What are you doing?

В: I_______ (feel) the radiator to see if it's getting warm.

15. A: She________ (be) generous, isn't she?

B: Yes, she has never been a mean person.

16. A: He________ (be) very quiet today isn't he?

B: Yes, I think he has some problems,

17. A: Would you like some cherries?

B: Yes, please. I_____ (love) cherries. They're my favourite fruit.

18. A: I'm sorry, but I_________ (not understand) what you mean.

B: Shall I explain it again?

19. A: The children are making lots of noise today.

В: I know, but they   (have) fun.

20. A: This cake________ (taste) awful.

В: I think I forgot to put the sugar in it!


Ex. 2. In this exercise you have to decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong. Correct those which are wrong. The verb is underlined.

Pattern: I don't know your telephone number.       RIGHT.

Please don't make so much noise. I study.  WRONG - am studying.


1. Look! Somebody is climbing up that tree over there._____________

2. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?___________

3. Are you believing in God?_____________

4. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.

5. The moon goes round the earth._____________

6. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to leave early. _

7. The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is increasing.       

8. I'm usually going to work by car.______________


Ex 3. Now you have to put the verb into the correct form, present continuous (I am doing) or present simple (I do).

Pattern: Please don't make so much noise. I am studying (study).

How many languages does Tom speak (Tom/speak)?

This machine doesn't work (not/work). It hasn't worked for years.


1. I________ (not/belong) to a political party.

2. Hurry! The bus________ (come). I________ (not/want) to miss it.

3. The River Nile_________ (flow) into the Mediterranean.

4. The river__________ (flow) very fast today - much faster than usual.

5. ___________ (it/ever/snow) in India?

6. We usually_________ (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we_________ (not/grow) any.

7. A. Can you drive?

B. No, but I_________ (learn). My father____________ (teach) me.

8. You can borrow my umbrella. I____________ (not/need) it at the moment.

9. (at a party) I usually___________ (enjoy) parties but I__________ (not/ enjoy) this one very much.

10.  George says he's 80 years old but I_________________ (not/believe) him.

11. Ron is in London at the moment. He_________________(stay) at the Hilton Hotel. He usually______ (stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he's in London.

In these sentences think about whether the situation is tempo­rary or permanent.

12. My parents_________ (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where_________ (your parents/live)?

13. She___________ (stay) with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live.

14. A. What___________ (your father/do)?

B. He's a teacher, but he_____________ (not/work) at the moment.


Present Perfect Tense



Ex 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect.

1. I don't know this girl. I never (meet) her before. 2. "Where is Mother?" - "She just (go) out". 3. "Don't you know what the film is about?" - "No, I (not/see) it". 4. Don't worry about the letter. I already (post) it. 5. "Is he a good teacher?" - "Oh yes, he (help) me a lot". 6. I know London perfectly well. I (be) there several times. 7. I can't find my umbrella. I think, somebody (take) it by mistake. 8. "Do you speak Spanish?" - "No, I never (study) it". 9. "Do you know where they have gone?" - "No, they (sell) their house and (not/leave) their new address".


Ex 2. Answer the questions. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect.

Pattern: Is his article ready? (write)

Yes, he has written it.


1. Are her rooms clean? (do)

2. Is our dinner ready, Mother? (cook)

3. Does she know the poem? (learn)

4. Do you know this sort of pencil? (use)

5. Does he know how nice the cake is? (eat)

6. Do you know that your gloves are on the table? (find)

7. Is Bobby's face clean? (wash)

8. Do you know how beautiful these songs are? (hear)


Ex. 3. Make present perfect sentences.




I / never/ read / Shakespeare

I / break / my arm / three times

Peter / pay / for his lessons?                           

I've never read Shakespeare

I've broken my arm three times

Has Peter paid for his Lessons?                              

1. Joe / change / his job / twice this year.________________________

2. you / ever / write / a poem?________________________________

3. I / never / climb / a mountain.______________________________

4. how often I she / ask / you for money?_______________________

5. I / often / try / to stop smoking._____________________________

6. Alex / phone / me / six times this week._______________________

7. Charles / speak / to you / today?____________________________

8. Mary / not / tell / me / her new address._______________________

9. you / ever / break / your leg?_______________________________

10. We / not / play / football / this year.________________________


Ex 4. You are writing a letter to a friend and giving news about people you both know. Use the words given to make sentences and put the verb into the correct form.

Pattern: Phil/find a new job      Phil has found a new job.


Dear Chris,

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.

1. Charles/go/Brazil Charles.____________________________

2. Jack and Jill/decide/to get married._____________________

3. Suzanne/have/a baby.______________________________

4. Monica/give up/smoking.____________________________

5. George/pass/his driving-test.___________________________


Ex 5. In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write a suitable sentence. Use the verb given.

Pattern: Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. (lose) He has lost his key.


1. Ann's hair was dirty. Now it is clean. (wash) She________________

2. Tom was 80 kilograms. Now he weighs 70. (lose weight)__________

3. The car has just stopped because there isn't any more petrol in the tank. (run out of petrol)           

4. Yesterday Bill was playing football. Now he can't walk and his leg is in plaster. (break)   


Ex 6. You are asking someone about things be has done in his life. Use the words in brackets to make your questions.

Pattern: (you ever/be/to Italy?)      Have you ever been to Italy?


1. (you ever/be/to South America?)___________________________

2. (you/read/any English books?)_____________________________

3. (you/live/in this town all your life?)__________________________

4. (how many times/you/be/in love?)__________________________

5. (what's the most beautiful country you/ever/visit?)______________

6. (you ever/speak/to a famous person?)_______________________


Ex 7. Answer these questions using the words in brackets.

Pattern: When did you last smoke? (for two years) I haven't smoked for two years.


1. When did it last rain? (for ages) It________________ for ages.

2. When did they last visit you? (since June) They_________________

3. When did you last play tennis? (for a long time)________________

4. When did you last eat caviar? (never)________________________

5. When did you last drive? (for six months)_____________________

6. When did you last go to Spain? (never)_______________________

7. When did she last write to you? (since last summer)______________ 


Ex 8. In this exercise you have to make questions with the words given.

Pattern: (you hear from George recently?) Have you heard from George, recently?


1. (you/read/a newspaper recently?)___________________________

2. (you/see/Tom in the past few days?)_________________________

3. (you/play/tennis recently?)________________________________

4. (you/eat/anything today?)________________________________

5. (you/see/any good films recently?)__________________________

6. (you/have/a holiday this year yet?)_________________________




Ex 1. Circle the words for a finished time.

a few days ago always this week last week never now then today yesterday in 1990


Ex 2. Correct (R) or not (WR)?

Pattern: My father has changed his job. R

Andy has gone to Scotland last week. WR


1. Look what Peter has given me yesterday!_______________

2. I've seen a great programme last night._________________

3. I think everybody has arrived now.___________________

4. Mary has written to me three weeks ago.________________

5. Sorry - I've forgotten your name.______________________

6. I've forgotten Mike's birthday last Tuesday._____________

7. Everybody has gone home at 10 o'clock.________________

8. There's nobody here! What has happened ?______________


Ex 2. Make present perfect progressive sentences. Usefor or since.





John started learning Chinese in February. Now it's July. (for)                                               

John has been learning Chinese for five months.

It started raining on Sunday. It's still raining. (since)

It's been raining since Sunday.

1. Mary started painting the house on Monday. Now it's Friday. (for)

2. We started driving at six o'clock. Now it's ten o'clock. (for)

3. Ann started working at Smiths in January. (since)

4. Joe started building boats when he was 20. Now he's 40. (for)

5. We started waiting for the bus at 8.30. (since)

6. Prices started going up last year. (since)


Ex 3. Make questions beginning with How long...?

Pattern: you / study / maths How long have you been standing maths?


1. Jane / talk / on the phone_______________________________

2. your brother / work / in Glasgow_________________________

3. Eric / drive / buses____________________________________

4. that man / stand / outside_______________________________

5. you / play / the piano__________________________________


Ex. 4. Choose the correct form.

Pattern: How long have you learnt / been learning the piano?

Look! I have bought/been buying a coat.


1. It has rained / been raining since Tuesday.

2. John has broken / been breaking his leg.

3. He hasn't told / been telling me his address.

4. How long have we driven/been driving now?

5. Have you ever read / been reading this book?

6. Hello! I've waited / been waiting for you for hours!

7. How long have you played/ been playing tennis?

8. How many games have you played / been playing?


Ex. 5. Put in the present perfect or present perfect progressive.

Pattern:  I have had these shoes for a year. (have)

How long have you been waiting? (wait)


1. It________________________ all day. (snow)

2. We_____________ this dog for years. (have)

3. Ann_________________ all day. (work)

4. John_________________ ill this week. (be)

5. How long_______ you_______ Andrew (know)?


Ex 6. Put in the present perfect or continuous, using short forms where appropriate.

1. A. How long have you known (you/know) Alison?

B. We (be) friends since we were children.

2. A. Who (use) the car?

B. I have. Is there a problem?

3. A. What are Andrew and David doing?

B. They (work) in the garden for three hours

4. A. Why is Sally upset?

B. She (lose) her bag

5. A. I (always/believe) that exercise is good for you.

B. Of course, it's good to keep fit.

6. A. Emily (teach) maths since she left university.

B. Yes, and she's a very good teacher, too.

7. A. Fred (open) a new shop.

B. Really? Where is it?

8. A. This pie is delicious.

B. Is it? I (not/taste) it yet.

9. A. Have you found your umbrella yet?

B. No, I (look) for it for an hour now.

10. A. You look exhausted.

B. Well, I (clean) the windows since 8 o'clock this morning.

11. A. Can I have some more lemonade, please?

B. Sorry, your brother (just/drink) it all.

12. A. Have you got new neighbours?

B. Yes, they (just/move) to the area.


Ex. 7. Choose the correct answer.

1. "What time does the train leave?"
"I think it Aat 2 o'clock".

A. leaves В. has been leaving С. has left

2. "Where are Tom and Pauline?"

"They_____ to the supermarket".

A. have just gone В. have been going С. go

3. "What is Jill doing these days?"

"She_______ for a job for six months".

A. is looking В. has been looking С. looks

4. "Is Mandy watching TV?"

"No. She________ her homework right now".

A. is always doing В. is doing С. does

5. "Have you been for a walk?"

"Yes. I often_______ for walks in the evenings".

A. have gone В. am going С. go

6. "Have you seen any films lately?"

"Yes. Actually, I___________ two this week".

A. have seen В. am seeing С. see

7. "What_______ ?" "It's a piece of cherry pie. Mum made it yesterday?"

A. are you eating В. do you eat С. have you eaten

8. "Are you going on holiday this summer?"

"Yes. I_______ enough money".

A. am saving В. have already saved С. save

9. "Is Todd reading the newspaper?"

"No. He________ dinner at the moment".

A. has been making В. makes С. is making

10. "Have you bought any new CDs recently?"

"Yes. Actually, I___________ two this week".

A. have bought В. have been buying С. am buying

11. "What time does the play start?"

"I think it_________ at 8 o'clock".

A. has been starting В. starts С. has started

12. "Where is Mark?"

"He_______ to the library to return some books".

A. has gone В. has been С. is going


Ex. 8. Underline the correct tense.

1. Liz and I are good friends. We know/have known each other for four years.

2. Sarah is very tired. She has been working/is working hard all day.

3. "Where is John?" "He's upstairs. He does/is doing his homework".

4. I can't go to the party on Saturday. I am leaving/ have been leaving for Spain on Friday night.

5. Jane has finished/is finishing cleaning her room, and now she is going out with her friends.

6. I didn't recognize Tom. He looks/is looking so different in a suit.

7. I don't need to wash my car. Jim washes/has washed it for me already.

8. Ian has been talking/is talking to his boss for an hour now.

9. Claire's train arrives/has arrived at 3 o'clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

10. "Would you like to borrow this book?" "No, thanks. I have read/have been reading it before".

11. "Where are you going/do you go?" "To the cinema. Would you like to come with me?"

12. Have you seen my bag? I am searching/have been searching for it all morning.

13. "Is Colin here?" "I don't know. I haven't seen/ haven't been seeing him all day".

14. Sophie is very clever. She is speaking/speaks seven different languages.

15. We are moving/have moved house tomorrow. Everything is packed.


Ex 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. A. What are you doing (you/do)?

B. Nothing. I (just/finish) my lunch.

2. A. Where (you/be) all morning?

В. I (clean) my house since 8 o'clock.

3. A. (you/do) anything next weekend?

B. No, I (not/make) any plans yet.

4. A. Jane looks great (she/lose) weight?

B. Yes, she (exercise) a lot recently.

5. A. (be/you) busy fight now?

B. Yes, I (just/start) typing this report.

6. A. Where is Peter?

B. He (wash) the car at the moment.

7. A. Who (be) your favourite actor?

B. I (like) Sean Connery since I was a child.

8. A. (you/do) your homework yet?

B. Almost, I (do) it now.


Ex 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. Who has been using (use) my toothbrush?

2. "What (you/do)?" "I (write) a letter".

3. Samantha (play) tennis with friends every weekend.

4. Tim and Matilda (be) married since 1991.

5. Uncle Bill (just/decorate) the bathroom.

6. Pauline and Tom (sing) in the school choir twice a week.

7. Who (you/speak) to?

8. Sarah is very happy. She (win) a poetry competition.

9. He (drink) two cups of coffee this morning.

10. My friend (live) in America at the moment.

11. They (usually/change) jobs every five years.

12. I (normally/cut) my hair myself.

13. Linda (study) in the library for three hours.

14. We (play) in a concert next weekend.

15. Who (read) my diary?

16. Tim (leave) the house at 7 o'clock every morning.

17. (your mother/work) in a bank?

18. (you/drink) coffee with your breakfast every day?

19. We (make) plans for our summer holidays right now.

20. They (move) house in September.


Ex. 11. Choose the correct answer.

1. "Have you seen your sister recently?

"Yes, she came to visit last weekend".

A. Have you been seeing B. You have seen C. Have you seen

2. "I didn't know Sarah could drive".

"Oh, yes, she________ since last April".

A. has been driving B. has driven C. is driving

3. "Where is Jason?"

"He_________ at the swimming pool".

A. is being B. is C. has been

4. "This is a great book.".

"I know. I_____________ it twice already".

A. have read B. am reading C. have been reading

5. "Hello, Jane. I'm home".

"Where have you been? I___________ for you all day".

A. have been looking B. look C. am looking

6. "Are you having a holiday this year?"

"Yes, I_________ to Hawaii".

A. am going B. have been C. have gone

7. "Who does your hair for you?"

"My mother usually_______________ it".

A. is cutting B. cuts C. has cut

8. "Your socks are all wet!"

"Don't worry I_______________ another pair with me".

A. am bringing B. bring C. have brought


Ex. 12. Correct the mistakes.

1. They have been to the shops. They'll be home soon.

2. Joe plays in the garden at the moment.

3. I am going to work by car every day.

4. The builders finish the block of flats already.

5. He has been breaking his arm.

6. Sam have just finished reading a very interesting book.

7. Water is boiling at 100 oC.

8. John is living here since 1986.

9. I study this subject for five years.

10. Who has use me scissors?




Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous


Ex 1. Translate into English.

1. В этой части света солнце садится рано. 2. Джойс едет в Лондон завтра, потому что ее дядя хочет ее видеть. 3. Некоторым людям больше всего нравится лето, некоторые любят весну или осень, а другие предпочитают зиму. 4. «Где Лиззи?» - «Она катается верхом на лошади». 5. «Что делают дети?» - «Они слушают сказку и рисуют». 6. Джейн прекрасно рисует. 7. Отец обычно ездит на работу поездом, но сегодня он на машине. 8. Каждый год он проводит каникулы в горах. 9. Я пишу, чтобы пригласить вас к нам на лето. 10. Я сижу у окна и смотрю на море. Какое-то судно уплывает (sail away) в вечернее золото горизонта.


Ex 2. Translate into English.

1. «Когда он обычно приходит домой?» - «Он обычно приходит домой в 7 часов вечера». 2. Каким поездом вы уезжаете в Петербург на следующей неделе? 3. В следующее воскресенье ко мне приезжают друзья из Шеффилда. 4. Алекс делает новую полку для книг. Он всю мебель для своей комнаты всегда делает сам. 5. На ней сегодня шляпа и голубое платье. 6. Я не могу сейчас дать вам эту книгу, потому что я ее читаю. «Вы много читаете?» - «Да, много». -«Вы покупаете книги или берете их в библиотеке?» - «Я обычно беру по пять книг в центральной библиотеке и меняю их через месяц». «Что вы делаете под столом?» - «Я ищу иголку». 9. «Что у вас обычно на завтрак?» - «Я обычно ем бутерброд и выпиваю чашку кофе». «Куда ты так бежишь?» - «Я бегу на десятичасовую электричку. Я встречаюсь сегодня с Ником. Он не любит, когда я опаздываю». В следующее воскресенье я уезжаю в Данию.


Ex 3. Translate into English.

1. Почему у тебя черные губы? - Я ела чернику. 2. Ты съел весь кекс? 3. Что вы делаете? - Мы собираем яблоки. - Сколько вы уже собрали? - Мы собрали 5 корзин. 4. Я сегодня делала покупки и наконец нашла тебе летние туфли. 5. Какой чудный запах! Бабушка варит варенье. 6. Я полирую этот стол с самого завтрака. Я очень устала. 7. Что ты делаешь в гараже так долго? - Я накачиваю шины (pump the tires). Я уже накачал три. Ты поможешь мне с четвертой? 8. Ты знакома с Томом? - Я знаю его целую вечность. 9. Почему вы так шумите (make a horrible noise)? - Я потерял ключ и пытаюсь разбудить жену, поэтому я бросаю камни в окно спальни. - Вы бросаете камни не в то окно. Вы живете в следующем доме. 10. Он только что продал две свои картины. - Ему повезло. Мой муж рисует уже пять лет и еще не продал ни одной картины. 11. Я все утро занимаюсь домашней работой и еще ничего не сделал. 12. Почему вы не принесли мне письма? Вы их еще не напечатали? 13. Куда ты дела мои ботинки? Я нигде не могу их найти. - Майк только что ушел в них. 14. Тот человек стоит на автобусной остановке последние полчаса. Сказать ему, что последний автобус уже ушел? 15. Мой муж собирает картины современных художников с тех пор, как мы поженились. Он уже собрал так много, что не знает, куда их повесить.





Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps in the following grammar table: 








































Ex. 2. Insert the appropriate pronouns:

1. I made up ... mind to enter the university.

2. You made up ... mind to enter the university.

3. He made up ... mind to enter the university.

4. She made up ... mind to enter the university.

5. We made up ... mind to enter the university.

6. They made up ... mind to enter the university.


Ex. 3. Circle the correct answer.

Pattern: I/Me don't understand.


1. "Who said that?" "It was she / her".

2. Tell we / us your address.

3. This isn't for you, it's for he /him.

4. I don't think they / them are here today.

5. "Where's your brother?" "That's he / him over there".

6. Where are the children? Can you see they / them?

7. Ask she / her why she / her is crying.


Ex. 4. Put in he, him, she, her, they or them.

1. "Does your father speak English?"... understands a little".

2. "I'm seeing Lucy and Pete on Tuesday." "Oh, give ... my love".

3. "Mr. Carter's here." "Ask ... to wait downstairs".

4. Where are your friends?... 're very late.

5. "Have you spoken to Mrs. Lewis?" "Not yet. I'm going to phone ... this evening".

6. "Where's Ann?" "... 's in Germany all this week".


Ex. 5. Put in it, they or them.

1. "Where are my keys?" "... 're on that chair".

2. 'Where did that cat come from?" ".came in through the window".

3. "What did you think of the film?" "...'s not very good".

4. "What shall I do with these letters?" "Just put ... on the table".

5. "Can I have John's address?" "I'll give ...to you this afternoon".

6. "Did you enjoy your holiday in Ireland?" "Yes, ...'s a wonderful place".

7. "Where are your glasses?" "I've lost

8. "Would you like tickets for the concert?" "How much do ... cost?"


Ex. 6. Put in the correct possessives.

Pattern: Ann's lost her keys.

Would you like to wash your hands?


1. Peter says ... wife is ill.

2. We're taking ... holiday in June.

3. ... car is that outside?

4. My bank has changed ... name.

5. I'm going to sell ... motorbike.

6. My students have got ... exam next week.

7. John writes to ... girlfriend every day.

8. Ann lives with ... father in Portugal.

9. Please put ... coats upstairs.

10. Robert broke ... leg skiing last winter.

11. "What film did you see?" "Sorry, I've forgotten ... name".


Ex. 7. Circle the correct answer.

1. She doesn't love him / himself.

2. She likes looking at her / herself in the mirror.

3. Old people often talk to them / themselves.

4.  I'm going out tonight, so you will all have to cook for yourself / yourselves.

5.  I like Bill, but I don't understand him / himself.


Ex. 8. Put in myself, yourself etc.

1. I'm teaching ... to play the guitar.

2. "Who's John talking to?" "...".

3. Get a drink for... .

4. We really enjoyed ... last night.

5. Mary talks about ... all the time.

6. Find chairs for ... and sit down.

7. They just want to make money for... .


Ex. 9. Rewrite the sentences in brackets so that the noun is not repeated. Use one or ones.


Model. These cups are nice. Each one is hand-painted. (Each cup is hand-painted.)

1. I need to fill in a form about my driving test, but ... (I haven't got a form.)

2. I've watched all these videos. ... (I must get some new videos.)

3. These photos are good. ...(Have you seen this photo?)

4. I need a dinner-jacket for the party, so ... (I've hired a dinnerjacket.)

5. Those socks are horrible. ...(Can you find any nice socks?)

6. This map isn't very good. ... (The map in the car is better.)


Ex 10. Rewrite the repeated noun by one (the one) or ones in the following sentences:

1. This picture is more beautiful than that picture.

2. As to the students' reports made at the conference I liked the report on the economic struggle in capitalist countries.

3. These are yesterday's papers. Take fresh papers.

4. This article is not so difficult to translate as the article you gave us last week.

5. Put all the books except that book on the shelf.

6. You have got several maps of the Roman Empire. Will you give me a map for a short time?




Ex. 1. Choose the correct form of the pronouns in brackets.

I. 1. It may be (our, ours) dictionaries. 2. He has not read a line of (your, yours). How can he criticize (your, yours) poems? 3. His composition is much more interesting than (your, yours) or (my, mine). 4. (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to (our, ours). 5. I'm afraid they will take (her, hers) advice not (your, yours). 6. All (our, ours) clothes were extremely dirty, and (my, mine) especially so. 7. Will you help me to sort out the things? I cannot tell which are (your, yours) and which are (my, mine). 8. This is (your, yours) notebook, but where is (my, mine)?

II. 1. She got to (her, hers) feet and took (his, him) hand. 2. "Let me see your passports", I gave him and Catherine got out of handbag (my, mine; her, hers; her, hers). 3. Mind (your, yours; my, mine) own business and I'll mind (your, yours; my, mine). 4. Mr. Black gave (his, him) wife a leather bag for (her, hers) birthday. 5. The next voice to speak up was not the Lieutenant's but (my, mine). 6. I looked at (her, hers) and at none other from that moment. 7.________ was not a marriage that could last (their, theirs). 8._______ nerves are as bad as_______ (your, yours, my, mine). 9. His eyes were as bright as_____________ (her, hers). 10. After all, this is_______ home just as much as______ (your, yours, my, mine). 11. My sister likes much sugar in______ tea, but I like little in______(her, hers, my, mine). "Who can drink tea as sweet as (your, yours)", I wonder. 12. His own hand shook as he accepted a rose or two from_______and thanked her (her, hers).


Ex 2. Use the appropriate form ofpersonal pronouns in the fol­lowing sentences.

1. He patted Jack heartily on (he) shoulder. 2. He put (he) hand in (she). 3. "This foolish wife of (I) thinks I'm a great artist", said he. 4. (They) say there's been a great earthquake in the Pacific. 5. Then he stopped and pointed and said: "Those are peas". I said, "We've got some peas, too". "I expect (you) are bigger than (our)", he said politely. 6. Don't show this letter to (you) brother. 7. There's, a ghastly article of (he) in the evening's paper. 8. She folded the letter and replaced it in (it) envelope. 9. The children had had (they) tea. Kate was late for (she) as usual, Mary and Paul were having (they). 10. This demand of (they) is quite ridiculous. 11. She makes all (she) clothes herself. 12. There was a cold wind blowing so I put on (I) heavy coat.


Ex 3. Complete these sentences using myself/yourself, etc.

Pattern: Here is the money, go and buy yourself an ice-cream.


1. Be careful! That pan is very hot. Don't burn__________ .

2. I want to know you better. Tell me about____________ .

3. It isn't her fault. She really shouldn't blame___________ .

4. Did you make the dress_________________________ ?

5. The boy was lucky when he fell down the stairs. He didn't hurt_____ .

6. Tom cut________ while he was shaving this morning.

7. He spends most of his time alone, so it's not surprising that he .

8. Don't worry about us. We can look after____________ .


Ex 4. Complete these sentences, using myself, etc. only where necessary.

Pattern: I really don't feel well today, I'll stay in bed.


1. Tom is growing a beard because he doesn't like shaving_________ .

2. The telephone rang while I was taking a shower. I dried_______ and ran into the room.

3. I tried to study but I just couldn't make_____________ .

4. Jack and I first met______ at a party five years ago.

5. You're working too much. Why don't you relax___________ more?

6. It was a lovely holiday. We really enjoyed________ very much.

7. The routine is the same every morning I wash______________ and have breakfast.


Ex. 5. In these sentences you have to write -selves or each other.

Pattern: Look at yourself. Your face is dirty.

How long have Tom and Ann known each others.


1. At Christmas friends often give______________ presents.

2. I enjoyed____ very much at the party.

3. Jack and Jill are very happy together. They love_______ very much.

4. She has no reason to blame____________ .

5. I think this poor dog has hurt___________ .

6. Nora and I don't see__________ very often these days.


Ex 6. Complete these sentences using on my own/by myself, etc.

Pattern: Learner-drivers are not allowed to drive on their own.


1. She hated being in the house on______ . She was afraid to be alone.

2. The box was too heavy for me to lift by________ .

3. You can't expect them to do everything by____________ .

4. Very young children should not be allowed to go swimming by________.

5. Mothers shouldn't leave children in the house on__________ .

6. We've often made that mistake________ .

7. Do you like working with other people or do you prefer working .

8. If the rest of you can't, help we'll have to do it on_____________ .


Ex. 7. Use one of the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences.

1. __________is cooking oil, I always buy________one. 2. She gave me the______ present as a year before. 3. What do you want me to do with______ 4. He was one of________ men whom women all like. 5. Do you see_____ bushes on the other side of the river? 6. Let us leave _____ subject. 7. He continued to frequent the________ cafe as when he had stayed at the hotel. 8. I believe you but there are______________ who wouldn't. 9.______ is what I thought last year. 10._______ life. 11.______ is what I want you to do. 12. I have divided the books into two piles._____ are to be kept.________ are to be sold. 13. Our house was next to__________ of June's.


Ex. 8. Fill in many, much or a lot of.

1. A. Let's go for a walk.

B. I can't. I've got a lot of work to do.

2. A. Do you want to come in for a while?

B. No, thank you. I haven't got ... time.

3. A. Mr. Brown looks very happy.

B. Yes. He won... money last week.

4. A. You've got ... pets!

B. Yes, three dogs and four cats!

5. A. I must go to the bank today.

B. I'll come with you. I haven't got ... money either.

6. A. Have you got ... lessons today?

B. No. I'll be home at three o'clock.

7. A. Have you seen ... horror films?

B. No. I don't like horror films.

8. A. There isn't ... coffee left.

B. I know. I'll buy some today.

9. A. Are there ... children in your class?

B. Yes, about twenty-five.




Ex. 1. Fill in the correct possessive adjective or pronoun.

1. A. Have you met your new neighbours yet?

B. No. I've seen ... children in the garden, though.

2. A. You took ... coat home last night.

В. I know, I'm sorry. I thought it was ... because they're both black.

3. A. What's wrong with Rosie?

B. Oh, she's been having problems with ... back recently.

4. A. James is doing well at school.

В. I know ... teacher says he's very advanced for his age.

5. A. Is this bag ... ?

B. Oh, yes, thank you. I nearly forgot it.

6. A. Julie and Frank are so lucky ... house is beautiful.

B. Yes, and it's so much bigger than    I envy them.

7. A: I like ... shirt. It's like Sandra's.

B: Actually, it is ... I borrowed it from her yesterday.

8. A: Why did you lend Tom ... car?

B: Because ... is being repaired at the moment.


Ex. 2. Fill in a possessive adjective or the.

1. A dog bit him on the leg.

2. I banged ... head on the cupboard door.

3. Karen put ... arm around Jane's shoulder.

4. Don't put ... feet on the table!

5. You shouldn't have punched Tom in ... stomach.

6. Paul patted Lisa on ... shoulder.


Ex 3. Frank and Kim are having a picnic by a lake. Read the dialogue and underline the correct item.

A. There's 1) nothing/something I like more than having a picnic here by Lake Tahoe.

B. Yes, it's 2) anything/something I really enjoy, too. It's great to go 3) anywhere/somewhere where there is no noisy traffic and 4) anything/nothing to disturb us from our lunch. I can't think of 5) somewhere/anywhere I'd rather be than here.

A. I know. There's 6) no one/somebody else here, so we can enjoy the peace and quiet.

B. Well, I'd like 7) any/some more of that chicken. Is there 8) no/any left?

A. Yes, there's plenty in this basket. But there's 9) some/ no mayonnaise, I'm afraid.

B. That's okay. Wait a minute. Did you hear 10) something/nothing?

A. Don't be silly. It was 11) anything/nothing.

B. No, look! A group of school children are coming for a picnic, too!

A. Oh no! I can't think of 12) something/anything worse! Let's go home!


Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their com­pounds.

1. A. Is anything the matter with Dawn? She looks upset.

B. She had an argument with her friend today.

2. A. I think ... is trying to break into that house.

B. You're right. We should call the police.

3. A. We've got ... time to make a cake before the party!

B. I'll go out and buy one then.

4. A. I'm thinking of moving ... to London.

B. Really? My boss has a house near London.

5. A. It was very busy in town today.

B. I know. There was hardly ... to park.

6. A. I suppose I should make ... for dinner.

B. I'll help you if you like.

7. A. What's on TV tonight?

B. I looked in the TV guide. There's hardly ... good on tonight.

8. A. Do you like living in Brighton?

B. Yes, but ... will ever mean as much to me as my home town.

9. A. Did you have a good holiday in England?

B. Yes. There was hardly ... rain all week.

10. A. Did you call Sarah this evening?

B. Yes, but ... was at home, so I left a message on the answering machine.


Ex. 5. Choose the correct answer.

1. "Did you buy a new skirt?" - "No. I looked in C shop in town".

A. everything В. everywhere C. every

2. "Who is coming to your party?" - "I've invited ... I know".

A. everything В. everyone С. everywhere

3. "Have you found your keys yet?" - "No. I've looked but I can't find them".

A. everything В. everywhere С. every

4. "The children must have been hungry". - "I know. They ate ... on their plates".

A. every В. everywhere С. everything

5. "Where shall I put the shopping?" - "Put ... in the kitchen, please".

A. everything В. everywhere С. everybody

6. "How often do you go to the gym?" - "I usually go ... day".

A. everything В. everywhere С. every

7. "Do I have to tidy my room?" - "Yes. There are clothes and toys ...!"

A. everyone В. everywhere С. every

8. "Is there a problem?" - "No, don't worry ... is fine".

A. Everywhere В. Every С. Everything

9. "Has Jim gone out again?" - "Yes. He's been out ... night this week".

A. every В. everything С. everywhere


Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps using each or every.

1. In a basketball match each team has five players.

2. She has a piano lesson ... Wednesday.

3. The Jones' house has ten rooms and they ... have a television in ... room.

4. The teacher told us to spend five minutes on ... question.

5. He visits us ... weekend.

6. My aunt gave ... one of us a present.

7. I love this group. I've got ... record they've ever made.

8. There are three glasses, but ... one is a different shape.

9. I think about him ... moment of the day.

10. ... of these two bottles holds one litre.


Ex 7. Fill in the gaps with a few, very few, a little or very little.

1. A. How was your exam today?

B. Actually, I would have liked a little more time to finish it.

2. A. How do you like your tea?

B. With no sugar and just ... milk, please.

3. A. Are you ready to take your driving test?

B. No. I think I need ... more lessons.

4. A. Do you want me to bring anything for the party?

B. Well, I've got ... wine glasses. Could I borrow some of yours?

5. A. Did you get that job?

B. No. I didn't get it because I've got ... experience.

6. A. Why didn't Alan's business succeed?

B. Unfortunately, he had ... clients.

7. A. Shall we go shopping this evening?

B. I'm sorry, I've got... time today.

8. A. Have you finished your garden yet?

B. Not yet, but I've planted ... trees.

9. A. Are you hungry?

B. Not really. I'll just have ... soup for lunch.

10. A. How was your first day at work?

B. Not very good, really. I made ... mistakes.


Ex. 8. Fill in the gaps with both, all, neither, either or none.

Dear Beth,

Thank you for your letter. I was good to hear 1) all your news. I get lots of letters, but 2) ... of them cheer me up as much as yours. Bill and I are 3) ... very tired at the moment. He's very busy because he's been promoted to manger of his firm. I've started a new job, so don't have much spare time, 4) ... I love my job and 5) ... of the people I work with are friendly, but the long hours seem to take up 6) ... of my energy. My parents are coming to visit us tomorrow. 7) ... of them have seen the new house yet, so I'll have to show them 8) ... around. Bill has decorat­ed 9) ... of the rooms, so 10) ... of them looks the way they did when we moved in. I hope 11) ... you and Toby will be able to visit us again soon, then you can see 12) ... the changes. Write soon. I'm looking forward to 13) ... hearing from you or seeing you soon. 

With love. Chloe


Ex 9. Translate into English using reflexive pronouns.

1. Вы сделали это совершенно самостоятельно?

2. Возьмите себя в руки.

3. Когда мы приехали, сам губернатор встретил нас в аэропорту.

4. Через несколько минут он снова был самим собой.

5. Девушка шла, тихо напевая про себя.

6. Ведите себя как следует.

7. Они слишком много о себе думают.

8. Вы можете разделить это между собой.

9. Я очень горжусь собой, что нашел выход из этой трудной ситуации.

10. Ты можешь сделать это самостоятельно?

11. Вам не надо приходить самому, можете прислать секретаря.


Ex 10. Translate into English paying attention to the use of per­sonal and demonstrative pronouns as the subject.

1. Чьи это брюки? - Это мои брюки.

2. Я принес вам важные новости. Это самые последние новости.

3. Кто-то постучал в дверь. Это мой сосед.

4. Куда вы положили деньги? - Они в кошельке, на полке.

5. Вы помните его? Какой это был мужественный человек!


Ex. 11. Translate into English.

1. Кто знает этого человека?

2. Кто из вас разбил эту вазу?

3. Кого из них вы спрашивали об этом?

4. Кого вы ждете здесь?

5. Кому вы дали свой словарь?


Ex 12. Translate into English.

1. Они ехали по широкой дороге, по обе стороны которой росли деревья.

2. Оба, я и мой брат, были молоды и сильны.

3. Передай это сообщение папе или маме, боюсь, я не увижу ни того, ни другого.

4. Ты не можешь взять с собой оба моих фотоаппарата.

5. Они оба служат в армии. 


1 pros and cons - «за» и «против»

2 experience - опыт

3 job qualifications - сумма качеств, необходимых для приема на работу

4 aptitude-tests - тесты на профпригодность

trade - занятие; ремесло; профессия 

remains to be seen - покажет будущее